
js helpers for quatrefoil

npm install @quatrefoil/utils@0.0.3



Render Three.js with Respo style code(experimental).

Demo http://repo.quamolit.org/quatrefoil.calcit/

Shortcuts for viewport movememnt

Keyword shortcuts for viewport moving:

  • w move forward
  • s move backward
  • a move left
  • d move left
  • "Up" move up
  • "Down" move down
  • "Shift Up" rotate to view up
  • "Shift Down" rotate to view down
  • "Left" rotate to view left
  • "Right" rotate to view right


  • Material, currently :line-basic, :line-dashed, :mesh-basic, :mesh-lambert, :mesh-standard.
  :kind :mesh-standard
  :opacity 0.9
  :transparent true
  :roughness 0.5
  :metalness 0.9
  :color 0x9050c0
  • group, takes children elements:
group $ {}
  :position $ [] 0 0 0
  :rotation $ [] 0 0 0
  :scale $ [] 1 1 1
  • scene, which refers to a global scene element:
scene ({})
  • box
box $ {}
  :width 10
  :height 10
  :depth 10
  :material Material
  :position $ [] 0 0 0
  :rotation $ [] 0 0 0
  :scale $ [] 1 1 1
  :material Material
  • sphere
sphere $ {}
  :radius 10
  :width-segments 10
  :position $ [] 0 0 0
  :rotation $ [] 0 0 0
  :scale $ [] 1 1 1
  :material Material
  • point-light
point-light $ {}
  :color $ 0xaaaaff
  :intensity $ 1
  :distance 100
  :position $ [] 0 0 0
  • ambient-light
ambient-light $ {}
  :color $ 0xaaaaff
  :intensity 1
  • rect-area-light
rect-area-light $ {}
  :color $ 0xaaaaff
  :intensity 1
  :width 100
  :height 100
  :look-at $ [] 100 100 100
  :position $ [] 0 0 0
  :rotation $ [] 0 0 0
  :scale $ [] 1 1 1
  • perspective-camera
perspective-camera $ {}
  :fov 40
  :aspect $ / js/window.innerWidth js/window.innerHeight
  :near 10
  :far 100
  • text
text $ {}
  :text |Demo
  :position $ [] 0 0 0
  :rotation $ [] 0 0 0
  :scale $ [] 1 1 1
  :material Material
  • line
line $ {}
  :lines $ [][]
    10 20 10
    100 140 0
  :position $ [] 0 0 0
  :rotation $ [] 0 0 0
  :scale $ [] 1 1 1
  :material Material
  • spline
spline $ {}
  :points $ [][]
    10 20 10
    100 140 0
  :position $ [] 0 0 0
  :rotation $ [] 0 0 0
  :scale $ [] 1 1 1
  :material Material
  • torus
torus $ {}
  :r1 10
  :r2 2
  :s1 20
  :s2 40
  :arc $ * 2 &PI
  :position $ [] 0 0 0
  :rotation $ [] 0 0 0
  :scale $ [] 1 1 1
  :material Material
  • tube
tube $ {}
  :points-fn $ fn (radio factor)
    [] (* factor radio) 0 0
  :factor 1
  :radius 0.8
  :tubular-segments 400
  :radial-segments 20
  :position $ [] 0 0 0
  :rotation $ [] 0 0 0
  :scale $ [] 1 1 1
  :material Material
  • shape
shape $ {}
  :path $ [][]
    :move-to 0 0
    :line-to 10 10
    :line-to 10 5
    :line-to 0 0
  :position $ [] 0 0 0
  :rotation $ [] 0 0 0
  :scale $ [] 1 1 1
  :material Material
  • polyhedron
polyhedron $ {}
  :vertices $ [][] (8 4 -2)
    4 9 -3
    -5 -2 -4
    4 2 8
  :indices $ [][] (0 1 2)
    0 1 3
    0 2 3
    1 2 3
  :radius 10
  :detail 0
  :position $ [] 20 10 10
  :material Material
  • plane-reflector
plane-reflector $ {}
  :width 40
  :height 40
  :color 0xffaaaa
  :position $ [] 0 0 0
  :rotation $ [] 0 0 0
  • parametric for parametric geometry
parametric $ {}
  :func $ fn (u v)
    [] 0 0 0
  :slices 10
  :stacks 10
  • buffer-object based on BufferGeometry

and flat-values is a macro for turning lists into a flat one.

buffer-object $ {}
  :vertices $ flat-values
    0 0 0
    10 0 0
    5 0 8
    5 8 0
  :indices $ flat-values
    0 1 2
    0 2 3
    1 2 3


Relies on https://github.com/calcit-lang/calcit_runner.rs .

cr --emit-js -1
cp assets/* js/out/
yarn vite
