A Regex-Based Transpiler Of Source Code To Allow Writing Import And Export Statements And JSX With 0 Dependencies.

alamode, transpiler, transpile, compiler, compile, import, export, exports, module, default, require, a-la, regular expression, es6 modules, es6, modules, regex, regexp, babel, ECMAScript, ecma, jsx, components, node, nodejs
npm install alamode@3.7.1



npm version

Ă€LaMode is a RegExp-based transpiler of source code in Node.JS that supports transpilation of import and export statements including source map for debugging, while keeping the original code pretty much the same (no interrop require). It also can transpile JSX (without source maps ATM and some minor limitations).

The package can be used via the CLI to build packages, or via the require hook to transform modules on-the-fly.

If you've tried it and are having trouble seeing unknown keyword export, check if your issue falls under the category described in the troubleshooting. That's the single problem that we've seen after a year of using this software.

yarn add -D alamode

Why ÀLaMode

ÀLaMode is a neat, fast, low-weight alternative to AST-based transpilers. If you only want import and export statements, don't disrespect yourself by continuing to use Babel, and make a switch to ÀLaMode today. What am I talking about? Read next.

It's Neat

The source code is left pretty much intact, with line numbers preserved, and exports just being renamed to module.export while making sure to export the default module first if it is present. There is no need to come up with super-fancy solutions and try to build a rocket when all you need is a remote control. That means, don't worry about EcmaScript modules standard, it's significance is blown out of proportions by the "community" who has nothing better to do. Just rename exports to module.exports and imports to require — that's the philosophy behind ÀLaMode.

Source Code Transpiled Code
import Stream, {
} from 'stream'
import { join } from 'path'

export default class S extends Transform {
   * Creates a new instance.
   * @param {string} path
   * @param {Stream} [parent]
  constructor(path, parent) {
    this.source = join('example', path)
    if (parent instanceof Stream)

 * A function that returns `c`.
 * @param {string} input
export const c = (input = '') => {
  return 'c' + input ? `-${input}` : ''

 * A function that returns `b`.
 * @param {number} times
export const b = (times = 0) => {
  return 'b' + times ? `-${times}` : ''

const Stream = require('stream'); const {
} = Stream;
const { join } = require('path');

class S extends Transform {
   * Creates a new instance.
   * @param {string} path
   * @param {Stream} [parent]
  constructor(path, parent) {
    this.source = join('example', path)
    if (parent instanceof Stream)

 * A function that returns `c`.
 * @param {string} input
const c = (input = '') => {
  return 'c' + input ? `-${input}` : ''

 * A function that returns `b`.
 * @param {number} times
const b = (times = 0) => {
  return 'b' + times ? `-${times}` : ''

module.exports = S
module.exports.c = c
module.exports.b = b
Show Babel Output
"use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
  value: true
exports.b = exports.c = exports.default = void 0;

var _stream = _interopRequireWildcard(require("stream"));

var _path = require("path");

function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } else { var newObj = {}; if (obj != null) { for (var key in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) { var desc = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : {}; if (desc.get || desc.set) { Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc); } else { newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } } } newObj.default = obj; return newObj; } }

class S extends _stream.Transform {
   * Creates a new instance.
   * @param {string} path
   * @param {Stream} [parent]
  constructor(path, parent) {
    this.source = (0, _path.join)('example', path);
    if (parent instanceof _stream.default) this.pipe(parent);

 * A function that returns `c`.
 * @param {string} input

exports.default = S;

const c = (input = '') => {
  return 'c' + input ? `-${input}` : '';
 * A function that returns `b`.
 * @param {number} times

exports.c = c;

const b = (times = 0) => {
  return 'b' + times ? `-${times}` : '';

exports.b = b;

It Has 0 Dependencies

Ă€LaMode does not install any additional dependencies, and it has been optimised with Google Closure Compiler. That means you don't have to wait ages for each new real dependency in your project to link with Babel's bloatware you don't care about. Just focus on the work and enjoy the single new directory in your node_modules.

Ă€LaMode: 8 yarn.lock lines Babel: 1650 yarn.lock Lines
Installing ÀLaMode in 1 sec Linking Babel's Dependencies in 20 sec

It Respects JSDoc

Let's face it, Babel is software for masses that has capitalized on people's vulnerability in wanting to use import and export statements which is one of the best features on the language. You say let them be, I say look what they are doing to your documented code without caring a single bit:

Ă€LaMode: Gold Standard Babel: JSDoc Enemy
Correct JSDoc With ÀLaMode Broken JSDoc With Babel

Original Source:

 * A function that returns `b`.
 * @param {number} times
export const b = (times) => {
  return 'b' + (times ? `-${times}` : '')

See if you can figure out why this happens. Unlike Babel, our Node.JS Development Company cares about quality and developer experience, so we're offering ÀLaMode as a simple and lightweight solution to transpile packages.

Table Of Contents


The software can be installed either as a global dependency, or as a project dependency.


When installed globally, it will be used directly via a binary, such as alamode src -o build.

Package Manager Installation
npm npm i -g alamode
yarn yarn add global alamode


When installed in a project, it will be used via the package.json script, e.g., yarn build or npm run build.

// package.json
  "name": "project",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "An example project",
  "main": "build",
  "scripts": {
    "build": "alamode src -o build"
  "files": ["build"],
  "license": "MIT"
Package Manager Installation
npm npm i --save-dev alamode
yarn yarn add -DE alamode


The binary accepts a path to a single file, or a directory with the source code as the first argument, and a path to the build folder via -o argument.

alamode src -o build

There are other arguments which can be passed.

Argument Short Description
source The location of the input file or directory to transpile.
--output -o The location of where to save the transpiled output.
--version -v Show the version number.
--help -h Display the usage information.
--ignore -i Comma-separated list of files inside of source dir to ignore, for example, bin,.eslintrc.
--noSourceMaps -s Disable source maps.
--extensions -e Files of what extensions to transpile. Default js,jsx.
--jsx -j Enable JSX mode: only update JSX syntax to use hyperscript. Does not transpile import/export statements.
--preact -p When transpiling JSX, automatically insert at the top import { h } from "preact".
--debug -d Will make ÀLaMode stop after replacing markers.

Setting the NODE_DEBUG environmental variable to alamode will print the list of processed files to the stderr.

$ NODE_DEBUG=alamode alamode src -o build -i bin/alamode.js
ALAMODE 97955: index.js
ALAMODE 97955: bin/catcher.js
ALAMODE 97955: bin/index.js
ALAMODE 97955: lib/index.js


Shows all available commands.

A tool to transpile JavaScript packages using regular expressions.
Supports import/export and JSX transpilation.

  alamode source [-o destination] [-i dir,file] [-s] [-jp]

	source            	The location of the input file or directory to transpile.
	--output, -o      	The location of where to save the transpiled output.
	--version, -v     	Show the version number.
	--help, -h        	Display the usage information.
	--ignore, -i      	Comma-separated list of files inside of `source` dir to
	                  	ignore, for example, `bin,.eslintrc`.
	--noSourceMaps, -s	Disable source maps.
	--extensions, -e  	Files of what extensions to transpile.
	                  	Default: js,jsx.
	--jsx, -j         	Enable JSX mode: only update JSX syntax to use hyperscript.
	                  	Does not transpile `import/export` statements.
	--preact, -p      	When transpiling JSX, automatically insert at the top
	                  	`import { h } from "preact"`.
	--debug, -d       	Will make ÀLaMode stop after replacing markers.


    alamode src -o build

Compiling JSX: --jsx, --preact

ÀLaMode can transpile JSX syntax. In the jsx mode, the import/export statements will be left intact, but the source code will be transformed to add pragma invocations, such as h(Component, { props }, children). The default pragma is h for Preact, and to avoid writing import { h } from 'preact' in each file, the -p option can be passed for ÀLaMode to add it automatically.

For example, the following file can be compiled:

import { render } from 'preact'

const Component = ({ test, ...props }) => (
  <div id="example" {...props}>
render(<Component cool>Example</Component>, document.body)

Using the alamode example/index.jsx -j -p command:

import { h } from 'preact'
import { render } from 'preact'

const Component = ({ test, ...props }) => (
render( h(Component,{cool:true},`Example`), document.body)

CSS Injector

Ă€LaMode can transpile the import './style.css' directives into import './style.css.js', where style.css.js becomes a module with a css-injector script that will add your CSS to the head element.


To be able to spawn modules without having to create a proxy file as below:


Ă€LaMode bundles a binary called alanode. It will do the same thing as above, so that running modules with import and export statements becomes really easy.

$ alanode source

It changes import and export statements into require calls and module.export expressions. It also normalises process.argv to hide its presence, so that programs can safely keep using the argv array without unexpected results.

With the following file that uses an import:

import { constants } from 'os'

$ alanode t will generate the result successfully:

[ '/Users/zavr/.nvm/versions/node/v8.15.0/bin/node',
  '/Users/zavr/a-la/alamode/test/fixture/t' ]

Ă€LaNode is also available as a standalone package alanode.
npm version


A transform can support options which are set in the .alamoderc.json configuration file. The configuration file is read from the same directory where the program is executed (cwd). Options inside of the env directive will be active only when the ALAMODE_ENV environmental variable is set to the env key.

  "env": {
    "test-build": {
      "import": {
        "replacement": {
          "from": "^((../)+)src",
          "to": "$1build"
  "import": {
    "alamodeModules": ["alamode", "example"]


There are a number of built-in transforms, which don't need to be installed separately because their size is small enough to be included as direct dependencies.


Changes all import statements into require statements. Although the specification between the ECMAScript Modules and Modules is different, most developers will prefer to use import just because of its neater syntax.

import argufy from 'argufy'
import restream, {
  makeMarkers, makeCutRule, makePasteRule,
} from 'restream'
import { resolve, join } from 'path'
import { version } from '../../package.json'
import erte, { c } from './erte'
const argufy = require('argufy');
let restream = require('restream'); const {
  makeMarkers, makeCutRule, makePasteRule,
} = restream; if (restream && restream.__esModule) restream = restream.default;
const { resolve, join } = require('path');
const { version } = require('../../package.json');
const erte = require('./erte'); const { c } = erte;

The options that can be set in the .alamoderc.json are described below.


The if (dependency && dependency.__esModule) dependency = dependency.default; check is there to make alamode compatible with Babel and TypeScript that export default modules as the default property of module.exports object and set the __esModule marker to true, e.g.,

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
  value: true
exports.default = method;

The check will only work for external modules, and the Node.JS core dependencies as well as those that start with . or / will be required without the __esModule check. To enforce the check for any file, the esCheck: always should be set in the transform configuration. To disable the check for specific modules, they are added to the alamodeModules directive.

  "import": {
    "esCheck": "always", // adds the check for each default import
    "alamodeModules": ["restream"] // disables the check for packages

If neither esCheck nor alamodeModules are present, ÀLaMode will look up the package.json of the module and see if it includes the "alamode": true property, and won't add the check if it does.

Replace Path

This transform supports an option to replace the path to the required file using a regular expression. This can be useful when running tests against the build directory, rather than source directory.

  "import": {
    "replacement": {
        "from": "^((../)+)src",
          "to": "$1build"
Source Replaced Source
import myPackage from '../src'

(async () => {
  await myPackage()
const myPackage = require('../build');

(async () => {
  await myPackage()


Transforms all export statements into module.exports statements.

Input Output
export async function example () {}

const example2 = () => {}

export default class Example {
  constructor() {

export { example2 as alias }
async function example () {}

const example2 = () => {}

class Example {
  constructor() {

module.exports = Example
module.exports.example = example
module.exports.alias = example2

There are some limitations one should be aware about, however they will not typically cause problems for a Node.JS package. The line and column numbers are preserved for easier generation of the source maps when using the require hook and when source maps are not skipped with -s option. When -s is given, on the other hand, ÀLaMode will remove any unnecessary whitespace that usually fills in the export length.

Require Hook

The purpose of the require hook is to be able to transpile files automatically when they are imported.

To use this feature, alamode needs to be required in a separate file, after which the import and export statements will become available.

For example, take the following directory structure, with a main and library files:

├── index.js
├── lib.js
├── multiple.js
└── require.js
index.js lib.js
import getInfo from './lib'

import { platform, arch } from 'os'

export default () => {
  return `${platform()}:${arch()}`

The require hook would work in the following way:


By executing the node require.js command, alamode will be installed and it will do its job dynamically for every .js file that is required, enabling to use import and export statements.


_alamode.HookConfig: The options for ÀLaMode Hook.

Name Type Description Default
pragma string What pragma to add on top of JSX programs. Default const { h } = require('preact');. -
noWarning boolean Disable warnings when resetting existing hooks. false
matcher function(string): boolean The function that will be called with the path and return whether the file should be transpiled. null
ignoreNodeModules boolean Auto-ignore node_modules. Independent of any matcher. true

Multiple Calls To Alamode()

When the call is made multiple times in the program, the latter calls will revert the previous hooks and install new ones. The warning will be shown unless the noWarning option is set to true.

const alamode = require('alamode')

// in other file
const path = require('path')
const preact = path.relative('', path
  pragma: `const { h } = require("./${preact}");`,
  // noWarning: true, // to disable output
Reverting JS hook to add new one.
Reverting JSX hook to add new one, pragma:
const { h } = require("./node_modules/preact");

This can happen when the tests are set up to run with Zoroaster with the -a flag for alamode, and the source code also tries to install the require hook.

Source Maps

The source maps are supported by this package, but implemented in a hack-ish way. The transforms will aim to preserve line and column numbers, so that no additional remapping is required. However this is not enough to generate a source map good enough for a debugger -- it needs to know about mappings of positions between segments which can be operators, function calls, etc. alamode simply breaks the source code into distinct chunks such as white-spaces, identifiers and comments, and down into individual symbols. Using this method, the size of a source map is larger, but it still works. In further versions, this will be improved to allow to extract real segments.

source map visualistion

Click to View: debug session
Alt: Debugging a source code with source maps.


Because there can be many intricacies when transpiling with regular expressions, problems might arise from time to time. If using the require hook, the best solution is to build the source code using alamode binary, and see where the error occurs. Then it must be analysed why it happens, for example:

  • The import or export transform does not match the case.
  • A portion of source code is cut out before the transform with markers so that the line does not participate in a transform.

So the single most common problem that we've experienced, is using the // and /* inside string literals (`), e.g.,

const host = 'localhost'
const port = 9999
const url = `https://${host}:${port}`

export const test = 'hello world'

const otherUrl = `https://${host}:${port}`
export const test = 'hello world'

SyntaxError: Unexpected token export
    at createScript (vm.js:80:10)
    at Object.runInThisContext (vm.js:139:10)
    at Module._compile (module.js:617:28)
    at Module.p._compile (/Users/zavr/a-la/alamode/node_modules/alamode/depack/depack-lib.js:48:18)
    at Module._extensions..js (module.js:664:10)
    at Object.k.(anonymous function).u._extensions.(anonymous function) [as .js] (/Users/zavr/a-la/alamode/node_modules/alamode/depack/depack-lib.js:50:7)
    at Module.load (module.js:566:32)
    at tryModuleLoad (module.js:506:12)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:498:3)
    at Module.require (module.js:597:17)

This is because //${host}:${port}` will be cut until the end of the line as a comment prior to the template, and the template will match until the next opening backtick rather than the correct one, taking out the export from the transformation. To validate that, we can run the alamode src -d command:

const port = 9999

Now to fix this issue, either use ' to concatenate strings that have /* and //, or use import { format } from 'url' to dynamically create addresses.


Art Deco © Art Deco for À La Mode 2019 Tech Nation Visa Tech Nation Visa Sucks