
Super simple DOM Renderer plugin for Relax.

atlassubbed, relax, react, reactive, meteor, declarative, async, diffing, vdom, framework, virtual-dom, components, hyperscript, jsx, reconciliation, lifecycle, virtual, dom, browser, html, plugin, preact, renderer, view
npm install atlas-mini-dom@1.2.0



Super simple DOM Renderer plugin for Relax.


Little tree boi

simple usage

npm install --save atlas-mini-dom
const { diff } = require("atlas-relax");
const DOMRenderer = require("atlas-mini-dom");

const App = () => (
    Bonsly evolves into Sudowoodo after learning mimic.

// create a DOMRenderer plugin
const rootEl = document.getElementById("root");
const renderingPlugin = new DOMRenderer(rootEl);

// mount <App/> and render it to the DOM.
diff(<App/>, null, renderingPlugin);

// note that your app can use many plugins:
//   diff(<App/>, null, [renderingPlugin, otherPlugin])

why you need a DOM-Renderer plugin

Relax, like other JSX-supporting[1] view libraries, lets you do stuff like:

const { diff } = require("atlas-relax");

// define component
const App = ({data}) => {
  const { firstName, lastName } = data;
  return [
    <p>Your first name is {firstName}</p>,
    !!lastName && <p>Your last name is {lastName}</p>

// mount app
const mountedApp = diff(<App firstName="Atlas" lastName="Subbed"/>)

// update app with new props
diff(<App firstName="jai"/>, mountedApp)

[1] with an appropriate JSX pragma.

Alone, this just creates an in-memory graph and updates it. It doesn't render anything to the DOM. Plugins are little listeners that can react to changes in the graph (remember, <App/> describes a graph), and do stuff as a result. In this case, "stuff" means "rendering to the DOM".

atlas-mini-dom is intentionally simple

The goal of this little plugin library is to show you how easy it is to write plugins. You can write a plugin that "renders" your app to anything, not just the DOM. In addition to supporting all of the non-special nodes and attributes, Mini Dom supports:

  • Text nodes
  • Regular element nodes
  • Event listeners
  • Regular attributes

It doesn't support:

  • dangerouslySetInnerHTML
  • className (just use class attribute)
  • Special treatment for SVG/canvas elements


  1. Style object support
  2. Make sure element focus (e.g. button, input, ...) is handled properly.
    • Default focus
    • Keeping focus
    • Refocusing
  3. DOM recycling


Feel free to open pull requests if you want to help implement some of these features.