
Strassen Design System

typescript, vue, design-system
npm install @strassen/design-system@2.2.16


Strassen Design System

To Do

  • Remove lodash

Project setup

yarn install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

yarn serve

Compiles and minifies for production

yarn build

Run your unit tests

yarn test:unit

Lints and fixes files

yarn lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.

How to write the tags.json and attributes.json files

The tags.json and attributes.json files are used by Vetur to generate autocompletion when using the lib's components.


The tags.json file describes what tags to suggest when the user is typing in a vue template, they should contain all the lib's components and their attributes. Each entry is structured like this:

"ds-component-name": {
  "attributes": ["prop-1", "prop-2", "event-1"],
  "defaults": ["event-1"],
  "description": "Describes the component"

A brief explanation of the structure:

  • The attributes key is an array of all the component's props and events
  • The defaults key should contain the attributes that should be automatically written when the tag is autocompleted. This is useful for components with required props or events that should always be listened to.
  • The description is shown to the user when hovering over the autocomplete selection. It should briefly describe the component


The attributes.json file describes what attributes to suggest and how to autocomplete them. The attributes can be props or events from our custom components. Each entry is structured like this:

"ds-component-name/attribute-name": {
  "description": "Describes the attribute",
  "type": "", // nullable, can be boolean/flag/method
  "options": ["option1", "option2"], // nullable

Some title examples:

  • DsButton component with a label prop should be: ds-button/label
  • DsButton component with a click event should be: ds-button/click
  • Any component from the lib with a required prop should be: required

The description text should follow some general rules:

  • When referring to a prop the description should describe what it controls/changes in the component, like:
"ds-component-name/title": {
  "description": "Text shown at the top of the component",
  • When referring to an event the description should be describe when the event is triggered, like:
"ds-component-name/close": {
  "description": "Triggered when the user clicks on the gray area",

The description prop also controls the default value for the attribute, just append ", default: value", to the description, like this:

"ds-component-name/type": {
  "options": ["primary", "success", "error"],
  "description": "The type of the component, default: primary"

The type should be one of the following:

  • Empty, simply do not write the "type" key in the attribute object. This indicates that either the attribute is a text prop and has no autocomplete, or the attribute has an options key that already exemplifies its possible values

  • boolean, used when the prop is a Boolean and false by default, so the presence of the tag means it's true. When autocompleting a boolean prop, no quotes will be opened, since there isn't an expected value, just the presence is enough.

  • flag, like the boolean type, also used when the prop is a Boolean, but not neccessarily false by default. The difference is that when using flag the autocomplete opens quotes when triggered, but the boolean doesn't.

  • method, used when the attribute is an event listener