
The RIPE UPS API client

api, client, ups, js
npm install @kitaety/ups-api@1.0.5


It's a fork of https://github.com/ripe-tech/ups-api-js

UPS API for Javascript

The Javascript version of the UPS Shipping service.

const upsApi = require("ups-api");

// instance the API client with defaults
const api = new upsApi.API({
    clientId: "myUpsAppClientId",
    clientSecret: "myUpsAppClientSecret"

// example: request tracking information
const tracking = await api.getTrackingDetails("7798339175");


Name Type Default Description
UPS_ENVIRONMENT str "production" The environment of UPS API (production/test)
UPS_AUTH_URL str "https://onlinetools.ups.com/" The base auth URL used for the OAuth token request.
UPS_BASE_URL str "https://onlinetools.ups.com/api/" The base URL used for API requests.
UPS_API_VERSION str "v1" The version of the API to use.
UPS_CLIENT_ID str None The application client ID to obtain the token.
UPS_CLIENT_SECRET str None The application client secret to obtain the token.
UPS_GRANT_TYPE str "client_credentials" The application grant type to obtain the token.
UPS_TOKEN str None The token granted by the OAuth request.
UPS_TRANSACTION_SRC str None The transaction source to be added to request headers.

Allowed Methods

AddressValidation Api

  • addressValidation

Locator Api

  • getNearestAccessPoint

Paperless Api

  • createDocument
  • addDocumentShipment

Pickup Api

  • schedulePickup

Rates Api

  • rates

Shipment Api

  • createShipment
  • cancelShipment
  • getWaybill

Tracking Api

  • getTrackingDetails


UPS API for Javascript is currently licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

Build Automation

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