
Promises and defaults to make reading and writing files a breeze

npm install careless-fs@1.1.0


Careless FS

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Promises and defaults to make reading and writing files a breeze. Makes the directory if it doesn't exist on write, requires only a path and passes errors through promise rejections. Returns file content as a string by default rather than readable streams, and defaults to utf-8 encoding - otherwise sticks to defaults as per NodeJS's FS module.


const fs = require('careless-fs');

Write can take a single file object or an array of file objects. Single returns single, array returns an array of file objects. Uses the same defaults as fs.createWriteStream, which is used internally. Returns the file content as it was passed in.

  path: '/path/to/file',
  content: 'Content to write - can be a string, buffer or readableStream. Defaults to empty',
  encoding: 'defaults to utf-8',
  arbitraryKey: 'this will be preserved'
  .catch((err) => handleError(err));

Read works more or less the same, and preserves object values passed in unless they would be overwritten by the read (content, encoding). Uses the same defaults as fs.createReadStream, but defaults to returning a string rather than a readable stream.[
    path: '/path/to/file',
    stream: defaults to false and returns a string, if true content is returned as a readableStream,
    arbitraryKey: 'this will be preserved',
    encoding: 'defaults to utf-8, so content is returned as a string - set to null to get a buffer back'
    path: '/path/to/another/file',
  .catch((err) => handleError(err));