
An API wrapper for the pop cat API to make your life easier while using it!

image generation, discord.js, discord welcome card
npm install @mrbeastprolevel/popcat-api-wrapper-v2@1.2.2



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npm i @mrbeastprolevel/popcat-api-wrapper-v2


Jokes command, no input example:

const pop = require("@mrbeastprolevel/popcat-api-wrapper-v2");
const Discord = require("discord.js");
const client = new Discord.Client({
  intents: ["Guilds", "GuildMessages", "GuildMembers"],

client.on("messageCreate", async (message) => {
  if (message.content.toLowerCase() === ">joke") {
    const joke = await pop.joke();
    joke.then(async (res) => {

client.login("bot token");

Biden command, 1 text input example

const pop = require("@mrbeastprolevel/popcat-api-wrapper-v2");
const Discord = require("discord.js");

const text = "String";
const img = await pop.biden(text);
img.then(() => {
  const image = new Discord.AttachmentBuilder(img, { name: "biden.png" });
    files: [image],

Pooh meme command, more than one text input example

const pop = require("@mrbeastprolevel/popcat-api-wrapper-v2");
const Discord = require("discord.js");

const text1 = "String";
const text2 = "String 2";
const img = await pop.pooh(text1, text2);
img.then(() => {
  const image = new Discord.AttachmentBuilder(img, { name: "pooh.png" });
    files: [image],

Screenshot command, image output / output example \

 const pop = require("@mrbeastprolevel/popcat-api-wrapper-v2");
 const Discord = require("discord.js");
 const url = "https://youtube.com" // Any url
 const ss = await pop.screenshot(url);

 ss.then(() => {
   const image = new Discord.AttachmentBuilder(ss, { name: "screenshot.png" });
     files: [image],

Drip command, image input example

const Discord = require("discord.js");
const pop = require("@mrbeastprolevel/popcat-api-wrapper-v2");

let user = message.mentions.users.first() || message.author;
const av = user.displayAvatarURL();

const image = await pop.drip(av);

image.then(() => {
  const attachment = new Discord.AttachmentBuilder(res, { name: "drip.png" });
    files: [attachment],

Lyrics command, object output example :

const pop = require("@mrbeastprolevel/popcat-api-wrapper-v2");
const song = "Zayn Vibez" // Song name
const lyrics = pop.lyrics(song)
lyrics.then(async (res) => {
    console.log(res) // This will return an object with the song name, artist, and lyrics etc.
    // console.log(data[0].lyrics) -> To get the lyrics only
    // console.log(data[0].artist) -> To get the artist only
    // console.log(data[0].title) -> To get the song name only
    // console.log(data[0].album) -> To get the album name only 
    // console.log(data[0].image) -> To get the album image only

   lyrics: 'Lyrics',
   artist: 'Artist',
   title: 'Title',
   album: 'Album',
  image: 'Image'

Color command, object output example :

const pop = require("@mrbeastprolevel/popcat-api-wrapper-v2");

const color = "ffcc99";
const output = await pop.colorinfo(color);
output.then(async (res) => {
 "hex": "#ffcc99",
 "name": "Peach Orange",
 "rgb": "rgb(255,204,153)",
 "color_image": "https://api.popcat.xyz/color/image/ffcc99",
 "brightened": "#ffe6cc"

So, if you want to collect for example the rgb, you need to:

console.log(output.rgb) (gives out the rgb value of 'ffcc99' hex.)

This method applies for Playstore, iTunes, WouldYouRather, RandomMeme, instagramUser, npm and Colorinfo.

Welcome Card

const pop = require('@mrbeastprolevel/popcat-api-wrapper-v2')
const Discord = require("discord.js")
const image = await pop.welcomecard(background, avatar, text_1, text_2, text_3)
image.then(() => {
  const attachment = new Discord.AttachmentBuilder(image, { name: "welcomecard.png" })
<Channel>.send({ files: [attachment] })


You can get a full list of the possible API endpoints Here


  • This API wrapper v1 was coded by popcat api developer. I've just updated and added quite a few new things init. Copyright goes to him respectively!. Click here To see the v1 wrapper.


DM Zayn#9478 For Help & Support