
React.js Google Maps API integration

React, Google, Google Maps, google-maps, @google-maps, google-maps-api, @google-maps-api, Map, Maps, API, GoogleMap, react-component, addons/MarkerClusterer, directions/DirectionsRenderer, directions/DirectionsService, drawing/DrawingManager, places/SearchBox, InfoWindow, KmlLayer, Marker, MarkerClusterer, OverlayView, Circle, Polygon, Polyline, Rectangle, StreetViewPanorama, TrafficLayer, visualization/HeatmapLayer, ScriptLoader, Typescript, gatsby, google-map, google-map-react, google-maps-javascript, google-maps-javascript-api, google-maps-react, react-google-map, react-google-map-example, react-google-maps, react-google-maps-api
npm install @react-google-maps/api@1.2.1



@react-google-maps organization root

You can donate or became a sponsor https://opencollective.com/react-google-maps-api#category-CONTRIBUTE

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For API README please navigate to https://github.com/JustFly1984/react-google-maps-api/tree/master/packages/react-google-maps-api

or https://react-google-maps-api-docs.netlify.app

For Maintainers

Join our Slack channel

For Developers and Contributors


  • basic git, JavaScript, React knowledge
  • Google Maps API Key from Google Cloud Console
  • git
  • node
  • yarn

To develop locally

Fork original repo at https://github.com/JustFly1984/react-google-maps-api. Clone your fork to local directory of your choice, install dependencies, set up your API Key, and start storybook server. Following commands should do the job:

  • git clone https://github.com/YOUR_USER_NAME/react-google-maps-api.git - clone your fork `
  • cd react-google-maps-api - move to newly created folder
  • cp .storybook/example.maps.config.ts .storybook/maps.config.ts - create file with API Key
  • yarn install - install dependencies
  • yarn bootstrap - setup workspace
  • yarn storybook - run storybook server

Any changes you make to src folders of contained packages should reflect on the storybook server.

To contribute

Create a feature/fix branch on your own fork and make pull request towards develop branch of the original repo.

You can donate or became a sponsor https://opencollective.com/react-google-maps-api#category-CONTRIBUTE