
Nasriya HyperCloud is a lightweight Node.js HTTP2 framework.

Server-side rendering, SSR framework, JavaScript framework, Node.js framework, Component-based rendering, Multilingual support, Dynamic components, Page templates, Asset management, Global stylesheets, Global scripts, Meta tags, Reusable components, Web development, Backend framework, Full-stack JavaScript, EJS templates, Component assets, Page assets, Rendering manager, http2, cloudflare, cron, cronjob, cronjob-scheduler, dns, duckdns, http, http-server, http2-server, https, https-server
npm install @nasriya/hypercloud@0.0.5-beta


Nasriya HyperCloud

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Visit us at www.nasriya.net.

Nasriya HyperCloud is a lightweight Node.js HTTP2 framework.

Made with ❀️ in Palestine πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ


HyperCloud is a robust server-side rendering (SSR) framework designed to build and define components and pages efficiently. The framework supports multilingual pages, handles component rendering, and manages assets seamlessly, ensuring a smooth development experience.


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Key Features

  • HTTP2 Framework.
  • Component-Based Architecture: Define and build reusable components and pages with ease.
  • Multilingual Support: Define localized content for your pages using locals for each language. The framework ensures the correct content is rendered based on the user's language preference.
  • Automatic Asset Management: Automatically include stylesheets, scripts, and meta tags from components and global settings in the rendered pages.
  • Preserved Asset Order: Maintain the order of assets as defined, ensuring predictable rendering.
  • Secure Server with FREE SSL certificates.
  • Built-In & Custom Error Pages.
  • Built-in (In-Memory) Rate Limiter.
  • Built-in Helmet Protection.

Additional Features

  • File Upload Handling: Manage file uploads with built-in support for configuring file size limits, handling different file types, and automatically cleaning up temporary files.
  • Works well with proxies.

Status Status

If you encounter an issue or a bug, please open an issue.

Quick Start Guide

Quickly run a HyperCloud server in 5 easy steps.

1. Installation

npm i @nasriya/hypercloud

2. Importing

Importing in ESM modules

import hypercloud from '@nasriya/hypercloud';

Importing in CommonJS modules

const hypercloud = require('@nasriya/hypercloud').default;

3. Creating & Initializing a server

// Create a new server
const server = hypercloud.Server();

// (Optional) Set the main server so you can use it anywhere
hypercloud.server = server;

:: Advanced Server Configurations ::

4. Defining routes

For now, you only have a server that serves a 404 page on any path, so let's define more routes now using the server's Router.

const router = server.Router();

// Define a route for the homepage
router.use('/', (request, response, next) => {
    response.status(200).send({ data: '<h1>Hello, WOrld!</h1>' })

:: Advanced Router Implementations ::

5. Start listening

To start listening for requests just call the listen method on the server.

server.listen();        // Prints ⇨ HyperCloud Server is listening on port #80
// OR
server.listen(5000);    // Prints ⇨ HyperCloud Server is listening on port #5000

For secure servers

server.listen();        // Prints ⇨ HyperCloud Server is listening securely on port #443
// OR
server.listen(8443);    // Prints ⇨ HyperCloud Server is listening securely on port #8443

Congratulations! Your server is now ready to handle requests.


HyperCloud has more features and advanced configurations.

Enable Debugging

You can enable debugging to get more details about operations and errors.

hypercloud.verbose = true;

Rate Limiter

Protect your websites against abusive usage by setting limits on how much users can access your site or consume your APIs. The rate limiter can help you prevent small DDoS attacks, but it's not meant for that purpose. We recommend using Cloudflare to protect your resources from DDoS attacks.

Learn how to setup a Rate Limiter here.

Helmet Protection

In today's digital landscape, security is paramount. HyperCloud's built-in Helmet protection is designed to provide robust security measures, safeguarding your applications from a myriad of common web vulnerabilities. By integrating Helmet, HyperCloud ensures that your applications are shielded against threats such as cross-site scripting (XSS), clickjacking, and other malicious attacks. This advanced protection layer helps developers focus on building features and functionality, knowing that their applications are fortified with industry-leading security practices. With Helmet, HyperCloud takes a proactive approach to web security, offering peace of mind and enabling you to deliver secure, reliable applications to your users.

To enable Helmet protection:

server.helmet(); // This applies all the default configurations

Learn how to customize the Helmet here.

Proxy Servers

If your server is running behind a proxy server, you need to configure the proxy option of the server before initializing it.

Learn how to setup your server behind a Proxy Server here.


We understand that some sites are multilingual. With HyperCloud, you can easily build multilingual sites.

Supported Languages

You can set a list of languages that your server supports to properly handle language-related requests, like checking users' preferred language to serve them content in their language.

Here's how to set a list of supported languages on your server:

server.languages.supported = ['en', 'ar', 'de'];
Default Language

If a user doesn't have a preferred language, the browser's language is selected then checked against the server's supported languages, if the browser's language isn't supported, the server's default language is used to render pages or serve other language-related content.

To set a default language:

server.languages.default = 'ar';

Note: The default language must be one of the supported languages or an error will be thrown.

HyperCloud Built-In User

HyperCloud provides a built-in HyperCloudUser on each request and allows you to populate it using a custom handler, you can then access the user object from any route via the request object.

The built-in user object looks like this:

// request.user
    id: string,
    loggedIn: boolean,
    role: 'Admin'|'Member'|'Visitor',
    preferences: {
        language: string,
        locale: string,
        currency: string,
        colorScheme: 'Dark'|'Light'

Learn how to populate the request.user object and work with it here.

Error Handling & Pages

HyperCloud provides four built-in error pages out of the box, 401, 403, 404, and 500. You can render these pages from your code and customize them with your own text, or you can set custom handlers to run whenever you needed.

To render error pages, just call them from the pages module in the response object.

router.use('*', (request, response, next) => {
    // Render the 401 page.

    // Render the 403 page.

    // Render the 404 page.

    // Render the 500 page.

Learn more about Error Handling & Pages here.

Requests Logging

You can add a logger to log incoming requests by setting a logger handler.

server.handlers.logger((request, response, next) => {
    // Use the request to gather information and log them.
    next(); // make sure to call next

You can also use another logging packages like Logify to help you with logging.

import logify from '@nasriya/logify';


File Upload Handling

The framework includes a robust file upload handling module that supports various file types and sizes. It allows for flexible configuration of file size limits, dynamic directory management, and efficient memory usage through file streaming. This feature is designed to handle multipart form data, automatically manage temporary files, and integrate seamlessly with other server functionalities.

Here's how:

router.post('/api/v1/uploads', async (request, response, next) => {
    try {
        // Process the form data and handle the files
        await request.processFormData(response);

        // Extract fields, files, and the cleanup function from the request body
        const { fields, files, cleanup } = request.body as FormDataBody;

        // Process the files and fields (e.g., store files, update database)
        // ............................

        // Clean up temporary files after processing
        await cleanup();

        // Return a response or proceed to the next middleware/handler
    } catch(error) {

Learn more about File Upload Handling here.

Generating eTags

ETags can significantly improve server performance. To generate eTags for your resources, use the following syntax:

import path from 'path';


The code will generate a unique eTags.json file in each sub-directory including the provided root directory.

The generated eTags.json file will be something like this:

    "<filename.png>": "<file_eTag>",
    "logo.svg": "the-hashed-content"

Server Side Rendering (SSR)

You can define multilingual-ready pages by specifying locals for each language. The content of the page changes based on the language.

How it works
  1. Define your pages and components.

  2. Register the pages and components.

     // Register pages
     // Register components
  3. Render the pages

     router.get('/', (request, response, next) => {

Learn how to define components and pages here.

Upcoming Features & Improvements

New features planned for the complete version:

Security Feature (Block connections by IP address or country)

Add a feature to block connections from specific IP addresses or countries to enhance security.

  • Implementation Strategy:
    • User-Agent Parsing: Use a library to parse the User-Agent string and extract platform details.
    • Integration: Integrate this parsing logic into the request handling process.
    • Configuration: Allow for enabling/disabling this feature based on user preference.

If you want to request a new feature feel free to reach out:


Please read the license from here.