CMake functions to streamline the build process and packaging of Pear applications.
Defines and configures a new Pear appling. Takes care of linking the code to the core Pear libraries, managing appling metadata (key, name, version, etc.), and calling the appropriate platform-specific packaging functions.
KEY <string>
NAME <string>
VERSION <string>
AUTHOR <string>
[SPLASH <path>]
[MACOS_ICON <path>]
[MACOS_ENTITLEMENTS <entitlement...>]
[LINUX_ICON <path>]
The name of the CMake target to create for the Pear appling.
The key of the Pear appling.
The name of the appling as presented to users.
The semantic version of the Pear appling, e.g. "1.0.0".
A short description of the app's functionality.
Author's name or the name of the organization creating the appling.
The path to a splash screen image displayed during appling launch. Defaults to "assets/splash.png"
The path to the icon for the macOS app bundle. Defaults to "assets/darwin/icon.png"
The category for the app in the macOS App Store or Finder.
A unique bundle identifier for the macOS app.
A macOS code signing identity string. Defaults to "Apple Development"
The path to the keychain containing the signing identity.
A list of macOS entitlements for special permissions.
The path to the icon for the Windows MSIX package. Defaults to "assets/win32/icon.png"
Subject name for Windows code signing.
Thumbprint of the Windows code signing certificate.
Path to the icon for the Linux AppImage. Defaults to "assets/linux/icon.png"
The category for the app in Linux application menus.