Provides a unified module definition wrapper for RequireJS and AMDefine definitions while staying seamlessly compliant with the RequireJS optimizer and factory based objects.

brace, umd, unified, amd, module, definition, amd-modules, build-tools, umd-bundle
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A unified module definition script and build platform to support AMD modules while working seamlessly with the RequireJs optimizer and native global object.

Brace Umd creates a localized platform in your AMD modules to store build information. Every module keeps its optimal build structure which can then be meticulously compiled using the requirejs optimizer for ideal package builds which consist of multiple packages and modules.

Brace Umd is better than other more simple module definitions by providing localized uglify-js functionality and option passing.

Licensed under: MIT WITH BSD-2-Clause


  • Allows for zero dependency module creation when used with the r.js optimizer and the built in factory loader
  • Provides an anonymous module option for amdefine modules
  • Adds only one new namespace (umd), by using a self-destructing proxy method
  • Provides a way to switch between definition types without altering source code
  • Allows for minification of wrapped source code using almost all of the uglify-js options
  • Extensible friendly design regarding other asynchronous module definitions
  • Well commented, professionally engineered and thoroughly documented code
  • Vast and deep unit tests on Windows 10 and Ubuntu 16


  • Requires nodejs version 5 or greater

Note: it is acceptable to use mangle and mangle properties with the Umd source and in the requirejs optimizing process. This is done by storing the build config options used and then passing them back into uglify-js via the r.js build config file (see using with requirejs, for more information.

Below is the complete umd script. The following code will work in nodejs or the browser and can use any of the supported definitions:

/* Generated by Brace_Umd 0.8.2 */
!function(e, i, r, t) {
    var define, requirejs, require, umd = {
        e: 'object' == typeof module && 'filename' in module && 'exports' in module,
        requirejs: r,
        define: i,
        i: 'object' == typeof t && t || {},
        r: function() {
            var e = {
                define: !this.i.auto_anonymous && this.define || this.t,
                requirejs: this.requirejs || this.o,
                require: this.requirejs || this.e && module.require || this.factory,
                factory: this.factory
            this.i.force_type in e && (e.requirejs = e.require = e.define = e.factory = e[this.i.force_type]), 
            define = e.define, requirejs = e.requirejs, require = e.require;
        n: !1,
        factory: function(i, r, t, o) {
            i && i.constructor === Array ? (o = t, t = r, r = i, i = '') : 'string' != typeof i && (o = r, 
            t = i, r = [ 'require' ], i = '');
            var n = [], f = umd.e && module.require || e.require, u = '';
            if (r.every(function(i) {
                return i = i.replace(/^\.[\/,\\]/, ''), n.push('require' === i && f || e[i]), 'require' === i || i in e || (u = i), 
            }), !0 !== umd.n) {
                if (!i) return umd.n = !0, void (u ? console.log('The amd factory attempted to load the', i || 'anonymous', 'module that specified a dependency which was not defined:', u) : umd.e ? module.exports = t.apply(t.prototype, n) : t.apply(t.prototype, n));
                umd.n = i;
            umd.e ? module.exports[i] = t.apply(t.prototype, n) : e[i] = t.apply(t.prototype, n);
        f: [ 'config', 'nextTick', 'version', 'jsExtRegExp', 'isBrowser', 's', 'toUrl', 'undef', 'defined', 'specified', 'onError', 'createNode', 'load', 'exec' ],
        u: [ 'amd', 'require' ],
        t: function() {
            if (umd.e && !umd.define) try {
                umd.define = module.require('amdefine')(module);
                for (var e in umd.define) umd.t[e] = umd.define[e];
            } catch (e) {}
            var i = umd.define || umd.factory;
            i == umd.define && umd.i.auto_anonymous ? !0 !== umd.n && 'string' == typeof arguments[0] ? umd.n = arguments[0] : 'string' != typeof arguments[0] && (umd.n = !0) : (umd.t = i, 
            umd.r()), i.apply(i.prototype, arguments);
        o: function() {
            if (umd.e) try {
                umd.requirejs = module.require('requirejs');
            } catch (e) {}
            umd.o = umd.requirejs || umd.factory, umd.r(), umd.o.apply(umd.o.prototype, arguments);
    for (var o in umd.u) umd.t.__defineGetter__(umd.u[o], function(e) {
        if (umd.e && !umd.define) try {
            umd.define = module.require('amdefine')(module);
            for (var i in umd.define) delete this[i], this[i] = umd.define[i];
            return umd.define[e];
        } catch (e) {}
    }.bind(null, umd.u[o]));
    if (!requirejs) for (var o in umd.f) umd.o.__defineGetter__(umd.f[o], function(e) {
        if (umd.e) try {
            return umd.requirejs = module.require('requirejs'), umd.o = umd.requirejs, umd.r(), 
        } catch (e) {
    }.bind(null, umd.f[o]));
// -- Add your module definitions here ----------------

// ----------------------------------------------------
umd.n.length && define([ umd.n ], function(e) {
        return e;
}(this, 'function' == typeof define && define || void 0, 'function' == typeof requirejs && requirejs || void 0, {});