
*** ## a software for thought producers!!

data-science, jupyter-notebook, binder, blogging, python3, pipelines, data-analysis, data-visualization, machinelearning-python, nodejs, docker-container, repo2docker, mathematical-analysis, html5-css3-javascript-website, continuous-integration, customizable, gitpod, thoughts, cloud, jupyter-kernels, costomizable
npm install @xsoft/xbooks@1.2.2


a software for thought producers!

information engenders thoughts for the next generation

Xbooks Project LOGO


play in Gitpod

a software for Scientists, Engineers, and Technicians who produces or communicates innovative ideas and thoughts through written mathematical statements and analysis of its results through python3 like popular data science language using jupyter like most used notebook environments!!

Easy 17 steps!

  1. install nodejs
  2. install git
  3. install python3 (or anaconda3)
  4. npm i -g @xsoft/xbooks
  5. mkdir myblog
  6. cd myblog
  7. xbooks init
  8. xbooks i
  9. xbooks p
  10. xbooks pub -i
  11. activate gh-pages on github for docs/ on master
  12. hurray! your blog is published on https://username.github.io/myblog
  13. now CI this repo on any CI platform
  14. add two environment variables: REPO (url to your github repo) and PAT (personal access token of github)
  15. write new jupyter notebooks
  16. xbooks pub
  17. and your notebooks will be converted and indexed on your blog!

read wiki for short intro and

visit Xbooks docs (which itself is an example of Xbooks!) website to get more information about installation, setup and usage!