A simple function that print objects / arrays as ASCII tables. Handles ANSI styling and weird 💩 Unicode emoji symbols – they won't break the layout.

ASCII, table, sheet, grid, print, log, print table, object as table, array as table, text table, array table, object table, array format, columns, as table, tablefy, stringify, print object, tty, terminal, console, text, layout, ascii-tables, javascript, pretty-print
npm install as-table@1.0.0



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A simple function that print objects and arrays as ASCII tables. Supports ANSI styling and weird 💩 Unicode emoji symbols (they won't break the layout), thanks to printable-characters.

npm install as-table

Printing objects

asTable = require ('as-table')

asTable ([ { foo: true,  string: 'abcde',      num: 42 },
           { foo: false, string: 'qwertyuiop', num: 43 },
           {             string:  null,        num: 44 } ])
foo    string      num
true   abcde       42 
false  qwertyuiop  43 
       null        44 

Printing arrays

asTable ([['qwe',       '123456789', 'zxcvbnm'],
          ['qwerty',    '12',        'zxcvb'],
          ['qwertyiop', '1234567',   'z']])
qwe        123456789  zxcvbnm
qwerty     12         zxcvb
qwertyiop  1234567    z

Limiting total width by proportionally trimming cells + setting columns delimiter

asTable.configure ({ maxTotalWidth: 22, delimiter: ' | ' }) (data)
qwe   | 1234… | zxc…
qwer… | 12    | zxc…
qwer… | 1234… | z   

Right align

asTable.configure ({ right: true }) (data)
      foo        bar      baz
      qwe  123456789  zxcvbnm
   qwerty         12    zxcvb
qwertyiop    1234567        z

Providing a custom object printer

asTable.configure ({ print: x => (typeof x === 'boolean') ? (x ? 'yes' : 'no') : String (x) }) (data)
foo  string      num
yes  abcde       42 
no   qwertyuiop  43 
     null        44 

The callback also receives a field name (in case of objects) or a column index (in case of arrays):

asTable = require ('as-table').configure ({
    print (x, k) {
        if (k === 'timestamp') return new Date (x).toGMTString()
        return String (x)

asTable ([ { name: 'A', timestamp: 1561202591572 },
           { name: 'B', timestamp: 1558524240034 } ])

Obtaining a pre-configured function

asTable = require ('as-table').configure ({ maxTotalWidth: 25, delimiter: ' | ' })

asTable (data)

Customizing the title rendering and the header separator

With string coloring by ansicolor (just for the demo purposes, any library will fit):

asTable = require ('as-table').configure ({ title: x => x.bright, delimiter: ' | '.dim.cyan, dash: '-'.bright.cyan })

console.log (
   asTable ([ { foo: true,  string: 'abcde',                             num: 42 },
              { foo: false, string: 'qwertyuiop'.bgMagenta.green.bright, num: 43 } ])

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