
Domain Driven ideology for Javascript applications.

npm install @liveaxle/continuum@1.1.3-alpha




Domain Driven ideology for browser based applications.



npm install --save @liveaxle/continuum


  • Node: 9.2.0 - but should work as low as 6.10
  • Babel: Preset-Env should cover everything.
  • Browsers: TBA (Chrome and FF, yes)

Continuum was written with vanila node.js so that it could work behind whatever build system/config your application has.


If you're interested to see how Continuum can be used in an ETL setting, fork this repository and check out the demo app!

  • git clone git@github.com:liveaxle/continuum.git
  • cd continuum
  • npm install
  • npm run demo:seed
  • npm run demo:server

After that go to http://localhost:9001 In your browser!

Captain's Log

As someone who is not a fan of frameworks yet found themselves building the same core constructs every time I started a new project: I decided to put these ideas into something that made it easier for me to be consistent across endeavors. The result turned out to be more of a means of managing ETL semantically within a stateful application than a framework.


Concept Description
Semantic The core construct behind Continuum is a domain. A domain is simply a semantic way to group first-class entities of your application. Such as a users domain or a vehicles domain..
ETL Continuum was designed to make ETL in JS apps simpler and robust.
Abstract The abstractions have been designed in a way that should enable you to use what components you feel necessary.
Conventions The structures of Continuum seek to provide consistency in the way our code can be organized and abstracted.


See the wiki for moar information.


If you have some changes you would like to introduce, please submit a PR with notes detailing the contents, intentions and context of the change.