Json formated data from from set of page of travail-emploi website You can include json data
const { decodeEmail } = require("@socialgouv/fiches-travail-data");
const fichesMT = require("@socialgouv/fiches-travail-data/data/fiches-travail.json");
Build dist folder once
$ yarn build
Make sure references are good
$ yarn checkRefs
Fetch fiches from https://travail-emploi.gouv.fr
$ yarn start
$ yarn test
There are some email adresses in the data. To prevent email sniffing
we transform the @
into _@
The release job is schedule every day at 23.00PM ans also trigger after each commit in the master branch. If data had changed, a new release will be made.
Releases are automaticly made through our GitHub Actions strictly following the Semantic Versioning specification thanks to semantic-release.
We release an additional @socialgouv/fiches-travail-data-types
package by sed-ing the package.json (see .releaserc.yml
If you need to trigger the release job manually, you can do it using the GitHub UI or curl. You will need to provide a valid token.
curl -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.everest-preview+json" \
-H "Authorization: token <your-token-here>" \
--request POST \
--data '{"event_type": "manual_release"}' \