
An unofficial Discord.js V14 Paginator

discord.js, paginator, pagination, discord-embeds, embeds
npm install @justnoby15/discord.js-paginator@0.1.0



Unofficial Paginator for @discordjs/discord.js supporting Slash commands

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Table of Contents


  • Paginates embeds, but can also have message content
  • Index Select Menu and Buttons that can be manually turned off
  • Slash Command only support

Ask me questions @ justray.#1001 on Discord


npm i @justnoby15/discord.js-paginator



There are simple examples of what the code and actual output may look like. Keep in mind, as of version 0.0.3 of the paginator, Messages as the interaction data aren't handled. This is for users to optimize Discord's slash commands and move away from message commands.

Paginator with Select Menu and Buttons:


const { Paginator, Page } = require('@justnoby15/discord.js-paginator');
const { REST } = require('@discordjs/rest'); // Paginator does not support Message Objects as to adjust everyone to using Discord's suggested Slash Commands.
const { Client, GatewayIntentBits, InteractionType, Routes, EmbedBuilder } = require('discord.js');

const client = new Client({ intents: [GatewayIntentBits.Guilds] });

client.on('ready', () => {
  console.log(`Logged in as ${client.user.tag}!`);

  const commands = [
      name: 'test',
      description: 'test for pro package',
  const rest = new REST({ version: '10' }).setToken('your_token_may_go_here');
  (async () => {
    try {
      await rest.put(Routes.applicationCommands(client.user.id), { body: commands });
      console.log('Successfully registered commands.');
    } catch (error) {

client.on('interactionCreate', async (interaction) => {
    if (interaction.type === InteractionType.ApplicationCommand) {
        if (interaction.commandName === "test") {
            const pages = [
                new Page("Embed 1", new EmbedBuilder().setDescription("One")),
                new Page("Embed 2", new EmbedBuilder().setDescription("Two"), "Page #2"),
                new Page("Embed 3", new EmbedBuilder().setDescription("Three"), "Page #3")

            const paginator = new Paginator(interaction, pages, 15, {authorOnly: false});
            await paginator.run().catch(err => console.log(err));



class Page

Instead of using list of Embeds offered by discord.js, you use a list of Pages from this class.


  • title: string | null: Displayed as the placeholder for select Menu
  • embed: EmbedBuilder | null: A discord.js embed
  • content: string | null: The content of the Page (the message)


  • setTitle(content: string): Sets title of a page
  • setEmbed(embed: EmbedBuilder): Sets the embed of a page
  • setMessageContent(content: string): Sets the message content of a page

Constructor Example

const pages = [
    new Page("Embed 1", new EmbedBuilder().setDescription("One")),
    new Page("Embed 2", new EmbedBuilder().setDescription("Two"), "Page #2")
    new Page("Embed 3", new EmbedBuilder().setDescription("Three"), "Page #3")

const paginator = new Paginator(..., pages, ...);
await paginator.run().catch(err => console.log(err));

Methods Example

const pages = [
    new Page().setTitle("Embed 1").setEmbed(new EmbedBuilder().setDescription("One")),
    new Page().setTitle("Embed 2").setEmbed(new EmbedBuilder().setDescription("Two")).setMessageContent("Page #2"),
    new Page().setTitle("Embed 3").setEmbed(new EmbedBuilder().setDescription("Three")).setMessageContent("Page #3")

const paginator = new Paginator(..., pages, ...);

class Paginator



  • interaction: CacheType: Interaction Object
  • embeds: Page[] | []: A list of embeds
    • Use the Page class
  • seconds: number: Seconds for collector timeout


  • options: Object: An object holding further paginator options
    • options.authorOnly: boolean = true: Whether the Paginator responds to the author or not
    • options.useButtons: boolean = true: Wether the Paginator has buttons
    • options.useSelect: boolean = true: Whether the Paginator has a select menu
    • options.deferReply: boolean = false: Whether the Paginator defers initial reply
    • options.editReply: boolean = false: Whether the Paginator edits the initial interaction reply
    • options.disableAfterTimeout: boolean = true: Whether the Paginator disables after the timeout
    • options.removeAfterTimeout: boolean = false: Whether the Paginator removes buttons after the timeout
    • options.deleteAfterTimeout: boolean = false: Whether the Paginator deletes the message after the timeout


  • addPages(embeds: Page | Page[]): Adds to embeds of Paginator
    const pages = [
        new Page("Embed 1", new EmbedBuilder().setDescription("One")),
        new Page("Embed 2", new EmbedBuilder().setDescription("Two"), "Page #2"),
        new Page("Embed 3", new EmbedBuilder().setDescription("Three"), "Page #3")
    const paginator = new Paginator(interaction, pages, 15).addPages(new Page().setTitle("Newest Page").setEmbed(new EmbedBuilder().setDescription("Four")));
  • setPages(embeds: Page[]): Sets embeds of Paginator
    const paginator = new Paginator(interaction).setPages([
        new Page("Embed 1", new EmbedBuilder().setDescription("One")),
        new Page("Embed 2", new EmbedBuilder().setDescription("Two"), "Page #2"),
        new Page("Embed 3", new EmbedBuilder().setDescription("Three"), "Page #3")
  • setSeconds(seconds: number): Sets time of Paginator in seconds
    const paginator = new Paginator(interaction, pages).setSeconds(15);
  • setAuthorOnly(bool: boolean): Sets authorOnly of Paginator
    const paginator = new Paginator(interaction, pages, 15).setAuthorOnly(false);
  • setUseButtons(bool: boolean): Sets useButtons of Paginator
    const paginator = new Paginator(interaction, pages, 15).setUseButtons(false);
  • setUseSelect(bool: boolean): Sets useSelect of Paginator
    const paginator = new Paginator(interaction, pages, 15).setUseSelect(false);
  • setDeferReply(bool: boolean): Sets deferReply of Paginator
    const paginator = new Paginator(interaction, pages, 15).setDeferReply(true);
  • setEditReply(bool: boolean): Sets editReply of Paginator
    const paginator = new Paginator(interaction, pages, 15).setEditReply(true);
  • setDisableAfterTimeout(bool: boolean): Sets disableAfterTimeout of Paginator
    const paginator = new Paginator(interaction, pages, 15).setDisableAfterTimeout(false);
  • setRemoveAfterTimeout(bool: boolean): Sets removeAfterTimeout of Paginator
    const paginator = new Paginator(interaction, pages, 15).setRemoveAfterTimeout(true);
  • setDeleteAfterTimeout(bool: boolean): Sets deleteAfterTimeout of Paginator
    const paginator = new Paginator(interaction, pages, 15).setDeleteAfterTimeout(true);
  • formatOptions(): Formats all the values you put into the options parameter. Necessary for Paginator process, however user is not inquired to use this function, the paginator already does it for you.
    • What does it do exactly? It simply checks for undefined properties and sets them to default.
  • async compileErrors(): A function that catches all errors you could have based on your inputs.
    • Returns a Promise: This is so users could check if there Paginator inputs were wrong before running the bot, but this is not required and NOT recommended, because Paginator does it for you. Though, you can use the script like this now:
    const paginator = new Paginator(interaction, pages, 15, {useButtons: false, useSelect: false}); // The options throw Invalid Build error
    await paginator.compileErrors().catch(err => console.log(err)).then(async () => await paginator.run());
  • async run(): The Paginator
  • data(): Returns all Paginator Attributes


Data you can access using the Paginator's data() function.

    interaction: {
        interactionType: InteractionType,
        client: Client,
        channel: TextBasedChannel,
        user: User,
        guild: Guild,
        command: CommandInteraction || null,
        createdAt: number,
        interactionId: string
    paginator: {
        pages: Page[],
        time: number,
        message: Message,
        authorOnly: boolean,
        useButtons: boolean,
        useSelect: boolean,
        deferReply: boolean,
        editReply: boolean,
        disableAfterTimeout: boolean,
        removeAfterTimeout: boolean,
        deleteAfterTimeout: boolean
        messageId: string
const paginator = new Paginator(interaction, pages, 15);


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