neovim binary for veonim

npm install @veonim/neovim@0.0.24



This is my lazy approach on how to include binary dependencies in the Veonim project.

The code sees this:

import Neovim from '@veonim/neovim'

And the build process uses a platform specific binary:

npm i -SE @veonim/neovim@0.2.0-mac
npm i -SE @veonim/neovim@0.2.0-win
npm i -SE @veonim/neovim@0.2.0-linux

In this way, I accomplish the following goals:

  • don't check in binary dependencies in veonim project (although they are checked in this repo. lol i was lazy ok - shh be quiet)
  • no runtime platform check to load a specific binary dependency
  • no other platform binaries included in build output
  • install via npm, control versioning via package.json
  • can build in CI
  • maintain laziness

If you have a better idea complain loudly.


in development it would be a good idea to install @veonim/neovim-dev. this will use the optionalDependencies feature of npm to bring in a platform specific binary package. this should only be used for current platform development

upgrade process

make changes bump version in mac + linux + win package.json npm publish main package.json (if modified) npm publish each os package