
Salesforce Commerce SDK Isomorphic

npm install commerce-sdk-isomorphic@1.13.1



The Salesforce Commerce SDK (Isomorphic) allows easy interaction with the B2C Commerce platform’s Shopper APIs on the Node.js runtime and works both in browsers and Node applications. For a Node-based SDK that can access the Admin APIs in addition to the Shopper APIs, see the main Commerce SDK.

Getting Started


  • Node ^12.x, ^14.x, ^16.x, ^18.x or ^20.x


npm install commerce-sdk-isomorphic


Note: These are required parameters.

Parameter Description
clientId ID of the client account created with Salesforce Commerce.
organizationId The unique identifier for your Salesforce identity.
shortCode Region-specific merchant ID.
siteId Name of the site to access data from, for example, RefArch or SiteGenesis.

Configure the Isomorphic SDK

 * Configure required parameters
 * To learn more about the parameters please refer to
import {helpers, ShopperLogin, ShopperSearch} from 'commerce-sdk-isomorphic';

// Create a configuration to use when creating API clients
const config = {
  proxy: 'https://localhost:3000', // Routes API calls through a proxy when set
  headers: {},
  parameters: {
    clientId: '<your-client-id>',
    organizationId: '<your-org-id>',
    shortCode: '<your-short-code>',
    siteId: '<your-site-id>',
  throwOnBadResponse: true,

const shopperLogin = new ShopperLogin(config);
// Execute Public Client OAuth with PKCE to acquire guest tokens
const {access_token, refresh_token} = await helpers.loginGuestUser(
  {redirectURI: `${config.proxy}/callback`} // Callback URL must be configured in SLAS Admin

// Execute Private Client OAuth with PKCE to acquire guest tokens
// ***WARNING*** Be cautious about using this function in the browser as you may end up exposing your client secret
// only use it when you know your slas client secret is secured
// const {access_token, refresh_token} = await helpers.loginGuestUserPrivate(
//   shopperLogin,
//   {}, {clientSecret: '<your-slas-client-secret>'}
// );

const shopperSearch = new ShopperSearch({
  headers: {authorization: `Bearer ${access_token}`},

const searchResult = await shopperSearch.productSearch({
  parameters: {q: 'shirt'},


The Salesforce Commerce API (SCAPI) does not support CORS, so a proxy must be used to be able to use the SDK.

Advanced Options

Commerce SDK Isomorphic supports Fetch API options for node-fetch on server and whatwg-fetch on browser with a simple configuration. This sample code shows how to configure HTTP timeout and agent options.

 * Configure advanced timeout and agent parameters
 * To learn more about the parameters please refer to the [Salesforce Developer Center](
// Create a configuration to use when creating API clients
const https = require('https');

const config = {
  proxy: 'https://localhost:3000',
  headers: {},
  parameters: {
    clientId: '<your-client-id>',
    organizationId: '<your-org-id>',
    shortCode: '<your-short-code>',
    siteId: '<your-site-id>',
  fetchOptions: {
    timeout: 2000, //request times out after 2 seconds
    agent: new https.agent({
      // a custom http agent
      keepAlive: true,

Additional Config Settings

headers: A collection of key/value string pairs representing additional headers to include with API requests.

throwOnBadResponse: Default value is false. When set to true, the SDK throws an Error on responses with statuses that are not 2xx or 304.

Public/Private Client Shopper Login (SLAS) helpers

A collection of helper functions are available in this SDK to simplify Public/Private Client Shopper Login OAuth flows. See sample code above for guest login.

⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ Users should be extremely cautious about using the SLAS private client helper functions in the browser as it can expose your client secret. Ensure that your client secret is secured before running the function client side.

Custom Query Parameters

With the introduction of hooks for Commerce APIs, customers can pass custom query parameters through the SDK to be used in their custom hook. Custom query parameters must begin with c_:

const searchResult = await shopperSearch.productSearch({
  parameters: {
    q: 'shirt',
    c_paramkey: '<param-value>'

Invalid query parameters that are not a part of the API and do not follow the c_ custom query parameter convention will be filtered from the request and a warning will be displayed.

License Information

The Commerce SDK Isomorphic is licensed under BSD-3-Clause license. See the license for details.