A node program to extract codeforces inputs and outputs

codeforces, parser, extract, input, output
npm install cfhelper@1.0.21


Codeforces Helper

npm version

Codeforces Helper is a Node.js executable that accepts a URL to a problem or contest in www.codeforces.com, and sets up a folder for the problem with all the test cases. As a bonus, a template and test script is made! This saves a lot of setup time, so one can just focus on solving the problem! 😄

NOTE: To use the test script, the C++ executable should be named "sol" (g++ -std=c++14 <code.cpp> -o sol)

Codeforces Helper is free to use! If you like it, please support me and give it a star on my Github, www.github.com/callistusystan/codeforcesHelper ⭐️

If there are any problems with the tool, feel free to raise an issue on the Github repo, www.github.com/callistusystan/codeforcesHelper/issues or send me an email at callistusystan@gmail.com


While Codeforces Helper is still working fine, I would like to introduce my newer and improved tool, Codr. Codr has a simpler API, and is designed the way I should have done when implementing cfhelper.

Codr's goal is to be able to parse problems from more coding platforms, which is possible with its extensible design.



  1. Node.js with NPM


  1. Open a terminal (with Node.js installed)

  2. Enter the following command:

    	> npm install -g cfhelper


cfhelper [-h | --help] [<directory> <URL>] [--set <templateFile>] [--reset] [--notest] [--test]

-h | --help
	Displays the documentation

<directory> <URL>
	Extracts the data of problem(s) in the URL and creates a new folder for the problem(s)
	in the specified directory

	Example: cfhelper . http://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/1/A
	Example: cfhelper ./contest1 http://codeforces.com/contest/1
	NOTE: URL must be a publicly accessible link to a Codeforces problem or contest

--set <templateFile>
	Sets the specified template file that will be generated when extracting problem data

	Example: cfhelper --set ./template.py
	NOTE: templateFile must be a valid path to an existing file
	NOTE: may require "sudo su"

	Resets the template file to the default C++ file

	NOTE: may require "sudo su"

	Command to disable the creation of test script

	NOTE: may require "sudo su"

	Command to enable the creation of test script

	NOTE: may require "sudo su"

Useful Documentation

  1. Install Bash on Ubuntu on Windows


  2. Install Node.js with NPM on Bash on Ubuntu on Windows
