backbone marionette extensions pack, utils library

backbone, marionette, bbmn
npm install bbmn-utils@1.0.21



is an utils pack

table of contents

  • isCollection - returns true if argument is a Backbone.Collection instance.

  • isCollectionClass - returns true if argument is a Backbone.Collection class.

  • isModel - returns true if argument is a Backbone.Model instance.

  • isModelClass - returns true if argument is a Backbone.Model class.

  • isView - returns true if argument is a Backbone.View instance

  • isViewClass - returns true if argument is a Backbone.View class

  • betterResult - like underscore _.result but better

  • buildByKey - helps construct instance by given key, automaticaly looks for supplied class and options, for example { childView, childViewOptions } where key is childView

  • buildViewByKey - helps construct view by given key, automaticaly looks for supplied class and options internally uses buildByKey

  • camelCase - converts to:camel:case string to toCamelCase

  • clone - clones given argument, by default its a deep clone with omiting functions.

  • comparator - helper for array sort, allow to construct complex multy field compare iteratees

  • compareAB - helper for array sort, simplifies comparing of backbone models and views.

  • compareObjects - deeply compares two given objects, [1,2, {a: 1}] equals to [2, {a:1}, 1]

  • convertString - converts argument to a given type: convertString('yes','boolean'). Supports out of the box number and boolean

  • enums - enums helpers. allow to store your enums, check if an enum has some flags or get their text label value.

  • extend - old good backbone extend method, for easy extending your definitions MyClass.extend({ ... })

  • getFlag - takes flags value from given enum. supports multiple variation of use. one of it: getFlag({ 1:'one', 2:'two', 3:'three' }, '1, 3') - 'one, three'

  • hasFlag - checks if a given enum has given flags or no.

  • flat - flattens given object. { a: {b: 1} } becames { 'a.b':1 }

  • getByPath - takes value from complex object by given path. Respects Backbone.Model attributes. getByPath(someDeepObject, '', options[optional])

  • getOption - like marionette's getOption but with some special abilities.

  • isEmptyValue - just checks argument for this arg == null || arg === ''

  • isKnownCtor - Checks if an argument is one of known ctors. Known ctors array can be extended by your wish and by default contains all backbone and marionette classes.

  • mergeObjects - Deeply merges two or more objects. mergeObjects({ a:{ b:1 } }, { b:0 }) result into { a: {b: 1}, b:0 }

  • mergeOptions - like marionette's mergeOptions but can work with multiple arguments.

  • mix - helps to mixin definition. let MyClass = mix(BaseClass).with(Mixin1, Mixin2, ...).extend({ ... })

  • paramsToObject - converts parameters string to an object. paramsToObject('foo=bar&baz=baz') results into { foo:'bar', baz: 'baz' }

  • renderInNode - renders a view in any dom element, usefull for opening modals and popovers

  • setByPath - Sets value to a complex object by given path. Respects Backbone.Model and triggers change events if there are models on the way. setByPath(myObject, '', 'newvalue')

  • skipTake - skips x items and takes n items from array. skipTake(array, takeN, skipX)

  • takeFirst - Takes first founded value from given objects: takeFirst('foo', options, this)

  • toBool - Converts argument to boolean. Supports options for describing convert behavior.

  • triggerMethod - Acts like marionette triggerMethod, also checks if an instance has trigger function.

  • triggerMethodOn - Acts like old marionette triggerMethodOn, internally uses triggerMethod

  • unflat - Unflats given object. { 'a.b': 1 } becames { a: { b: 1 } }



returns true if argument is a Backbone.Collection instance.



returns true if argument is a Backbone.Collection class.



returns true if argument is a Backbone.Model instance.



returns true if argument is a Backbone.Model class.



returns true if argument is a Backbone.View instance



returns true if argument is a Backbone.View class


betterResult(context, key, options)

Acts almost as underscore _.result but can invoke result function if its not one of well known constructors.
This function was implemented for better expirience with backbone and backbone.marionette instances. It helps handle complex options which can be a function and helps getting not yet initialized options values. see examples.

import { betterResult } from 'bbmn-utils';
let result = betterResult( instance, 'propertyName', options);

third argument is NOT a default value. default value should be passed through options.

returns: value from context by given key


  • context: object, required
  • key: string, required
  • options: object, optional

options argument:

  • force: boolean, default: true

    If true and returned value is function and it is not one of well known constructor will return result of this function. If false will return value as is

  • default: any, default: not set

    if returned value is null or undefined will return default instead.

  • context: object, default: argument context

    when result value is function this option will be used as context for calling value function.

  • args: Array, default: not set

    when result value is function this array will be passed to it as arguments

  • checkAlso: object, default: not set

    when result value is null or undefined will check for same key in this object.


const context = {
	bar: (add) => 'bar + ' + (add || ''),
	View: Marionette.View

const checkAlso = {
	baz: (add) => 'ZZZ + ' + (add || '')

betterResult(context, 'foo');
// returns: "foo"
// like _.result(context, 'foo');

betterResult(context, 'baz', { default: 'default baz'});
// returns: "default baz"
// like _.result(context, 'foo', "default baz");

betterResult(context, 'bar');
// returns: "bar + "
// _.result will return func(add) => 'bar + ' + (add || '')

betterResult(context, 'View');
// returns: Marionette.View
// like _.result(context, 'View')

betterResult(context, 'bar', { force: false });
// returns: func(add) => 'bar + ' + (add || '')
// like _.result(context, 'bar')

betterResult(context, 'bar', { args:['add this']});
// returns: "bar + add this"

betterResult(context, 'baz', { args:['add this'], checkAlso });
// returns: "ZZZ + add this"


buildViewByKey(context, key, options)

Helps build view by key:

let view = new View({
	child: View,
	childOptions: { ... }

let childView = buildViewByKey(view, 'child');

returns: view instance


  • context: object, required
  • key: string, required
  • options: object, optional

options argument:

  • TextView: View definition, default: undefined

If you passed TextView then it will build view from text key option. see examples

  • options: object, default: undefined

Mixed this options to View options before instantiate.


const context = {
	header: 'this is header',
	content: LayoutView,
	contentOptions: { foo:'bar', baz:'baz' },
	footer: 'this is footer',

buildViewByKey(context, 'header', { TextView: Mn.View });
// builds Mn.View with { text: 'this is header' }

buildViewByKey(context, 'content', { options: { baz: 123 } });
// builds LayoutView with { foo:'bar', baz: 123 }

buildViewByKey(context, 'footer');
// returns undefined, because there is no TextView passed via options


camelCase(...args, boolean[optional])

converts : separated string to camelCase.

returns: camelCasedString


each argument should be a string and the last one can be a bollean.

boolean argument:

If last argument is true then first letter became capitalized.


camelCase('as:camel:case'); //  - "asCamelCase"
camelCase('as:camel:case', true); // - "AsCamelCase"
camelCase('as', 'camel', 'case', true); // - "AsCamelCase"


Tries to clone given argument. Difference from _.clone is that by default there is a deep clone. it also accepts options as second argument. If given argument is object with circular references they will be removed. Also copied only own properties.


cloned argument


  • arg: any,
  • options: object, optional

clone(myobject, options);


  • functions: boolean, default: false

if true, also copies methods and omit them if false

  • deep: boolean, default: true

if true, creates a deep clone of a given argument, if false acts exactly as _.clone


let date = new Date();
let clonedDate = clone(date);
console.log(date === clonedDate); // false

let obj = {
	bar: {
		baz: 'baz'
let clonedObj = clone(obj);
console.loc(clonedObj === obj); //false
console.loc( ===; //false

let clonedObj2 = clone(obj, { deep: false });
console.loc( ===; //true

let withMethods = {
	foo: () => {},
	bar: 'bar'
let clonedWithoutMethods = clone(withMethods);
console.log(_.size(clonedWithoutMethods)); // 1

let clonedWithMethods = clone(withMethods, { functions: true });
console.log(_.size(clonedWithMethods)); // 2
console.log( ===; // true


compares A and B.
difference from compare-ab is that you can pass multiple sets of compare operators.


-1 | 0 | 1


accepts 3 arguments and acts like compareAB:

comparator(A, B, getter | [getter, ..])

or array :

comparator([A, B, getter], [A, B, getter], [A, B, getter])


compare(view1, view2, model => model.get('order'));
//acts like compareAB

	[view2, view1, model => model.get('order')], // by order desc
	[view1, view2, model => model.get('name')], // then by name asc


compares a and b
was implemented for backbone.model or marionette.view comparison


-1 | 0 | 1

-1 if a less then b,
0 if a equals b
and 1 if a greater than b


  • a: any, required
  • b: any, required
  • getter: function | [function, function, ...], optional

    argument skipped if it is not a function or an array of functions

getter: function

should return value to be compared
will be applied to each argument to extract compare value
this is equal to given argument and also two arguments passed: model and view

getter(model, view)

getter: [function, function, ...]

does multiple compare of a and b by given array of getters.
if getter returns '0' then next getter applied.


// returns: -1

compareAB({foo:2}, {foo:1}, function(){ return }); 
// returns: 1

let modelA = new Backbone.Model({id:5, order: 1});
let modelB = new Backbone.Model({id:5, order: 2});
compareAB(modelA, modelB, model =>; 
// returns: 0

let viewA = new Mn.View({ model: modelA });
viewA.order = 0;
let viewB = new Mn.View({ model: modelB });
viewB.order = 0;
compareAB(viewA, viewB, [(model,view) => view.order, model => model.get('order')]); 
// returns: -1


sorry, there is no documentation yet :-(


sorry, there is no documentation yet :-(


sorry, there is no documentation yet :-(


sorry, there is no documentation yet :-(


sorry, there is no documentation yet :-(


sorry, there is no documentation yet :-(



Flattens given object


plain object


  • obj : object, required


	let test = {
		foo: {
			qwe: [1,2,3]
	let result = flat(test);

	//result value will be



value from object by given path.


  • object: object, required
  • path: string, required

    dot separated: "property" or "property.anotherProperty"


let myObject = {
	property: {
		value: 'my value',

let result = getByPath(myObject, 'property.value'); //  - "my value"
result = getByPath(myObject, ''); // - undefined


sorry, there is no documentation yet :-(


sorry, there is no documentation yet :-(


returns true if passed argument is a well known constructor.
in general was implemented for better-result.


true if a given argument is a well known constructor.
false if its not.


accepts one argument of any type.

well known constructor

There is an array of registered well known constructors.
By default it contains all backbone classes and marionette object class. You can push needed classes in that array. see examples


import { isKnownCtor } from 'bbmn-utils';
import { View } from 'backbone.marionette';

let result = isKnownCtor(View); // true
result = isKnownCtor(function(){}); // false

adding own ctor

its possible to add your own classes to common array

import { isKnownCtor } from 'bbmn-utils';
import { knownCtors } from 'bbmn-utils';

const MyClass = function() {


let result = isKnownCtor(MyClass); // true


sorry, there is no documentation yet :-(


helper for extending class or object with a given mixins.


returns wrapper object: { with, options, class}.


  • arg: class definition or plain object, required
  • options: object, optional


  • mergeObjects: true | false (default value is true)

    if true, collect plain object mixins in one object and convert it to a single mixin.
    if false, convert every object to a separate mixin.

  • wrapObjectWithConstructor: true | false (default value is true)

    this option is ignored if mergeObjects is set to false when this options is true forces to convert plain object with constructor function to a separate mixin
    otherwise it will be mixed

options example:

let mixinA = { a:'a' };
let mixinB = { b:'b' };
let ctorC = function(){};
let mixinC = { c: 'c', constructor: ctorC };
let ctorD = function(){};
let mixinD = { d: 'd', constructor: ctorD };

let mixedByDefault = mix({}).with(mixinA, mixinB, mixinC, mixinD);
this will create three mixins which will be applied to the base class in order

mixin1 = Base => Base.extend({

mixin2 = Base => Base.extend({
	constructor: ctorC,
	c: 'c'

mixin3 = Base => Base.extend({
	constructor: ctorD,
	d: 'd'


let mixedWithNoWrap = mix({}, {wrapObjectWithConstructor: false}).with(mixinA,mixinB,mixinC,mixinD);
this will create one mixin which will be applied to the base class

mixin = Base => Base.extend({
	constructor: ctorD,
	c: 'c'
	d: 'd'


let mixedWithNoMerge = mix({}, {mergeObjects: false}).with(mixinA,mixinB,mixinC,mixinD);

this will create mixin for every argument will be applied to the base class in given order



import { mix } from 'bbmn-utils';
import Mn from 'backbone.marionette';

const MyFuncMixin = Base => Base.extend({
	myNewMethod() {
		// do something

const MyPlainMixin = {
	constA: 'foo',
	constB: 'bar',

const MixedView = mix(Mn.View).with(MyFuncMixin, MyPlainMixin);
let result = new MixedView();


sorry, there is no documentation yet :-(


sets object value by path


returns given value.


  • object: object, required
  • path: string, required (f.e. "property.anotherProperty")
  • value: any, required
  • options: object, optional


  • silent: true | false, default is false

    if true trigers appropriate change events on backbone.models

  • force: true | false, default is true

    if false do not set value if path does not exists,
    otherwise, create all needed objects


const test = {};
setByPath(test, '', 'hello');
/* will create foo, bar and set baz equal to "hello" and returns "hello"
	foo: { 

const test2 = {};
setByPath(test2, '', 'hello', {force: false});
// will not change test at all but returns "helo"
// test2 remains "{}"

setByPath(test, '', 'bye', {force: false});
// because we already create this path in first example this will 
// change value from "hello" to "bye"

what if i will use setByPath on backbone.model?

setByPath changes model attributes

let model = new Backbone.Model();
setByPath(model,'foo', 'bar');
// will set model attribute foo equal to 'bar'
// and triggers `change` and `change:foo` events

setByPath(model,'foo', 'bar', {silent: true});
// will set model attribute foo equal to 'bar'
// and do not trigger any events

let nested = new Backbone.Model();
model.set('nested', nested);

setByPath(model, 'nested.baz', 123);
// will set nested model baz attribute equal to 123 and
// triggers change events on both models


sorry, there is no documentation yet :-(


sorry, there is no documentation yet :-(


Tries to convert given value to boolean.

toBool(undefined) -> undefined
toBool('false') -> false


true | false | undefined*

returns undefined if nullable option is set to true


  • arg : any, required
  • options : object, optional


  • nullable : boolean, default: true

    returns undefined if given argument is can not be converted to boolean

  • strict: boolean, default: false

    if set to true, then any value that are not in known list is treated as unknown and converts to false or undefined based on nullable option

  • returnNullAs : boolean, default: not set

    if set return this value if given argument is null or undefined.

  • returnEmptyAs : boolean, default: not set

    if set return this value if given argument is an empty string.

  • returnNullAndEmptyAs : boolean, default: not set

    if set return this value if given argument is an empty string, undefined or null.

  • returnAnyAs : boolean, default: not set

    if set return this value if given argument is not an empty string, undefined or null.

  • returnOtherAs : boolean, default: not set

    if set return this value if given argument is not an empty string, undefined or null and not one of known values

known values

by default there is a list of known values

  • true values : 'true', '1', '-1', 'yes'
  • false values : 'false', '0', 'no'


toBool({}, {strict: true}) -> undefined
toBool({}, {strict: true, nullable: false}) -> false
toBool({}, {nullable: false}) -> true
toBool('yes') -> true
toBool('true') -> true
toBool('false') -> false
toBool('no') -> false
toBool(null,{returnNullAs: true}) -> true
toBool("",{returnEmptyAs: true}) -> true


sorry, there is no documentation yet :-(


sorry, there is no documentation yet :-(



Unflattens given object


plain object


  • obj : object, required


	let test = {
	let result = unflat(test);

	//result value will be
		foo: {
			qwe: [1,2,3]