
Videotron Front-End Visual Language.

npm install @videotron-ui/bifrost-front-end-library@1.5.2


🌈 Bifröst 🌈

Front-end Vidéotron Visual language and components library

Legal Disclaimer

By contributing to this project, you hereby accept to transfer all your intellectual right property to Videotron lte inc. You are agreeing to do so without any sort of compensation, royalty, or any sort of remuneration, monetary or else, otherwise explicitly said in a service agreement.

Your transfer is irrevocable and effective immediately after submitting any sort of work, under any form (which include, but not limited to: code, images, idea, discussion verbal or written), to this repository.

By giving your contribution, you swear the work is original creation and are free of other trademark, license, or other rights restraining you to give the contribution to Videotron.

You are not expected to support your contribution in the future. Your contribution is considered "as-is", with the transfer of your right on it.

Contributing doesn't give you the right to sell, distribute, commercially or privately, or any use what so ever, of any part of this repository.

What's inside?

This repository contains 3 projects:

  • Front-End Library The heart of the visual language.
  • Drupal Showcase
  • Angular Showcase In order to check implementation on a local machine.

The Front-End library

We currently support 2 frameworks: Angular and Twig. The Front-End library contains:

  • Components
  • Sections
  • Templates (to help build with components)
  • Pipes
  • Assets (e.g. Images, Logo)
  • Styles (e.g. Sass variables)

The Front-End library is published to NPM registry



If you'd like to contribute, please follow our contributing guidelines.

© Videotron 2020-2023