
A JavaScript library to interface with CADU

npm install cadu-test-js@0.0.13


CadU Javascript Library

A JavaScript library to interface with CadU API, it works in Node.js.


This library covers all your needs for integrating with CadU, providing:

  • A clean Promise-based interface for all endpoints in CadU API
  • The library was create using mappersmith

How to use

First, install it:

yarn add cadu

Or using npm:

npm install cadu

CadU JavaScript library can be used in two ways:


Import like usual:

import cadu from 'cadu'

also works using require:

const cadu = require('cadu')

Client API

All of CadU REST API endpoints are covered in the client object. Every function call issued to client will return a Promise which represents and manages the result's lifecycle.

Using connect

When you call connect, a Promise which resolves to a client or an error will be returned. If an authentication error happens, you can catch the error with the Promise interface:

import cadujs from 'cadu'

  environment: 'sandbox',
  privateKey: certPriv,
  clientId: 'client_id',
  userAgent: 'user_agent',
  .then(client => client.Members.all())


If your method doesn't require any parameter, you can just call it without them:

  .all() //
  .then((response) => console.log(
  .catch((response) => console.error(

Every parameter that doesn't match a pattern {parameter-name} in path will be sent as part of the query string:

client.Members.all({ legalName: 'Name' }) //

When a method requires a parameters and the method is called without it, Mappersmith will raise an error:

client.Member.byId(/* missing memberKey */)
// throw '[Mappersmith] required parameter missing (memberKey), "/members/{memberKey}" cannot be resolved'


To send values in the request body (usually for POST, PUT or PATCH methods) you will use the special parameter body:

  body: payload

Response object

Mappersmith will provide an instance of its own Response object to the promises. This object has the methods:

  • request() - Returns the original Request
  • status() - Returns the status number
  • success() - Returns true for status greater than 200 and lower than 400
  • headers() - Returns an object with all headers, keys in lower case
  • header(name) - Returns the value of the header
  • data() - Returns the response data, if Content-Type is application/json it parses the response and returns an object


To build for Node.js the library, use yarn build:commonjs.


To run the library tests, use yarn test:all.


The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2017 Pagamentos S/A