

react, emoji-picker, component-library, emoji-picker-component, emojis, npm-package
npm install @yosefbeder/react-emoji-picker@1.0.0


React Emoji Picker


A simple and useful emoji-picker without much configurations 😎.

You can try to play with the configurations from this Demo Project.


You can install it with either

npm install @yosefbeder/react-emoji-picker


yarn add @yosefbeder/react-emoji-picker


To start using the component you shouldn't add any configs except onEmojiClick.

Most of the configs focuses on customizing the way it looks (You can play with then from here).

import React from 'react';
import EmojiPicker from '@yosefbeder/react-emoji-picker';

const App = () => {
  const [emoji, setEmoji] = useState('');

  return (
      <EmojiPicker onEmojiClick={emojiObj => setEmoji(emojiObj.emoji)} />



type Theme = 'light' | 'dark';

type Size = 'sm' | 'med' | 'lg';

type Category =
  | 'recently-used'
  | 'smileys_people'
  | 'animals_nature'
  | 'food_drink'
  | 'travel_places'
  | 'activities'
  | 'objects'
  | 'symbols'
  | 'flags';

interface EmojiObj {
  emoji: string;
  name: string;
  skinTone: number;


Name Type Default Value Required? Description
theme String 'light' No Of the type Theme.
size String 'med' No Of the type Size.
style Object undefined No Overrides the styles of the container and it's useful for positioning.
autoFocus Boolean true No Focuses the searching bar when the component is mounted.
defaultSkinTone Number 0 No The selected skin tone when the component is mounted, It can be a number between 0 & 6
exclude Array [] No The categories that will be excluded, It's an array of Category.
onEmojiClick Function undefined Yes This passes EmojiObj to you as an argument.


  • This component library depends on the rem unit so please don't change the font size of the root element in your app or the sizes will be broken.
  • If you find any bug send me and email from here.
  • This is an open-source library you can help me improving it or just see the code from here.
  • This is my third real project with react so it may not be so good, but I've done my best over the last week to make it like this if you want to see my other projects check my github account from here.


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2021 yosefbeder