a mock clock for tests involving timing

npm install clock-mock@2.0.2



A mock clock for tests involving timing.

Don't just use setTimeout() and hope that the timings work out. This makes tests take forever and be non-deterministic and flaky.

Instead, mock the clock, and explicitly advance it so you can test timing issues precisely and deterministically.


import { Clock } from 'clock-mock'
// this also works:
// const { Clock } = require('clock-mock')

import t from 'tap' // or whatever you use

// the module you wrote that does timing stuff
import { myModuleThatDoesStuffWithTime } from '../index.js'

t.test('test timeouts precisely', t => {
  const c = new Clock()
  myModuleThatDoesStuffWithTime.scheduleThing('foo', 100)
  t.equal(myModuleThatDoesStuffWithTime.thingRan('foo'), false)
  c.advance(1) // the timeout fired!
  t.equal(myModuleThatDoesStuffWithTime.thingRan('foo'), true)



  • Date class
  • setTimeout
  • setInterval
  • setImmediate
  • clearTimeout
  • clearInterval
  • performance.now()
  • process.hrtime
  • process.hrtime.bigint


  • const c = new Clock()

    Returns a new Clock instance

  • c.advance(n)

    Advance the clock by n ms. Use floats for smaller increments of time.

  • c.flow(n, step = 5) => Promise<void>

    Advance the clock in steps, awaiting a Promise at each step, so that actual asynchronous events can occur, as well as timers.

  • c.travel(time)

    Set the clock to a specific time. Will fire timers that you zoom past.

  • c.enter()

    Mocks all the things in the global space.

    Returns exit function, for ease of doing t.teardown(c.enter()).

  • c.exit()

    Puts all the mocked globals back to their prior state.

  • c.setTimeout(fn, n = 1)

    Schedule a function to be run when the clock has advanced n ms beyond the current point.

    Only ms granularity.

  • c.setInterval(fn, n = 1)

    Schedule a function to be run when the clock advances each multiple of n past the current point.

    If multiple steps are advanced at once, for example doing c.setInterval(fn, 1) ; c.advance(1000), then it will only call the function once. This allows you to simulate clock jitter.

    Only ms granularity.

  • c.setImmediate(fn)

    Schedule a function to be run the next time the clock advances by any amount.

  • c.clearTimeout(timer)

    Clear a timeout created by the clock.

  • c.clearInterval(interval)

    Clear an interval created by the clock.

  • c.now()

    Returns the current ms time on the clock.

  • c.hrtime()

    Mock of process.hrtime(), returning [seconds, nanoseconds] on the clock.

  • c.hrtimeBigint()

    Mock of process.hrtime.bigint(), returning BigInt representation of current nanosecond time.