
A UCS-2-aware library for the representation & transformation of Unicode characters & codepoints.

npm install coffeenode-chr@1.1.0


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Front matter

The CoffeeNode CHR module (short for 'character') is a library for handling characters within NodeJS in a Unicode-compliant, Astral-Plane-aware fashion. It includes functions to split texts into characters, iterate over characters, and convert between a number of different character representations.


Install as

npm install coffeenode-chr

Require as, e.g.

CHR = require 'coffeenode-chr'

Table of Contents

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Most methods of the present library accept up to two arguments, cid_hint and options. CID is short for 'character identifier', the integer that each codepoint in coded character sets is associated with. In JavaScript, the String::charCodeAt method is responsible for returning a given character's code—its CID. Other than a number, methods with said signature also accept non-empty strings.

  • Methods may be called with one or two arguments; the first is known as the 'CID hint', the second as 'options'.

  • The CID hint may be a number or a text; if it is a number, it is understood as a CID; if it is a text, its interpretation is subject to the options[ 'mode' ] setting. If it is a string, it will be scrutinized for its first character (according to mode); the rest of the text will be ignored.

  • options must be a Plain Old Dictionary (a JS object) with the optional members input, output, and csg.

  • options[ 'input' ] is only observed if the CID hint is a text; it governs which kinds of character references are recognized in the text. input may be one of plain, ncr, or xncr; it defaults to plain (no character references will be recognized).

  • options[ 'csg' ] sets the character set sigil. If csg is set in the options, then it will override whatever the outcome of CHR.csg_cid_from_chr w.r.t. CSG is—in other words, if you call CHR.as_sfncr '&jzr#xe100', mode: 'xncr', csg: 'u', you will get u-e100, with the numerically equivalent codepoint from the u (Unicode) character set.

  • Before CSG and CID are returned, they will be validated for plausibility.

Public Members

analyze = ( cid_hint, options ) ->

The many-tricks-pony of coffeenode-chr. It will return an object describing multiple aspects of the codepoint in question. Examples:

# CHR.analyze 'helo world'

{ chr:    'h',                # The first character of the text.
  csg:    'u',                # CSG 'u', i.e. a Unicode character.
  cid:    104,                # Codepoint: 104 = 0x68.
  fncr:   'u-latn-68',        # The 'friendly NCR'; see 'rsg', below.
  sfncr:  'u-68',             # The 'short friendly NCR'.
  ncr:    'h',           # HTML-comaptible Numeric Character Reference (NCR).
  xncr:   'h',           # For codepoints outside of Unicode, this will differ from the NCR.
  rsg:    'u-latn' }          # The 'range sigil', i.e. Unicode block identifier.

When using Numerical Character References (NCRs), it is important to choose the right input mode (namely, ncr or xncr):

# CHR.analyze '𤕣' # same as `CHR.analyze '𤕣', input: 'plain'`

{ chr:    '&',
  csg:    'u',
  cid:    38,
  fncr:   'u-latn-26',
  sfncr:  'u-26',
  ncr:    '&',
  xncr:   '&',
  rsg:    'u-latn' }

# CHR.analyze '𤕣', input: 'ncr'

{ chr:    '𤕣',
  csg:    'u',
  cid:    148835,
  fncr:   'u-cjk-xb-24563',
  sfncr:  'u-24563',
  ncr:    '𤕣',
  xncr:   '𤕣',
  rsg:    'u-cjk-xb' }

# CHR.analyze '𤕣', input: 'xncr'

{ chr:    '𤕣',
  csg:    'u',
  cid:    148835,
  fncr:   'u-cjk-xb-24563',
  sfncr:  'u-24563',
  ncr:    '𤕣',
  xncr:   '𤕣',
  rsg:    'u-cjk-xb' }

In the above examples, the NCR 𤕣 was successfully decoded in modes input ncr and xncr, while in plain mode, & counts as the first character of the text.

Two more examples to show how to reference characters outside of Unicode: First let's analyze an 'extended NCR' using mode ncr. The result is that, since &jzr#x24563; violates the rules for NCRs, it is not recognized and treated as an ordinary text (the same way browsers do it). The first character of that text is an & ampersand, so all we get is a description of that character in mode ncr:

# CHR.analyze '&jzr#xe100;', input: 'ncr'

{ chr:    '&',
  csg:    'u',
  cid:    38,
  fncr:   'u-latn-26',
  sfncr:  'u-26',
  ncr:    '&',
  xncr:   '&',
  rsg:    'u-latn' }

When we switch to mode xncr, the extended NCR is properly detected:

# CHR.analyze '&jzr#xe100;', input: 'xncr'

{ chr: '&jzr#xe100;',       # the XNCR has been recognized.
  csg: 'jzr',               # The CSG identifies the Jizura Character Set (JZRCS).
  cid: 57600,               # CID is 57600 = 0xe100
  fncr: 'jzr-fig-e100',     # The FNCR tells us that the codepoint is in the 'fig' block of the JZRCS.
  sfncr: 'jzr-e100',
  ncr: '',          # When rendering to a web page, we must use standard NCRs.
  xncr: '&jzr#xe100;',      # In plain texts, databases and so on, we may wish to use this notation.
  rsg: 'jzr-fig' }

This information may be used to properly render the codepoint in question, say, as <span class='jzr-fig'>&#xe100;</span>, alongside with suitable CSS rules that tell the browser which font to use.

as_chr = ( cid_hint, options ) ->

as_cid = ( cid_hint, options ) ->

as_csg = ( cid_hint, options ) ->

as_fncr = ( cid_hint, options ) ->

as_ncr = ( cid_hint, options ) ->

as_range_name = ( cid_hint, options ) ->

as_rsg = ( cid_hint, options ) ->

as_sfncr = ( cid_hint, options ) ->

as_xncr = ( cid_hint, options ) ->

chrs_from_text = ( text, options ) ->

Given a text and options, return a list of characters. The only relevant setting of options is mode, which governs (as in most methods) whether NCRs/XNCRs are recognized. When applying a CHR method such as CHR.analyze to each element of the resulting list (with the same mode setting), a complete analysis of a text can be perfomed.

chunks_from_text = ( text, options ) ->

Given a text and options (of which only mode is relevant here), return a list of CHR/chunk objects (as returned by CHR._new_chunk) that describes stretches of characters with codepoints in the same 'range' (Unicode block).

html_from_text = ( text, options ) ->

cid_from_chr = ( chr, options ) ->

csg_cid_from_chr = ( chr, options ) ->

validate_is_cid = ( x ) ->

validate_is_csg = ( x ) ->

Private Members

_analyze = ( csg, cid ) ->
_as_fncr = ( csg, cid ) ->
_as_range_name = ( csg, cid ) ->
_as_rsg = ( csg, cid ) ->
_as_sfncr = ( csg, cid ) ->
_as_xncr = ( csg, cid ) ->
_chr_csg_cid_from_chr = ( chr, mode ) ->
_csg_cid_from_hint = ( cid_hint, options ) ->
_names_and_ranges_by_csg = unicode_blocks_data[ 'names-and-ranges-by-csg' ]
_unicode_chr_from_cid = ( cid ) ->



JavaScript & Unicode

When JavaScript was conceived and standardized in 1994/95, the Unicode standard was still in its infancy. Early design plans for a Universal Character Set had argued that 216 or even a mere 214 codepoints should be more than sufficient to represent all characters in current use—it was only in 1996 that the Unicode Consortium acknowledged the need for a far bigger number of codepoints, and hence pushed the highest valid codepoint position from 0xffff to 0x10ffff; there are, consequently, 1,114,112 codepoints available in Unicode from version 2.0 onwards. In the vernacular, Unicode codepoints beyond 0xffff (the frontier of the Basic Multilingual Plane, BMP) are known as '32bit characters', and the wilderness out there as 'The Astral Planes'.

In order to remain backwards compatible to those applications which had been implemented under the premise that each Unicode codepoint would be representable within 16 bits, a 'Surrogate Character' mechanism was introduced alongside with the extension of the character set. To understand Surrogate Characters, imagine the same had happened to ASCII—an 8bit character set that leaves all codepoints using the 8th bit undefined. We could go and make those 128 codepoints surrogate characters, stipulating that the 64 codepoints in the range 0x80...0xbf shall serve as 'High (or Leading) Surrogates', those in the range 0xc0...0xff as 'Low (or Trailing) Surrogates', and that High and Low Surrogates shall always appear as pairs. In essence, then, every surrogate pair HL then represents a number written out in a positional system with the base 64 (with the offsets 0x80 and 0xc0)—that is, we can project it onto codepoints beyond 0xff (255) by saying that a surrogate pair HL is a way to access codepoint ( H — 0x80 ) * 64 + ( L — 0xc0 ) + 255, allowing us to express around 4000 additional codepoints in the range 0x100...0x10fe from within the confines of an 8bit character set!

Of course, such a move would have broken a lot of assumptions, such as the Olde Saw that 'a character is a codepoint, a codepoint is a byte', a truism in all early encoding schemes. In Unicode, a 'character' (a unit of writing) is distinct from a 'glyph' (the graphical appearance of a character), and while each 'glyph' is mapped to a 'codepoint', many virtually indistinguishable glyphs may be mapped to disparate codepoints (for a number of reasons—some good, some bad, some historically justified, some mistaken).

When working with Unicode, it is important to be aware of the fact that only up to 256 Unicode codepoints are maximally representable within a 'byte'—a scant 0.256% of the ≈100,000 codepoints in use (as of Unicode 6. When using UTF-8 as an encoding, there are actually a mere 128 codepoints left that occupy one byte only). Understanding the codepoint / character / byte schism is essential for any programmer wanting to process text.

Now JavaScript was fairly advanced for its time in that its text data type—the String—was defined in terms of Unicode characters at a time when the programming community at large was still happily hacking bytes, and web designers spit out HTML pages using ISO 8859-1 (by comparison, Python, which was conceived in 1991, got a Unicode data type only in 2000, and abolished its 8bit string type in 2008—until then, a good many Python programmers operated on bytes rather than codepoints when manipulating text in that language).

Since JavaScript's String data type is character-oriented and Array-like, it is very convenient to, say, iterate over characters in a text. It is as simple as fetching the length of the string and iterate over its indexes:

var chr_count = text.length;
for ( var idx = 0; idx < chr_count; idx += 1 ) {
  log( text[ idx ] ); }

Where JavaScript is something of a bit of a failure is its treatment of those elusive 32bit / astral codepoints. Sadly, for all its simplicity and correctness in 95% of all practically occurring situations in day-to-day programming situations, the above code snippets is not correct, as it fails to account for the fact that in JavaScript, 32bit characters occupy two String positions. We can easily test this:

var show_codepoints = function( text ) {
    var chr;
    var chr_count = text.length;
    for ( var idx = 0; idx < chr_count; idx += 1 ) {
      chr = text[ idx ];
      log( chr, idx, '0x' + chr.charCodeAt( 0 ).toString( 16 ) ); } };

var text = '自強不息';
show_codepoints( text );


自 0 0x81ea
強 1 0x5f37
不 2 0x4e0d
息 3 0x606f

which is correct, since all codepoints are below 0xffff. However, should a text inadvertently include astral entities, the algorithm breaks down in nasty ways:

var text = '𤕣古文龜';
show_codepoints( text );


� 0 0xd851
� 1 0xdd63
古 2 0x53e4
文 3 0x6587
龜 4 0x9f9c

Like in an X-ray, we see that the string now holds five positions, in spite of there being only four characters, as in the previous one. The first two units are rendered with the Unicode Replacement Character (which itself—confusingly—has a codepoint, 0xffd; in essence, all codepoints deemed illegal are mapped to 0xfffd at some point on their way through the output pipeline), as they are no legal codepoints when occurring without a suitable partner.

The astute reader will notice a conundrum here: we've just proven that the character 𤕣 is stored as two units in JavaScript, rather than one. Still, we managed to get it from an UTF-8 encoded sourcefile through the runtime and back out onto the console correctly—shouldn't JavaScript's treatment have destroyed the character by splitting it up? The answer is: Yes, that should have happened, and it is indeed what did happen in NodeJS versions prior to 7.7 (i believe), and also in earlier versions of Chrome. Fortunately, there has been fixed by making it so that input and output routines perform 'ensurrogating' and 'desurrogating' on the character streams, with the effect that Joe the Programmer has one problem less now.

However, the numbers shown (0xd851 and 0xdd63) indicate that JavaScript can deal with those positions, it just cannot print out a suitable glyph for them. Indeed, when we apply the formula for Unicode Surrogate Pair conversion to the first two codepoints in the critical text:

H = 0xd851
L = 0xdd63
codepoint = ( H - 0xD800 ) * 0x400 + ( L - 0xDC00 ) + 0x10000

we find that the result 0x24563 does point to 𤕣 (an archaic variant of the modern Chinese character 龜). So it becomes clear that JavaScript can deal with 'astral texts' (rendering it in what has become known as mojibake 文字化け or krüsel-krüsel)—provided that programmers do respect surrogates.

This leaves code wranglers with a truly confusing and sometimes frustrating situation: First, we had to swallow that a byte is not a character (anyone who spent their time between 2000 and 2010 trying to 'make everything work' in Python versions that had both an 8bit str type and a 16bit Unicode type will know what i'm talking about). Next, we have to swallow that (in Java, in JavaScript, and in some versions of Python, depending on compilation flags) even a single character may or may not be a single codepoint; instead, characters with codepoints above 0xffff are represented as two 'Code Units', one more term to learn here.


Character Representations

It is often necessary to convert between different character representations. For example, the character may be represented as &#x5f37; in HTML—this can help when the source text must be edited in a Unicode-unfriendly environment. Likewise, the Unicode Consortium identifies codepoints using the U+ notation, e.g. U+5F37;.

Numeric Character Representation (NCR)

The Numeric(al) Character Representation (NCR) format was invented to represent 'difficult' characters in SGML, a markup format designed in 1960s which became the ancestor of both XML and HTML. An NCR consists of an ampersand & followed by a hash #, followed by the numerical codepoint identifier (CID, otherwise known as simple 'a codepoint') of the character in question, and closed with a semicolon ;. The CID may be written out in decimal or hexadecimal, upper- or lowercase, and with optional leading zeros. If written in hexadecimal, an x must be placed between the hash # and the CID: thus, , named GURMUKHI LETTER VA, may be represented as &#x0A35;, &#xA35;, &#x0a35;, &#2613;, &#02613;. (The flexibility of these rules and the plethora of possible variants is somewhat of a hallmark of earlier computing standards; other examples for this phenomenon are email- and IP-addresses.)

Unicode Character Representation (UCR)

The Unicode Consortium's Character Representation (UCR) format is used by the Unicode Consortium in its publications. It consists of an uppercase U, followed by a plus sign +, followed by the CID of the character in question. The CID is invariably written out in uppercase hexadecimal; it is padded with zeros when shorter than four digits; otherwise, it consists of five or six digits as needed. For example, is represented as U+0A35.

Friendly NCRs

When having to reference and identify characters in explanatory texts, i personally like to write out the codepoint in a fashion that is both somewhat less 'formal' than NCRs and somewhat more readable, flexible and informative than UCRs; i call this format FNCR for Friendly Numeric Characer Representation. It is mainly intended for use in publications such as character references, where a notice should be made for the reader how to decode the constituent parts of the notation.

The general format of an FNCR is as follows: first, the character set is indicated by a short string of letters, u being reserved for Unicode; this part is called the Character Set siGil (CSG). Then, the relevant subset or block of the position of the codepoint in the character set is identified by a so-called Range SiGil (RSG). Last, the CID is written out in lowercase hexadecimal. The parts of the FNCR are joined by hyphens -. Here are a few examples:

ਵ      u-guru-a35      # guru:  (ISO code for) 'Gurmukhi'
強     u-cjk-5f37      # cjk:   Unicode block 'CJK Unified Ideographs'
𤕣     u-cjkxb-24563   # cjkxb: Unicode block 'CJK Ideograph Extension B'
€      u-cur-20ac      # cur:   Unicode block 'Currency Symbols'

RSGs are important for big character sets such as Unicode, where tens of thousands of characters are distributed over hundred of blocks—it is easy to loose orientation. Since FNCRs include a character set sigil, codepoints from multiple character sets may be identified; for example, here we use l9 to stand for Latin-9, otherwise known as ISO 8859-15, and cp1252 for Windows Codepage 1252:

€    = u-cur-20ac
     = l9-a4
     = cp1252-80


Extended NCRs

Other Terms

Character Identifier (CID)

Probably differs from the concept as used by Adobe

Codepoint (Codeposition)


Character Set Sigil (CSG)