Archethic Javascript SDK

archethic, transaction-chain, blockchain, cryptography, javascript
npm install archethic@1.18.2


Node.js CI

Archethic SDK Javascript

Official Archethic Javascript library for Node and Browser.


npm install @archethicjs/sdk


When it comes to private data manipulation, your application has two options :

  1. Standalone : store private keys on your own
  2. WalletRPC : delegate sensitive operations to a Wallet application. (recommended, but still Alpha)

The second option is strongly preferable : it preserves you from security problematics. When your web application needs to perform a sensitive operation (signing a Transaction, reading a Transaction secrets), it will ask Archethic Wallet application to perform it. That way, cryptographic secrets never leak from the Archethic Wallet.

The only requirement is user has to run an Archethic Wallet on their computer.

If your application does not perform any sensitive operation, WalletRPC is probably not necessary.

Using the network with WalletRPC

This library aims to provide an easy way to interact with Archethic network.

import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk";

const archethic = new Archethic("ws://localhost:12345") // Endpoint is the Archethic Wallet RPC server
await archethic.connect(); // Connect to the endpoint to retrieve the nearest endpoints

   transaction: ..., // module to manage transaction
   account: ..., // module to manage keychains and account
   network: ..., // module to fetch information from the network
   rpcWallet: ..., /// module to interact with WalletRPC

Using the network without WalletRPC

This library aims to provide an easy way to interact with Archethic network.

import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk";

const archethic = new Archethic("");
await archethic.connect(); // Connect to the endpoint to retrieve the nearest endpoints

   transaction: ..., // module to manage transaction
   account: ..., // module to manage keychains and account
   network: ..., // module to fetch information from the network

Note: archethic.connect() is useful but not mandatory. In the case of using a website on HTTPS, making a query to a node through HTTP creates a Mixed content issue. To avoid this issue, we can use directly new Archethic(httpsEndpoint) which will be used as fallback.

If you still want to use the nearest point while being on an HTTPS website, you could call a server endpoint to make the query for you.



newKeychainTransaction(keychain, transactionChainIndex)

Creates a new transaction to build (or update) a keychain by embedding the on-chain encrypted wallet.

  • keychain The keychain to create
  • transactionChainIndex The index of the transaction created (0 for new keychain)

Example of keychain creation

import Archethic, { Crypto, Keychain } from "@archethicjs/sdk";

const accessSeed = "myseed";
const { publicKey } = Crypto.deriveKeyPair(accessSeed, 0);
const keychain = new Keychain(Crypto.randomSecretKey())
  .addService("uco", "m/650'/0/0")

const archethic = new Archethic("");
await archethic.connect();
const tx = archethic.account.newKeychainTransaction(keychain, 0);
// The transaction can then be signed with origin private key

Example of keychain update

import Archethic, { Crypto } from "@archethicjs/sdk";

const accessSeed = "myseed";
const archethic = new Archethic("");
await archethic.connect();
let keychain = await archethic.account.getKeychain(accessSeed);
keychain.addService("mywallet", "m/650'/1/0");

// determine the new transaction index
const keychainGenesisAddress = Crypto.deriveAddress(keychain.seed, 0);
const transactionChainIndex = await archethic.transaction.getTransactionIndex(keychainGenesisAddress);

const tx = archethic.account.newKeychainTransaction(keychain, transactionChainIndex);
// The transaction can then be signed with origin private key

newAccessKeychainTransaction(seed, keychainAddress)

Creates a new keychain access transaction to allow a seed and its key to access a keychain

  • seed Keychain access's seed
  • keychainAddress Keychain's tx address
import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk";

const archethic = new Archethic("");
const tx = archethic.account.newAccessKeychainTransaction("myseed", keychainAddress);
// The transaction can then be signed with origin private key


Retrieve a keychain from the keychain access transaction and decrypt the wallet to retrieve the services associated

  • seed Keychain access's seed
import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk"

const archethic = new Archethic("")
await archethic.connect()

const keychain = await archethic.account.getKeychain(accessKeychainSeed)
  version: 1,
  seed: "masterKeychainSeed",
  authorizedPublicKeys: [ Uint8Array(34) ],
  services: {
    uco: {
      derivationPath: "m/650'/0/0"

Once retreived the keychain provide the following methods:

buildTransaction(tx, service, index, suffix)

Generate address, previousPublicKey, previousSignature of the transaction and serialize it using a custom binary protocol, based on the derivation path, curve and hash algo of the service given in param.

  • tx is an instance of TransactionBuilder
  • service is the service name to use for getting the derivation path, the curve and the hash algo
  • index is the number of transactions in the chain, to generate the actual and the next public key (see the cryptography section)
  • suffix: Additional information to add to a service derivation path (default to empty)

Return is the signed TransactionBuilder. Notice that the function also sign the TransactionBuilder given in param, so getting the return is not mandatory

import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk";

const archethic = new Archethic("");
await archethic.connect();

const keychain = await archethic.account.getKeychain(accessKeychainSeed);

const index = archethic.transaction.getTransactionIndex(keychain.deriveAddress("uco", 0));
/*const signedTx =*/ keychain.buildTransaction(tx, "uco", index);

deriveAddress(service, index, suffix)

Derive an address for the given service at the index given

  • service: Service name to identify the derivation path to use
  • index: Chain index to derive (default to 0)
  • suffix: Additional information to add to a service derivation path (default to empty)
import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk";

const archethic = new Archethic("");
await archethic.connect();

const keychain = await archethic.account.getKeychain(accessKeychainSeed);
const genesisUCOAddress = keychain.deriveAddress("uco", 0);

deriveKeypair(service, index, suffix)

Derive a keypair for the given service at the index given

  • service: Service name to identify the derivation path to use
  • index: Chain index to derive (default to 0)
  • suffix: Additional information to add to a service derivation path (default to empty)
import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk";

const archethic = new Archethic("");
await archethic.connect();

const keychain = await archethic.account.getKeychain(accessKeychainSeed);
const { publicKey } = keychain.deriveKeypair("uco", 0);

ecEncryptServiceSeed(service, publicKeys)

Use ec encryption on the seed for the list of authorizedPublicKeys

  • service: Service name to identify the derivation path to use
  • authorizedPublicKeys: List of public keys to encrypt the service seed
import Archethic, { Keychain, Crypto } from "@archethicjs/sdk";

const archethic = new Archethic("");
await archethic.connect();

const keychain = new Keychain(Crypto.randomSecretKey()).addService("uco", "m/650'/uco");

const storageNonce = await;

const { secret, authorizedPublicKeys } = keychain.ecEncryptServiceSeed("uco", [storageNonce]);
// secret and authorizedPublicKeys can be used to create an ownership
const tx =, authorizedPublicKeys);


Return a Decentralized Identity document from the keychain. (This is used in the transaction's content of the keychain tx)

import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk";

const archethic = new Archethic("");
await archethic.connect();

const keychain = await archethic.account.getKeychain(accessKeychainSeed);
const did  = keychain.toDID()
  "@context": [
  "id": "did:archethic:keychain_address",
  "authentification": servicesMaterials, //list of public keys of the services
  "verificationMethod": servicesMaterials //list of public keys of the services

addService(name, derivationPath, curve, hashAlgo)

Add a service into the keychain

  • name: Name of the service to add
  • derivationPath: Crypto derivation path
  • curve: Elliptic curve to use
  • hashAlgo: Hash algo
import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk";

const archethic = new Archethic("");
await archethic.connect();

const keychain = await archethic.account.getKeychain(accessKeychainSeed);
keychain.addService("nft1", "m/650'/1/0")
  version: 1,
  seed: "mymasterseed",
  authorizedPublicKeys: [ Uint8Array(34) ],
  services: {
    uco: {
      derivationPath: "m/650'/0/0",
      curve: "ed25519",
      hashAlgo: "sha256"
    nft1: {
      derivationPath: "m/650'/1/0",
      curve: "ed25519",
      hashAlgo: "sha256"


Remove a service from the keychain

  • name: Name of the service to add
import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk";

const archethic = new Archethic("");
await archethic.connect();

const keychain = await archethic.account.getKeychain(accessKeychainSeed);


Authorize a key to access the keychain

  • publicKey: The public key (type: Uint8Array)
import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk";

const archethic = new Archethic("");
await archethic.connect();

const accessSeed = "myseed";
const { publicKey } = Crypto.deriveKeyPair(accessSeed, 0);
const keychain = await archethic.account.getKeychain(accessKeychainSeed);


Unauthorized a key to access the keychain

  • publicKey: The public key (type: Uint8aArray)
import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk";

const archethic = new Archethic("");
await archethic.connect();

const accessSeed = "myseed";
const { publicKey } = Crypto.deriveKeyPair(accessSeed, 0);
const keychain = await archethic.account.getKeychain(accessKeychainSeed);


To create a new transaction instance to build and to send to the network

import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk";
const archethic = new Archethic("");

const txBuilder =;

The transaction builder instance contains the following methods:


Define the transaction type

  • type is the string defining the type of transaction to generate ("keychain", "keychain_access", "transfer", "hosting", "code_proposal", "code_approval", "token")


Add the code in the data.code section of the transaction

  • code is a string defining the smart contract


Set a flag to request a wallet to add the chain seed in the ownership of the transaction to create a smart contract. This function is only usefull when sending / signing the transaction through a wallet. Signing and sending the transaction directly to the node will not use this flag.

  • flag is a boolean to request the node to add the chain seed in the ownership


Add the content in the data.content section of the transaction

  • content is a string defining the smart contract

addOwnership(secret, authorizedKeys)

Add an ownership in the data.ownerships section of the transaction with a secret and its related authorized public keys to be able to decrypt it. This aims to prove the ownership or the delegatation of some secret to a given list of public keys.

  • secret is the hexadecimal encoding or Uint8Array representing the encrypted secret
  • authorizedKeys is a list of object represented by - publicKey is the hexadecimal encoding or Uint8Array representing the public key - encryptedSecretKey is the hexadecimal encoding or Uint8Array representing the secret key encrypted with the public key (see ecEncrypt)

addUCOTransfer(to, amount)

Add a UCO transfer to the data.ledger.uco.transfers section of the transaction

  • to is hexadecimal encoding or Uint8Array representing the transaction address (recipient) to receive the funds
  • amount is the number of uco to send (in Big Int ref function parseBigInt)

addTokenTransfer(to, amount, tokenAddress, tokenId)

Add a token transfer to the data.ledger.token.transfers section of the transaction

  • to is hexadecimal encoding or Uint8Array representing the transaction address (recipient) to receive the funds
  • amount is the number of uco to send (in Big Int ref function parseBigInt)
  • tokenAddress is hexadecimal encoding or Uint8Array representing the token's address to spend
  • tokenId is the ID of the token to send (default to: 0)

addRecipient(to, action, args)

Adds a recipient to call the smart contract's "transaction" action.

  • to is the contract's address in hexadecimal or Uint8Array
  • action is the name of the action. This parameter is not mandatory
  • args is the list of arguments for the action (must contain only JSON valid data). This parameter is not mandatory
import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk";
const archethic = new Archethic("");

const tx = archethic.transaction
  .addRecipient("0000bc96b1a9751d3750edb9381a55b5b4e4fb104c10b0b6c9a00433ec464637bfab", "vote", ["Dr. Who"]);

build(seed, index, curve, hashAlgo)

Generate address, previousPublicKey, previousSignature of the transaction and serialize it using a custom binary protocol.

  • seed is hexadecimal encoding or Uint8Array representing the transaction chain seed to be able to derive and generate the keys
  • index is the number of transactions in the chain, to generate the actual and the next public key (see below the cryptography section)
  • curve is the elliptic curve to use for the key generation (can be "ed25519", "P256", "secp256k1") - default o "P256"
  • hashAlgo is the hash algorithm to use to generate the address (can be "sha256", "sha512", "sha3-256", "sha3-512", "bake2b") - default to "sha256"
import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk";
const archethic = new Archethic("");

const tx = archethic.transaction
  .addUCOTransfer("0000b1d3750edb9381c96b1a975a55b5b4e4fb37bfab104c10b0b6c9a00433ec4646", 0.42)
  .build("mysuperpassphraseorseed", 0);


Sign the transaction with an origin device private key

  • privateKey is hexadecimal encoding or Uint8Array representing the private key to generate the origin signature to able to perform the ProofOfWork and authorize the transaction
import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk";
const archethic = new Archethic("");

const tx = archethic.transaction
  .build("mysuperpassphraseorseed", 0);


Export the transaction generated into JSON

import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk";
const archethic = new Archethic("");

const tx = archethic.transaction
  .build("mysuperpassphraseorseed", 0);

Interacting with other signer (hardware for example)


Get an Uint8Array payload to be signed with user seed

import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk";
const archethic = new Archethic("");

const tx = archethic.transaction
  .addUCOTransfer("0000b1d3750edb9381c96b1a975a55b5b4e4fb37bfab104c10b0b6c9a00433ec4646", 0.42);

const signaturePayload = tx.previousSignaturePayload();

setPreviousSignatureAndPreviousPublicKey(prevSign, prevPubKey)

Setter method for the transaction's previous signature and previous public key.

  • prevSign is hexadecimal encoding or Uint8Array previous signature of the transaction
  • prevPubKey is hexadecimal encoding or Uint8Array previous public key of the transaction
import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk";
const archethic = new Archethic("");

const tx = archethic.transaction
  .addUCOTransfer("0000b1d3750edb9381c96b1a975a55b5b4e4fb37bfab104c10b0b6c9a00433ec4646", 0.42);

const signaturePayload = tx.previousSignaturePayload();
const prevSign = someFunctionToGetSignature(signaturePayload);
const prevPubKey = someFunctionToGetPubKey();
tx.setPreviousSignatureAndPreviousPublicKey(prevSign, prevPubKey);


Setter method for the transaction's address.

import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk";
const archethic = new Archethic("");

const tx = archethic.transaction
  .addUCOTransfer("0000b1d3750edb9381c96b1a975a55b5b4e4fb37bfab104c10b0b6c9a00433ec4646", 0.42);

const txAddress = someFunctionToGetTxAddress();


Get an Uint8Array payload to be signed with the origin private key of the device.

import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk";
const archethic = new Archethic("");

const tx = archethic.transaction
  .addUCOTransfer("0000b1d3750edb9381c96b1a975a55b5b4e4fb37bfab104c10b0b6c9a00433ec4646", 0.42)
  .build(seed, originPrivateKey);

const originPayload = tx.originSignaturePayload();


Setter method for the transaction's origin signature.

import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk";
const archethic = new Archethic("");

const tx = archethic.transaction
  .addUCOTransfer("0000b1d3750edb9381c96b1a975a55b5b4e4fb37bfab104c10b0b6c9a00433ec4646", 0.42)
  .build("mysuperpassphraseorseed", 0);

const originPayload = tx.originSignaturePayload();
const originSignature = someFunctionToGetSignature(originPayload);

send(confirmationThreshold, timeout)

  • confirmationThreshold is a percentage (0 to 100) where the transaction is considered as validated. This is used to trigger requiredConfirmation event. Default value is to 100. This parameter is not mandatory
  • timeout is the number of second to wait until timeout event is triggered. Default value is to 60 sec. This parameter is not mandatory

Send a transaction to the endpoint and subscribe the node to get confirmation or validation error. When an update of the validation is received from the subscription, some events are triggered and associated function are called (see function on bellow)

import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk";
const archethic = new Archethic("");

const tx = archethic.transaction
  .addUCOTransfer("0000b1d3750edb9381c96b1a975a55b5b4e4fb37bfab104c10b0b6c9a00433ec4646", 0.42)
  .build("mysuperpassphraseorseed", 0)
  .on("confirmation", (nbConf, maxConf) => console.log(nbConf, maxConf))

on(event, handler)

Subscribe to a specific event.

  • event is the name of the event to subscribe
  • handler is a function which will be called when event is triggered

available events:

  • 'sent' triggered when transaction is sent. handler param: no parameter
  • 'confirmation' triggered when a new replication is received. handler params: number of replication, maximum number of replication expected
  • 'fullConfirmation' triggered when the number of replication = the number of maximum replication expected. handler param: maximum number of replication expected
  • 'requiredConfirmation' triggered when the number of replication is equal or overpass for the first time the maximum replication * confirmationThreshold. handler param: number of replication
  • 'error' triggered when an error is encountered during validation. handler params: context, reason
    • Context is a string with "INVALID_TRANSACTION" for error in the transaction itself like "Insufficient funds" or "NETWORK_ISSUE" for error in mining like "Consensus error".
  • 'timeout' triggered 60 sec after sending the transaction. Timeout is cleared when 'fullConfirmation', 'error' or 'requiredConfirmation' events are triggered. handler param: number of replication received yet

Mutiple function can be assigned to a same event. Just call function on mutiple times for the same event.

import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk";
const archethic = new Archethic("");

const tx = archethic.transaction
  .addUCOTransfer("0000b1d3750edb9381c96b1a975a55b5b4e4fb37bfab104c10b0b6c9a00433ec4646", 0.42)
  .build("mysuperpassphraseorseed", 0)
  .on("sent", () => console.log("transaction sent !"))
  .on("confirmation", (nbConf, maxConf) => console.log(nbConf, maxConf))
  .on("fullConfirmation", (nbConf) => console.log(nbConf))
  .on("requiredConfirmation", (nbConf) => console.log(nbConf))
  .on("error", (context, reason) => console.log(context, reason))
  .on("timeout", (nbConf) => console.log(nbConf))
  .send(60); // confirmationThreshold: 60


Unsubscribe to a specific event or all events.

  • event is the name of the event (same as on function). This parameter is not mandatory, if the event name is empty all events are unsubscribed.


Query a node to find the length of the chain to retrieve the transaction index

  • address Transaction address (in hexadecimal)
import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk";
const archethic = new Archethic("");

await archethic.connect();
const txIndex = await archethic.transaction.getTransactionIndex(
// 0


Query a node to fetch the tx fee for a given transaction

  • tx Generated transaction
import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk"

const archethic = new Archethic("")
const tx = ...
const fee = await archethic.transaction.getTransactionFee(tx)
  fee: 11779421, // Big Int format
  rates: {
    eur: 0.086326,
    usd: 0.084913


Query a node to find the ownerships (secrets and authorized keys) to given transaction's address

  • address: Transaction's address
import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk";

const archethic = new Archethic("");
const ownerships = await archethic.transaction.getTransactionOwnerships(tx.address);
    secret: "...",
    authorizedPublicKeys: [
        publicKey: "...",
        encryptedSecretKey: ""


Query a node to get the token definition (based on AEIP2) from an address. Returns also genesis address and id

  • tokenAddress is the transaction address of the token.
import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk";
const archethic = new Archethic("");

await archethic.connect();
const token = await;
  collection: [],
  decimals: 8,
  genesis: '0000D6979F125A91465E29A12F66AE40FA454A2AD6CE3BB40099DBDDFFAF586E195A',
  id: '9DC6196F274B979E5AB9E3D7A0B03FEE3E4C62C7299AD46C8ECF332A2C5B6574',
  name: 'Mining UCO rewards',
  properties: {},
  supply: 3340000000000000, // Big Int format
  symbol: 'MUCO',
  type: 'fungible'

callFunction(contractAddress, functionName, args)

Call a Smart Contract's exported function with given args.

  • contractAddress is the address of the contract (usually latest or genesis)
  • functionName is the exported function to call
  • args is the list of arguments to call the function with
import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk";
const archethic = new Archethic("");
await archethic.connect();

const response = await"0000AB...CD", "add", [1, 2]);


Query a node to fetch the last balance of the given address

  • address is the address of the account to get the balance from
import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk"
const archethic = new Archethic("");

await archethic.connect()

const balance = await;
  uco: 100000000,
  tokens: [{
    address: '209DFA0C.....',
    tokenId: 'ABD829FD.....',
    amount: 100000000

addOriginKey(originPublicKey, certificate)

Query a node to add a new origin public to be authorized to sign transaction with the corresponding private key (see OriginSign).

  • originPublicKey is the public key to be added.
  • certificate is the certificate that prove the public key is allowed to be added.
import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk";
const archethic = new Archethic("");

await archethic.connect();
const response = await, certificate);

  transaction_address: "...";
  status: "pending";


Fetch the public key of the shared storage node key

import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk";
const archethic = new Archethic("");

await archethic.connect();

const storageNoncePublicKey = await;
// 00b1d3750edb9381c96b1a975a55b5b4e4fb37bfab104c10b0b6c9a00433ec4646


Fetch the OracleChain data

  • timestamp: UNIX timestamp (optional)
import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk"

const archethic = new Archethic("")
await archethic.connect()

const oracleData = await
  timestamp: ...,
  services: {
    uco: {
      eur: ...,
      usd: ...
import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk"

const archethic = new Archethic("")
await archethic.connect()

const oracleData = await
  services: {
    uco: {
      eur: ...,
      usd: ...


Query the GraphQL API of the node with a custom graphQL query that fits your needs.

  • query: The graphQL query to send to the node
import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk";

const archethic = new Archethic("");
await archethic.connect();

const query = `
query {
  transactions(page:1) {
    data {

const response = await;


Subscribe to get the real time updates of the OracleChain

  • handler: Callback to handle the new data
import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk"

const archethic = new Archethic("")
await archethic.connect()

  timestamp: ...,
  services: {
    uco: {
      eur: ...,
      usd: ...
Wallet RPC


Configures the DApp identity. DApp identity will be sent to WalletRPC.

On operations requiring user's confirmation, that identity might be displayed.

import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk";

const archethic = new Archethic("ws://localhost:12345");
await archethic.connect();

await archethic.rpcWallet.setOrigin({
  name: "My DApp",
  url: ""


Listens to connection state changes between DApp and WalletRPC.

import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk"

const archethic = new Archethic("ws://localhost:12345")
await archethic.connect()

await archethic.rpcWallet.setOrigin({
  name: "My DApp",
  url: ""

  (rpcConnectionState) {
    console.log(`WalletRPC connection state changed : ${rpcConnectionState}`)

// To stop listening :


Reads a concise accounts list from ArchethicWallet.

import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk";

const archethic = new Archethic("ws://localhost:12345");
await archethic.connect();

await archethic.rpcWallet.setOrigin({
  name: "My DApp",
  url: ""

archethic.rpcWallet.getAccounts().then((accounts) => {
  accounts.forEach((account) => {
    console.log(`\t ${JSON.stringify(account)}`);


Reads a concise services list from ArchethicWallet.

import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk";

const archethic = new Archethic("ws://localhost:12345");
await archethic.connect();

await archethic.rpcWallet.setOrigin({
  name: "My DApp",
  url ""

archethic.rpcWallet.getServices().then((services) => {
  services.forEach((service) => {
    console.log(`\t ${JSON.stringify(service)}`);

onAccountUpdate(accountName, callback) : RpcSubscription

Listens to an account's changes.

import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk";

const archethic = new Archethic("ws://localhost:12345");
await archethic.connect();

await archethic.rpcWallet.setOrigin({
  name: "My DApp",
  url: ""

const subscription = await archethic.rpcWallet.onAccountUpdate("account name", (account) => {

onCurrentAccountChange(callback) : RpcSubscription

Listens account selection in wallet.

import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk";

const archethic = new Archethic("ws://localhost:12345");
await archethic.connect();

await archethic.rpcWallet.setOrigin({
  name: "My DApp",
  url: ""

const subscription = await archethic.rpcWallet.onCurrentAccountChange((account) => {


Request the wallet to refresh current account info

import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk";

const archethic = new Archethic("ws://localhost:12345");
await archethic.connect();

await archethic.rpcWallet.setOrigin({
  name: "My DApp",
  url: ""

await archethic.rpcWallet.refreshCurrentAccount();
// Wallet account is refreshed with last blockchain informations


Stops any subscription to Wallet.

import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk"

const archethic = new Archethic("ws://localhost:12345")
await archethic.connect()

await archethic.rpcWallet.setOrigin({
  name: "My DApp",
  url: ""

const subscription // subscription from a previous call (onAccountUpdate for example)

await archethic.rpcWallet.unsubscribe(subscription)


Asks ArchethicWallet to sign and send a transaction.

import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk";

const archethic = new Archethic("ws://localhost:12345");
await archethic.connect();

await archethic.rpcWallet.setOrigin({
  name: "My DApp",
  url: ""

const tx = archethic.transaction
    '{ "name": "NFT 001", "supply": 100000000, "type": "non-fungible", "symbol": "NFT1", "aeip": [2], "properties": {}}'

  .then((sendResult) => {
    // { transactionAddress: "asdfasfsadf", nbConfirmations: 3, maxConfirmations: 3 }
  .catch((sendError) => {


Asks ArchethicWallet to sign multiple transactions.

import Archethic, { Utils } from "@archethicjs/sdk";

const archethic = new Archethic("ws://localhost:12345");
await archethic.connect();

await archethic.rpcWallet.setOrigin({
  name: "My DApp",
  url: ""

const tx = archethic.transaction
  .addTokenTransfer("0001ABCD...", Utils.parseBigInt('12'), "00001234...", 0)
  .addRecipient("0001ABCD...", "swap");

  .then((signedResult) => {
    signedResult.forEach((signedTransaction) => {
      // {address: "000ef....", previousPublicKey: "00045b...", previousSignature: "000ef....", originSignature: "00045b..."}
  .catch((signedError) => {


Add a service in the keychain

import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk";

const archethic = new Archethic("ws://localhost:12345");
await archethic.connect();

await archethic.rpcWallet.setOrigin({
  name: "My DApp",
  url: ""

  .then((result) => {
  .catch((error) => {

keychainDeriveKeypair(serviceName, index, pathSuffix)

Derive a keypair for the given service at the index given and get the public key

import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk";

const archethic = new Archethic("ws://localhost:12345");
await archethic.connect();

await archethic.rpcWallet.setOrigin({
  name: "My DApp",
  url: ""

archethic.rpcWallet.keychainDeriveKeypair("myService", 1, "suffix").then((result) => {

keychainDeriveAddress(serviceName, index, pathSuffix)

Derive an address for the given service at the index given

import Archethic from "@archethicjs/sdk";

const archethic = new Archethic("ws://localhost:12345");
await archethic.connect();

await archethic.rpcWallet.setOrigin({
  name: "My DApp",
  url: ""

archethic.rpcWallet.keychainDeriveAddress("myService", 1, "suffix").then((result) => {

deriveKeyPair(seed, index, curve)

It creates a new keypair into hexadecimal format

  • seed is hexadecimal encoding or Uint8Array representing the transaction chain seed to be able to derive and generate the keys
  • index is the number of transactions in the chain, to generate the actual and the next public key (see below the cryptography section)
  • curve is the elliptic curve to use for the key generation (can be "ed25519", "P256", "secp256k1") - default to: "ed25519"
  • origin_id is the origin of the public key (can be 0 for "on chain wallet", 1 for "software" or 2 for "tpm") - default to: 1
import { Crypto } from "@archethicjs/sdk";
const { publicKey: publicKey, privateKey: privateKey } = Crypto.deriveKeyPair("mysuperpassphraseorseed", 0);
// publicKey => 0100048cac473e46edd109c3ef59eec22b9ece9f99a2d0dce1c4ccb31ce0bacec4a9ad246744889fb7c98ea75c0f0ecd60002c07fae92f23382669ca9aff1339f44216

deriveAddress(seed, index, curve, hashAlgo)

It creates a transaction address by extract the public key from the key derivation and hash it into a hexadecimal format

  • seed is hexadecimal encoding or Uint8Array representing the transaction chain seed to be able to derive and generate the keys
  • index is the number of transactions in the chain, to generate the actual and the next public key (see below the cryptography section)
  • curve is the elliptic curve to use for the key generation (can be "ed25519", "P256", "secp256k1") - Default to "ed25519"
  • hashAlgo is the hash algorithm to create the address (can be "sha256", "sha512", "sha3-256", "sha3-512", "blake2b") - default to "sha256"
import { Crypto } from "@archethicjs/sdk";
const address = Crypto.deriveAddress("mysuperpassphraseorseed", 0);
// Address: 00004195d45987f33e5dcb71edfa63438d5e6add655b216acfdd31945d58210fe5d2

It creates a new keypair and extract the public key into hexadecimal format

  • seed is hexadecimal encoding or Uint8Array representing the transaction chain seed to be able to derive and generate the keys
  • index is the number of transactions in the chain, to generate the actual and the next public key (see below the cryptography section)
  • curve is the elliptic curve to use for the key generation (can be "ed25519", "P256", "secp256k1")
import { Crypto } from "@archethicjs/sdk";
const publicKey = Crypto.derivePublicKey("mysuperpassphraseorseed", 0);

ecEncrypt(data, publicKey)

Perform an ECIES encryption using a public key and a data

  • data Data to encrypt
  • publicKey Public key to derive a shared secret and for whom the content must be encrypted
import { Crypto } from "@archethicjs/sdk";
const cipher = Crypto.ecEncrypt(

ecDecrypt(cipher, privateKey)

Perform an ECIES decryption using a private key and an encrypted data

  • cipher Data to decrypt
  • privateKey Private key to derive a shared secret and for whom the content must be decrypted
import { Crypto } from "@archethicjs/sdk";
const cipher = Crypto.ecDecrypt("dataToDecrypt", "36f7753a63188eabaf4891c5724d346da58160cdc386ebf248603724d1796cd3");

aesEncrypt(data, publicKey)

Perform an AES encryption using a key and a data

  • data Data to encrypt
  • key Symmetric key
import { Crypto } from "@archethicjs/sdk";
const cipher = Crypto.aesEncrypt(

formatBigInt(number, decimals)

Convert a big int number to a x decimals string (mainly use to display token amount)

  • number Big Int number to convert to decimals number
  • decimals number of decimals needed (default to 8)
import { Utils } from "@archethicjs/sdk";
// '12.5345'
Utils.formatBigInt(BigInt(12_534_500), 6);
// '12.5345'

parseBigInt(number, decimals)

Convert a string into a BigInt number

  • number decimals number to convert to Big Int number
  • decimals number of decimals (default to 8)
import { Utils } from "@archethicjs/sdk";
// 1_253_450_000
Utils.parseBigInt('12.5345', 6);
// 12_534_500


Getting the default origin Key :

import Archethic, { Utils } from "@archethicjs/sdk"
const originPrivateKey = Utils.originPrivateKey

const archethic = new Archethic("")

const tx =


Create a new contract transaction injecting the code and the authorized public key encryption to allow node to emit transaction on your behalf

import Archethic, { Utils, Contract } from "@archethicjs/sdk"
const archethic = new Archethic("")

const tx = await Contract.newContractTransaction(archethic, contractCode, contractSeed)

  .on("requiredConfirmation", () => console.log("ok deployed"))
  .on("error", (context, reason) => console.error(reason))

Running the tests

npm run test


Some examples are present to see how to use the SDK


cd example/keychain
npm install
npm run start


cd example/transactionBuilder
npm install
npm run start


If you want to leverage React for your DApp, you have to rely on react-app-rewired to avoid errors regarding NodeJS module not accessible in the Webpack build.

You can see how to resolve the issues in this article
