Node.js RESTful router - Minimalistic Style

realtime, real-time,
npm install circuits@0.3.1



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A simple socket-io framework for client and server communcation around CRUD operations


install using npm

npm install circuits

Basic client server example source

# port to listen to
testPort = 8001
# create a server
httpServer = http.Server()
# instantiate a Circuits server with a controller router
server = new Server httpServer, (controller)->
    switch controller
        # match against the requested router to a specific one
        # every router needs to implement the CRUD operation 
        # it needs to support
        when 'echo' then {
                "read" : (message, id, cb)-> 
                    # the first argument for the callback is 

httpServer.listen testPort

client = sioc.connect("http://localhost:#{testPort}")

client.on 'connect', ->
    client.emit Operation, 'echo',, 'any bats in here?',(err, data)->
        if (data == 'any bats in here?')
            console.log 'No bats here I guess..'

ToDo: Example using Circuits with a Backbone model Example using Circuits with a Backbone collection Example using Circuits with Express framework

Whats in the box?

create Circuits server instance

new circuits.Server( httpServer, controllerResolver, [acl, redisHost, redisDB, redis, redisPort, circuitChannel] )

  • httpServer instance of require('http').Server
  • controllerResolver function that returns an object with mapping to CRUD operation for provided controller name
  • acl the ACL object, if none provided it allowes everything
  • redisHost IP address of your redis (default is "")
  • redisDB redis db to use (default is 10 )
  • redisPort redis port (deault is 6379)
  • circuitChannel name space for communication between Circuits instances


circuits.Messages is a map of String => String of supported Circuits messages

the Operation message is a request for a message to be dispatched to respective controller on the server


name type description
controller name String the controller to dispatch this message to
crudOp circuits.CRUD.{create,read..} the crud operation
params Object parameters to be passed
operation params Object* depending on the CRUD operation, a set of required fields

required operation params for the different CRUD operations


name type description
data Object the object to be created

name type description
id String resource id


name type description
id String resource id
data Object the object to update with


name type description
id String resource id

CRUD operations


is simply a map of String => String of
create, read,update, delete and patch


circuits.ACL constructor arguments

name type description
rules Object mapping of controllers to allowed crud operations and respective user groups
controller+crud groups function(userID, callback = function(err, groups)) function that returns groups for a given user ID
optional check function(userID, model, modelId, crudOp, callback = function(message,boolean) an optional check for special cases were you want to enforce a finer grained ACL, for example for when only a creater of a resource is only allowed to do a write operation on that model..

example of a controller+crud group rules

    "MyModel" : {
        "create" : ["public"],
        "read" : ["public"],
        "update" : ["users"],
        "delete" : []
    "SecretModel" : {
        "create" : ["users"],
        "read" : ["users"],
        "update" : ["users"],
        "delete" : ["users"]

is simply an object mapping controllers to respective allowed crud operations

High Level Design