
npm install bootie@0.3.19



The components of Bootie are as follows:

  • Controller
  • Crud Controller
  • Model
  • Collection
  • Router
  • Adapter
  • Mongo
  • Database


All middleware should reside in the middleware folder.

Here is an example of a middleware (middleware/require_user.js):

module.exports = function(req, res, next) {
    var err;
    if (!req.user) {
        err = new Error("User required.");
        err.code = 401;

Router, Routes, and Controllers

There can be 1 or more router(s) per application.

What is the point of the router?

The router extends express.Router and works together with controllers to define routes the app should serve.

Inside a controller there is a setupRoutes function. Routes are defined there in the following format:

this.routes.get["/test"] = {
    action: {{fn}},
    middleware: [{{fn1}}, {{fn2}}]

action is a function belonging to the controller middleware is an array of express compatible middleware.

What is the point of a controller?

Controllers have middleware, routes, and route handlers.

A controller is the ideal place to handle incoming HTTP requests.

Some examples of things the controller does:

  • define and respond to express routes (handler and middleware)
  • execute middleware before and after a route handler
  • parse query parameters, query strings, and request body (regex supported)
  • render html/json/xml responses for both success and error
  • skip and limit results
  • sort and order results
  • select results by since/until (timestamp in seconds or milliseconds)

Remember to follow the philosophy of "skinny controller, fat model".

Don't overwork the controller!

Why use a base controller?

Why is there a base and base_crud controller?

The intention is to keep Bootie.Controller and Bootie.CrudController as implementation agnostic as possible.

Therefore in order to configure the loading of application specific middleware, a base controller and/or a base crud controller is recommended as an extra layer of inheritance.

Query Parameters

queryParams: function() {
    return {
        "name": "string",
        "email": "regex",
        "is_awesome": "boolean",
        "price": "integer",
        "tax_rate": "float"

What is all this stuff?

The controller comes with 3 default middleware functions that are at the very end of the route lifecycle. They are responsible for responding to the request and formatting it.

Format for a success response envelope:

    meta: {
        code: 200 or 201
    data: {} or [] or ""

Format for an error response envelope:

    meta: {
        code: 400 or higher,
        error: "An error message"
    data: {} or [] or ""

successResponse Default middleware if not an error. Sets res.code to 200 if not already set.

errorResponse Default middleware if there is an error. Sets res.code to 500 if not already set.

finalResponse Executes after either successResponse or errorResponse Determines what format to respond with res.fmt and sends the response and code.

Prototype properties:

  • path - string - root url path
  • basePath - object or function - base url path for all routes for this controller
  • middleware - object or function - configure route handler specific middleware
  • queryParams - object or function - allowed query parameters
  • sortParam - string - default sort param
  • sortOrder - string - default sort order (asc or desc)
  • skip - int - default skip 0
  • limit - int - default limit 50

Example of middleware prototype property:

    create: [authenticateMiddleware, requireJsonMiddleware],
    find: [authenticateMiddleware],
    findOne: [authenticateMiddleware],
    update: [authenticateMiddleware, requireJsonMiddleware],
    destroy: [authenticateMiddleware]

Instance properties:

  • routes - object - configuration of routes/handlers (don't set this directly, use setupRoutes)
  • pre - array of functions - middleware executed before route middleware and route handler
  • before - array of functions - middleware executed after route middleware but before route handler
  • after - array of functions - middleware executed after route handler

Prototype functions:

  • setupRoutes
  • setupPreMiddleware
  • setupBeforeMiddleware
  • setupAfterMiddleware

What is a crud controller?

Crud controllers have everything a standard controller has with the addition of referencing a database connection and defining and instantiating models and collections.

It also by default automatically configures handlers for find, findOne, create, update, and destroy which correspond to the CRUD actions with resourceful routes.

Prototype properties: (inherits from controller)

  • urlRoot - string - the name of the mongodb collection
  • model - class - the class of the model
  • collection - class - the class of the collection
  • crud - array of strings - single character of the following {C, R, O, U, D} representing a CRUD action

Instance properties:

  • db - an instance of a database (mongo) connection
  • cache - an instance of a redis connection

Prototype functions:

  • setupModel
  • setupCollection


Models are an extension of Backbone Models. They have an attributes property with .get and .set.

See the Backbone.js documentation for more information on how to work with models.

Why use a base model?

Why is there a base model and collection?

Similar principle to controllers, except in the case of models, it is commonly used to define things like privateAttributes or other properties that are intended to be inherited by most if not all of the application's models.

A good example is ... TBD

There is less of a reason for base collection, but it is done here to show what is possible.

Prototype properties:

  • urlRoot - string - mongodb collection name
  • idAttribute - string - usually is _id
  • userIdAttribute - string - usually is user_id
  • privateAttributes - array of strings -
  • publicAttributes - array of strings -

Instance properties:

  • db - object - mongo
  • cache - object - redis

Prototype functions:

  • setFromRequest
  • render


Collections contain one or more models.

See the Backbone.js documentation for more information on how to work with collections.

Prototype properties:

  • urlRoot - string - mongodb collection name
  • model - class - class for the model used by this collection

Instance properties:

  • db - object - mongo
  • cache - object - redis

Prototype functions:


Custom Errors




What features does Bootie have?


What does Bootie not do?

  • Does not give you wings.

Why should I use Bootie?

Bootie is not for everyone. It worked really well for our team and what we wanted to accomplish so we just wanted to share it with anyone would could benefit from our learnings.

Why did you build Bootie?

While developing Celery's new API, we first started out as using a pure express.js implementation.

Unit Test Coverage

  • Model
  • Collection
  • Mongo


  • More unit test coverage
