
Kriszu ESLint config

eslint-config, eslint
npm install @kriszu/eslint-config@3.3.4


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My ESlint configuration, based on @antfu/eslint-config with personal customizations. Flat ESLint config for JavaScript, TypeScript, Vue 2, Vue 3.


This is my personal ESlint configuration, based on the excellent @antfu/eslint-config.

  • Auto fix for formatting (aimed to be used standalone without Prettier)
  • Reasonable defaults, best practices, only one line of config
  • Designed to work with TypeScript, JSX, Vue, JSON, YAML, Toml, Markdown, etc. Out-of-box.
  • ESLint Flat config, compose easily!
  • Optional React, UnoCSS support
  • Optional formatters support for formatting CSS, HTML, XML, etc.
  • Style principle: Minimal for reading, stable for diff, consistent
  • Respects .gitignore by default
  • Supports ESLint v9 or v8.50.0+


pnpm i -D eslint @kriszu/eslint-config

And create eslint.config.mjs in your project root:

// eslint.config.mjs
import defineEslintConfig from '@kriszu/eslint-config'

export default defineEslintConfig()

Note that .eslintignore no longer works in Flat config, see customization for more details.

Add script for package.json

  "scripts": {
    "lint": "eslint .",
    "lint:fix": "eslint . --fix"


We provided an experimental CLI tool to help you migrate from the legacy config to the new flat config.

npx @kriszu/eslint-config@latest

Before running the migration, make sure to commit your unsaved changes first.

VS Code support (auto fix)

Install VS Code ESLint extension

Add the following settings to your .vscode/settings.json:

  // Enable the ESlint flat config support
  // (remove this if your ESLint extension above v3.0.5)
  "eslint.experimental.useFlatConfig": true,

  // Disable the default formatter, use eslint instead
  "prettier.enable": false,
  "editor.formatOnSave": false,

  // Auto fix
  "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
    "source.fixAll.eslint": "explicit",
    "source.organizeImports": "never"

  // Silent the stylistic rules in you IDE, but still auto fix them
  "eslint.rules.customizations": [
    { "rule": "style/*", "severity": "off", "fixable": true },
    { "rule": "format/*", "severity": "off" , "fixable": true},
    { "rule": "*-indent", "severity": "off" , "fixable": true},
    { "rule": "*-spacing", "severity": "off" , "fixable": true},
    { "rule": "*-spaces", "severity": "off" , "fixable": true},
    { "rule": "*-order", "severity": "off" , "fixable": true},
    { "rule": "*-dangle", "severity": "off" , "fixable": true},
    { "rule": "*-newline", "severity": "off" , "fixable": true},
    { "rule": "*quotes", "severity": "off" , "fixable": true},
    { "rule": "*semi", "severity": "off", "fixable": true }

  // Enable eslint for all supported languages
  "eslint.validate": [


// eslint.config.js
import defineEslintConfig from '@kriszu/eslint-config'

export default defineEslintConfig()

And that's it! Or you can configure each integration individually, for example:

// eslint.config.js
import defineEslintConfig from '@kriszu/eslint-config'

export default defineEslintConfig({
  // Enable stylistic formatting rules
  // stylistic: true,

  // Or customize the stylistic rules
  stylistic: {
    indent: 2, // 4, or 'tab'
    quotes: 'single', // or 'double'

  // TypeScript and Vue are auto-detected, you can also explicitly enable them:
  typescript: true,
  vue: true,

  // Disable jsonc and yaml support
  jsonc: false,
  yaml: false,

  // `.eslintignore` is no longer supported in Flat config, use `ignores` instead
  ignores: [
    // ...globs

Check out the configs and factory for more details.

Plugins Renaming

New Prefix Original Prefix Source Plugin
import/* i/* eslint-plugin-i
node/* n/* eslint-plugin-n
ts/* @typescript-eslint/* @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin
style/* @stylistic/* @stylistic/eslint-plugin
test/* vitest/* @vitest/eslint-plugin
test/* no-only-tests/* eslint-plugin-no-only-tests

When you want to override rules, or disable them inline, you need to update to the new prefix:

-// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-definitions
+// eslint-disable-next-line ts/consistent-type-definitions
type foo = { bar: 2 }

Running npx eslint should prompt you to install the required dependencies, otherwise, you can install them manually:

npm i -D eslint-plugin-format


To enable React support, you need to explicitly turn it on:

// eslint.config.js
import defineEslintConfig from '@kriszu/eslint-config'

export default defineEslintConfig({
  react: true,

Running npx eslint should prompt you to install the required dependencies, otherwise, you can install them manually:

npm i -D @eslint-react/eslint-plugin eslint-plugin-react-hooks eslint-plugin-react-refresh


To enable UnoCSS support, you need to explicitly turn it on:

// eslint.config.js
import defineEslintConfig from '@kriszu/eslint-config'

export default defineEslintConfig({
  unocss: true,

Running npx eslint should prompt you to install the required dependencies, otherwise, you can install them manually:

npm i -D @unocss/eslint-plugin

Lint Staged

If you want to apply lint and auto-fix before every commit, you can add the following to your package.json:

  "simple-git-hooks": {
    "pre-commit": "pnpm lint-staged"
  "lint-staged": {
    "*": "eslint --fix"


MIT License © 2022-PRESENT Kriszu