
importModule() is a polyfill of import().

dynamic, import, polyfill, module, ESModule, ESModules, uupaa
npm install @uupaa/dynamic-import-polyfill@1.0.2


dynamic import() polyfill

importModule() is an alternative implementation for environments where import() can not be used.

Browser support

Browser ES Modules import() importModule()
Chrome 61 63 ⭕️
Chrome for Android 61 63 ⭕️
Mac Safari 10.1 11 ⭕️
Mobile Safari 10.3 11 ⭕️
Firefox 55 ⭕️
Edge 16 ⭕️ (Partial support)

Browser should supports are ES Modules, Promise, Blob and window.URL functions.


async / await style

<script type="module">
import { importModule } from "https://uupaa.github.io/dynamic-import-polyfill/importModule.js";

(async() => {
  const Modules = {
    Lib1: "./Lib1.js",
    Lib2: "https://example.com/Lib2.js",
  const { Lib1 } = await importModule(Modules.Lib1); // named export and import
  const { default: Lib2 } = await importModule(Modules.Lib2); // default export and import

  const lib1 = new Lib1();
  const lib2 = new Lib2();
  console.log( lib1.say() );
  console.log( lib2.say() );

or Promise style.

<script type="module">
import { importModule } from "https://uupaa.github.io/dynamic-import-polyfill/importModule.js";

importModule("./Lib1.js").then(Lib1 => {
  const lib1 = new Lib1();
  console.log( lib1.say() );


<!DOCTYPE html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><title>dynamic-import-polyfill</title>

  <script type="module">
    import { importModule } from "../importModule.js";

    (async() => {
      const Modules = {
        a: "https://uupaa.github.io/dynamic-import-polyfill/test/a.js",
        b: "https://uupaa.github.io/dynamic-import-polyfill/test/b.js",
        c: "https://uupaa.github.io/dynamic-import-polyfill/test/c.js",

      const usePolyfill = Date.now() % 2;

      if (usePolyfill) {
        console.log("use polyfill");
        const { a } = await importModule(Modules.a);
        const { default: b } = await importModule(Modules.b);
        const { c } = await importModule(Modules.c);
        console.log( a(), b(), c() );
      } else {
        console.log("use native");
        // use native
        const { a } = await import(Modules.a);
        const { default: b } = await import(Modules.b);
        const { c } = await import(Modules.c);
        console.log( a(), b(), c() );