
A handly react component for loading Zendesk into your website or web app.

npm install @inlightmedia/react-zendesk-chat@1.0.12


React Zen Desk Component

A handy ReactJS component to be used for loading ZenDesk Chat into your website or web app.


To use this module, just import the library like this:

import ReactZenDeskChat from '@inlightmedia/react-zendesk-chat';

then you can use the module in your app like so:

<ReactZenDeskChat appID="MY_ZEN_DESK_APP_ID" />

Be sure to use your app id.

To get it, go to your ZenDesk Chat dashboard (https://dashboard.zopim.com) after creating your account. Then, go to Settings > Widget > GettingStarted > 1. Embed the Zendesk Chat Widget

You should see something that looks like this:

<!--Start of Zendesk Chat Script-->
<script type="text/javascript">
window.$zopim||(function(d,s){var z=$zopim=function(c){z._.push(c)},$=z.s=
$.src="https://v2.zopim.com/?<MY_ZEN_DESK_APP_ID>";z.t=+new Date;$.
<!--End of Zendesk Chat Script-->

Your appID will be located after the '?' where it reads: <MY_ZEN_DESK_APP_ID>

All the best and happy Zendesking!

PS - This is not an official library and is not affiliated with Zendesk. I just made it and thought I'd open source it as I couldn't find another library to meet my needs.

NB: Feel free to contribute if you feel there could be some improvements but I don't accept any liability for use or misuse of this component in your projects.

  • Bundled with Webpack
  • Develop with Hot Module Replacement (HMR)
  • Includes linting with ESLint
  • Testing with Jest.


Getting Started with the package:

  1. Install - yarn

  2. Start example and start coding - yarn start

  3. Run tests - yarn test

  4. Bundle with - yarn build

  5. To test if it works correctly in another project you can use npm npm install -S ../react-npm-component-boilerplate Note the relative path

NPM equivalent

yarn npm
yarn npm install
yarn test npm run test
yarn build npm run build


MIT © Josh Dyck

Special thanks to Dinesh Pandiyan whose npm boilerplate I used to generate the package.