This package has two servers:
viya-appserverjs - Use this for developing an app server for web applications(see packages/appjs)
viya-apiserverjs - Use this to develop rest api servers(see packages/apijs)
Specify it as a dependency in your package.json just as you do with other dependencies
Use npx command to start the server
npx @sassoftware/viyaappserverjs
- Set the default settings in Dockerfile. This will ensure these are set when you build containers.
- The defaults can be overriden using environment variables.
When running on a non-docker environment, you can use a .env
VIYA_SERVER=<your viya server>
APPHOST=localhost < can also be dns name of your server. ex:>
APPPORT=5000 <any port of your choice>
FROM node:12.16.1-alpine
LABEL maintainer="your email"
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY . .
RUN npm install
# RUN npm run build (if you have to build something)
# The following are defaults. Override them as needed
# APPLOC - where the file specified in APPENTRY is
# APPENTRY - the main entry of the application
ENV APPLOC=./public
ENV APPENTRY=index.html
# if your app takes advantage of appenv.js to pass configuration to the web application
# ENV APPENV=appenv.js
# See notes below on running with SSL enabled
ENV TLS_CREATE="C:US,ST:NC,L:Cary,O:yourcompany,OU:STO,CN:localhost"
ENV SAMESITE=None,secure
# It is better to set this before invoking the server
# set this to YES if you want access to the authentication token in the app
CMD ["npx", "@sassoftware/viya-appserverjs"]
This is the recommended setting. This will also make browsers like Chrome run with the SAMESITE settings set to Default - your users will thank you.
Make sure you specify the VIYA_SERVER with a protocol of https.
Option 1: Let server create a temporary unsigned certificate
ENV TLS_CREATE=C:US,ST:NC,L:Cary,O:YourCompany,OU:yourgroup,CN:localhost
Option 2: Provide your own key and certificate key
ENV TLS_KEY=../certs/self/key.pem
ENV TLS_CERT=../certs/self/certificate.pem
- Option 3: Provide key and certificate as a pfx file
ENV TLS_PFX=../certs/sascert/sascert2.pfx