The clean and simple website of Avery Magnotti.

blog, firebase, jekyll, poole, scss, website
npm install


Avery's website

My minimal portfolio and blog, powered by Jekyll and my custom fork of Poole.


Build status

master latest
Build Status Build Status

Build scripts

npm run clean: Cleans up everything in _site.

npm run dev: Runs Jekyll using the development environment and watches for changes.

npm run firebase: Deploys to Firebase static hosting.

npm run ipfs: Deploys to IPFS. Requires some setup.

npm run jekyll: Builds the current site into _site using Jekyll.

npm run lint: Lints all Sass files in _sass/ according to rules in .sass-lint.yml.

npm run prod: Runs a Jekyll build using the production environment.

npm run publish: Cleans the currently built site, lints Sass files, builds a production site, deploys to IPFS, and finally to Firebase.


The latest branch contains the newest changes, which are highly experimental and prone to status check failures or numerous other design quirks. If a build passes all status checks, it is automatically published to via Netlify.

When the changes in latest are deemed stable, a Pull Request is made merging the commits of latest into the master branch. Shortly after, it is published to npm and Firebase Hosting.


Code licensed under MIT. Blog posts (anything in blog/_posts) licensed CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0.