craft ai API isomorphic (compatible with browser and nodejs) javascript client

ai, craft-ai, javascript, machine-learning, javascript-client, machine-learning-api, node-js, decision-trees
npm install craft-ai@1.12.0


craft ai isomorphic javascript client

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craft ai's Explainable AI API enables product & operational teams to quickly deploy and run explainable AIs. craft ai decodes your data streams to deliver self-learning services.

Get Started!

0 - Signup

If you're reading this you are probably already registered with craft ai, if not, head to

1 - Create a project

Once your account is setup, let's create your first project! Go in the 'Projects' tab in the craft ai control center at, and press Create a project.

Once it's done, you can click on your newly created project to retrieve its tokens. There are two types of tokens: read and write. You'll need the write token to create, update and delete your agent.

2 - Setup


Node.js / Webpack / Browserify

Let's first install the package from npm.

npm install craft-ai --save

Then import it in your code

const craftai = require('craft-ai').createClient;

or using es2015 syntax

import craftai from 'craft-ai';
Plain Old Javascript

Thanks to npmcdn, you can include the pre-generated bundle in your html file, for the latest version use

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

to include a specific version specify it in the url like

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>


// The token you retrieved for a given project
const client = craftai('{token}');

3 - Create an agent

craft ai is based on the concept of agents. In most use cases, one agent is created per user or per device.

An agent is an independent module that stores the history of the context of its user or device's context, and learns which decision to take based on the evolution of this context in the form of a decision tree.

In this example, we will create an agent that learns the decision model of a light bulb based on the time of the day and the number of people in the room. This dataset is treated as continuous context updates. If your data is more like events, please refer to the Advanced Configuration section to know how to configure your agent. Here, the agent's context has 4 properties:

  • peopleCount which is a continuous property,
  • timeOfDay which is a time_of_day property,
  • timezone, a property of type timezone needed to generate proper values for timeOfDay (cf. the context properties type section for further information),
  • and finally lightbulbState which is an enum property that is also the output.

ℹ️ timeOfDay is auto-generated, you will find more information below.

const AGENT_ID = 'my_first_agent';

    context: {
      peopleCount: {
        type: 'continuous'
      timeOfDay: {
        type: 'time_of_day'
      timezone: {
        type: 'timezone'
      lightbulbState: {
        type: 'enum'
    output: [ 'lightbulbState' ]
.then(function(agent) {
  console.log('Agent ' + + ' successfully created!');
.catch(function(error) {
  console.error('Error!', error);

Pretty straightforward to test! Open, select you project and your agent is now listed.

Now, if you run that a second time, you'll get an error: the agent 'my_first_agent' is already existing. Let's see how we can delete it before recreating it.

const AGENT_ID = 'my_first_agent';

.then(function() {
  console.log('Agent ' + AGENT_ID + ' no longer exists.');
  return client.createAgent(/*...*/);
.then(function(agent) {
  console.log('Agent ' + + ' successfully created!');
.catch(function(error) {
  console.error('Error!', error);

For further information, check the 'create agent' reference documentation.

4 - Add context operations

We have now created our first agent but it is not able to do much, yet. To learn a decision model it needs to be provided with data, in craft ai these are called context operations.

Please note that only value changes are sent, thus if an operation doesn't contain a value, the previous known value is used.

In the following we add 8 operations:

  1. The initial one sets the initial state of the agent, on July 25 2016 at 5:30, in Paris, nobody is there and the light is off;
  2. At 7:02, someone enters the room the light is turned on;
  3. At 7:15, someone else enters the room;
  4. At 7:31, the light is turned off;
  5. At 8:12, everyone leaves the room;
  6. At 19:23, 2 persons enter the room;
  7. At 22:35, the light is turned on;
  8. At 23:06, everyone leaves the room and the light is turned off.
const AGENT_ID = 'my_first_agent';

// for the purpose of this test, we delete and recreate the agent
.then(function() {
  console.log('Agent ' + AGENT_ID + ' no longer exists.');
  return client.createAgent(/*...*/);
.then(function(agent) {
  console.log('Agent ' + + ' successfully created!');
  return client.addAgentContextOperations(
        timestamp: 1469410200,
        context: {
          timezone: '+02:00',
          peopleCount: 0,
          lightbulbState: 'OFF'
        timestamp: 1469415720,
        context: {
          peopleCount: 1,
          lightbulbState: 'ON'
        timestamp: 1469416500,
        context: {
          peopleCount: 2
        timestamp: 1469417460,
        context: {
          lightbulbState: 'OFF'
        timestamp: 1469419920,
        context: {
          peopleCount: 0
        timestamp: 1469460180,
        context: {
          peopleCount: 2
        timestamp: 1469471700,
        context: {
          lightbulbState: 'ON'
        timestamp: 1469473560,
        context: {
          peopleCount: 0,
          lightbulbState: 'OFF'
  .then(function() {
    return agent;
.then(function(agent) {
  console.log('Successfully added initial operations to agent ' + + '.');
.catch(function(error) {
  console.error('Error!', error);

In real-world applications, you'll probably do the same kind of things when the agent is created and then, regularly throughout the lifetime of the agent with newer data.

For further information, check the 'add context operations' reference documentation.

5 - Compute the decision tree

The agent has acquired a context history, we can now compute a decision tree from it! A decision tree models the output, allowing us to estimate what the output would be in a given context.

The decision tree is computed at a given timestamp, which means it will consider the context history from the creation of this agent up to this moment. Let's first try to compute the decision tree at midnight on July 26, 2016.

const AGENT_ID = 'my_first_agent';

// for the purpose of this test, we delete and recreate the agent
.then(function() {
  console.log('Agent ' + AGENT_ID + ' no longer exists.');
  return client.createAgent(/*...*/);
.then(function(agent) {
  console.log('Agent ' + + ' successfully created!');
  return client.addAgentContextOperations(AGENT_ID, /*...*/)
  .then(function() {
    return agent;
.then(function(agent) {
  console.log('Successfully added initial operations to agent ' + + '.');
  return client.getAgentDecisionTree(AGENT_ID, 1469476800);
.then(function(tree) {
  console.log('Decision tree retrieved!', tree);
.catch(function(error) {
  console.error('Error!', error);

Try to retrieve the tree at different timestamps to see how it gradually learns from the new operations. To visualize the trees, use the inspector!

For further information, check the 'compute decision tree' reference documentation.

6 - Take a decision

Once the decision tree is computed it can be used to take a decision. In our case it is basically answering this type of question: "What is the anticipated state of the lightbulb at 7:15 if there are 2 persons in the room ?".

const AGENT_ID = 'my_first_agent';

// for the purpose of this test, we delete and recreate the agent
.then(function() {
  console.log('Agent ' + AGENT_ID + ' no longer exists.');
  return client.createAgent(/*...*/);
.then(function(agent) {
  console.log('Agent ' + + ' successfully created!');
  return client.addAgentContextOperations(AGENT_ID, /*...*/)
  .then(function() {
    return agent;
.then(function(agent) {
  console.log('Successfully added initial operations to agent ' + + '.');
  return client.getAgentDecisionTree(AGENT_ID, 1469476800);
.then(function(tree) {
  console.log('Decision tree retrieved!', tree);
  const res = craftai.interpreter.decide(tree, {
    timezone: '+02:00',
    timeOfDay: 7.25,
    peopleCount: 2
  console.log('The anticipated lightbulb state is "' + res.output.lightbulbState.predicted_value + '".');
.catch(function(error) {
  console.error('Error!', error);

For further information, check the 'take decision' reference documentation.

Node.JS starter kit

If you prefer to get started from an existing code base, the official Node.JS starter kit can get you there! Retrieve the sources locally and follow the "readme" to get a fully working SmartHome app using real-world data.

📦 Get the craft ai Node.JS Starter Kit



craft ai agents belong to projects. In the current version, each identified users defines a owner and can create projects for themselves, in the future we will introduce shared projects.


Each agent has a configuration defining:

  • the context schema, i.e. the list of property keys and their type (as defined in the following section),
  • the output properties, i.e. the list of property keys on which the agent takes decisions,

⚠️ In the current version, only one output property can be provided.

  • the time_quantum, i.e. the minimum amount of time, in seconds, that is meaningful for an agent; context updates occurring faster than this quantum won't be taken into account. As a rule of thumb, you should always choose the largest value that seems right and reduce it, if necessary, after some tests.
  • the learning_period, i.e. the maximum amount of time, in seconds, that matters for an agent; the agent's decision model can ignore context that is older than this duration. You should generally choose the smallest value that fits this description.

⚠️ if no time_quantum is specified, the default value is 600.

⚠️ if no learning_period is specified, the default value is 15000 time quantums.

⚠️ the maximum learning_period value is 55000 * time_quantum.

Context properties types

Base types: enum, continuous and boolean

enum, continuous and boolean are the three base craft ai types:

  • an enum property is a string;
  • a continuous property is a real number.
  • a boolean property is a boolean value: true or false

⚠️ the absolute value of a continuous property must be less than 1020.

A base type property can be defined as optional if its value is likely to be unknown at some point in time and that it is to be considered as a normal behavior, and not as a missing property. You can achieve that by adding is_optional: true to the property definition in your configuration.

⚠️ An optional property cannot be set as being an output of the agent.

Here is a simple example of configuration :

  "context": {
    "timezone": {
      "type": "enum"
    "temperature": {
      "type": "continuous",
      "is_optional": true
    "lightbulbState": {
      "type": "enum"
  "output": ["lightbulbState"],
  "time_quantum": 100,
  "learning_period": 108000
Time types: timezone, time_of_day, day_of_week, day_of_month and month_of_year

craft ai defines the following types related to time:

  • a time_of_day property is a real number belonging to [0.0; 24.0[, each value represents the number of hours in the day since midnight (e.g. 13.5 means 13:30),
  • a day_of_week property is an integer belonging to [0, 6], each value represents a day of the week starting from Monday (0 is Monday, 6 is Sunday).
  • a day_of_month property is an integer belonging to [1, 31], each value represents a day of the month.
  • a month_of_year property is an integer belonging to [1, 12], each value represents a month of the year.
  • a timezone property can be:
    • a string value representing the timezone as an offset from UTC, supported formats are:

      • ±[hh]:[mm],
      • ±[hh][mm],
      • ±[hh],

      where hh represent the hour and mm the minutes from UTC (eg. +01:30)), between -12:00 and +14:00.

    • an integer belonging to [-720, 840] which represents the timezone as an offset from UTC:

      • in hours if the integer belongs to [-15, 15]
      • in minutes otherwise
    • an abbreviation among the following:

      • UTC or Z Universal Time Coordinated,
      • GMT Greenwich Mean Time, as UTC,
      • BST British Summer Time, as UTC+1 hour,
      • IST Irish Summer Time, as UTC+1,
      • WET Western Europe Time, as UTC,
      • WEST Western Europe Summer Time, as UTC+1,
      • CET Central Europe Time, as UTC+1,
      • CEST Central Europe Summer Time, as UTC+2,
      • EET Eastern Europe Time, as UTC+2,
      • EEST Eastern Europe Summer Time, as UTC+3,
      • MSK Moscow Time, as UTC+3,
      • MSD Moscow Summer Time, as UTC+4,
      • AST Atlantic Standard Time, as UTC-4,
      • ADT Atlantic Daylight Time, as UTC-3,
      • EST Eastern Standard Time, as UTC-5,
      • EDT Eastern Daylight Saving Time, as UTC-4,
      • CST Central Standard Time, as UTC-6,
      • CDT Central Daylight Saving Time, as UTC-5,
      • MST Mountain Standard Time, as UTC-7,
      • MDT Mountain Daylight Saving Time, as UTC-6,
      • PST Pacific Standard Time, as UTC-8,
      • PDT Pacific Daylight Saving Time, as UTC-7,
      • HST Hawaiian Standard Time, as UTC-10,
      • AKST Alaska Standard Time, as UTC-9,
      • AKDT Alaska Standard Daylight Saving Time, as UTC-8,
      • AEST Australian Eastern Standard Time, as UTC+10,
      • AEDT Australian Eastern Daylight Time, as UTC+11,
      • ACST Australian Central Standard Time, as UTC+9.5,
      • ACDT Australian Central Daylight Time, as UTC+10.5,
      • AWST Australian Western Standard Time, as UTC+8.

ℹ️ By default, the values of the time_of_day and day_of_week properties are generated from the timestamp of an agent's state and the agent's current timezone. Therefore, whenever you use generated time_of_day and/or day_of_week in your configuration, you must provide a timezone value in the context. There can only be one timezone property.

If you wish to provide their values manually, add is_generated: false to the time types properties in your configuration. In this case, since you provide the values, the timezone property is not required, and you must update the context whenever one of these time values changes in a way that is significant for your system.


Let's take a look at the following configuration. It is designed to model the color of a lightbulb (the lightbulbColor property, defined as an output) depending on the outside light intensity (the lightIntensity property), the TV status (the TVactivated property) the time of the day (the time property) and the day of the week (the day property). Since TVactivated doesn't make any sense if the TV isn't here, we also specify this property as is_optional: true.

day and time values will be generated automatically, hence the need for timezone, the current Time Zone, to compute their value from given timestamps.

The time_quantum is set to 100 seconds, which means that if the lightbulb color is changed from red to blue then from blue to purple in less that 1 minutes and 40 seconds, only the change from red to purple will be taken into account.

The learning_period is set to 108 000 seconds (one month) , which means that the state of the lightbulb from more than a month ago can be ignored when learning the decision model.

  "context": {
    "lightIntensity": {
      "type": "continuous"
    "TVactivated": {
      "type": "boolean",
      "is_optional": true
    "time": {
      "type": "time_of_day"
    "day": {
      "type": "day_of_week"
    "timezone": {
      "type": "timezone"
    "lightbulbColor": {
      "type": "enum"
  "output": ["lightbulbColor"],
  "time_quantum": 100,
  "learning_period": 108000

In this second example, the time property is not generated, no property of type timezone is therefore needed. However values of time must be manually provided continuously.

  "context": {
    "time": {
      "type": "time_of_day",
      "is_generated": false
    "lightIntensity": {
      "type": "continuous"
      "TVactivated": {
      "type": "boolean"
    "lightbulbColor": {
      "type": "enum"
  "output": ["lightbulbColor"],
  "time_quantum": 100,
  "learning_period": 108000


craft ai API heavily relies on timestamps. A timestamp is an instant represented as a Unix time, that is to say the amount of seconds elapsed since Thursday, 1 January 1970 at midnight UTC. In most programming languages this representation is easy to retrieve, you can refer to this page to find out how.


The craftai.Time class facilitates the handling of time types in craft ai. It is able to extract the different craft ai formats from various datetime representations, thanks to Moment.js.

From a unix timestamp and an explicit UTC offset:

const t1 = new craftai.Time(1465496929, '+10:00');

// t1 === {
//   utc: '2016-06-09T18:28:49.000Z',
//   timestamp: 1465496929,
//   day_of_week: 4,
//   day_of_month: 10,
//   month_of_year: 6,
//   time_of_day: 4.480277777777778,
//   timezone: '+10:00'
// }

From a unix timestamp and using the local UTC offset:

const t2 = new craftai.Time(1465496929);

// Value are valid if in Paris !
// t2 === {
//   utc: '2016-06-09T18:28:49.000Z',
//   timestamp: 1465496929,
//   day_of_week: 3,
//   day_of_month: 9,
//   month_of_year: 6,
//   time_of_day: 20.480277777777776,
//   timezone: '+02:00'
// }

From a ISO 8601 string:

const t3 = new craftai.Time('1977-04-22T01:00:00-05:00');

// t3 === {
//   utc: '1977-04-22T06:00:00.000Z',
//   timestamp: 230536800,
//   day_of_week: 4,
//   time_of_day: 1,
//   day_of_month: 22,
//   month_of_year: 4,
//   timezone: '-05:00'
// }

From a moment (or moment timezone) instance:

const t4 = new craftai.Time('2017-05-31 12:45:00', 'Asia/Dubai'), '-08:00'));

// t4 === {
//   utc: '2017-05-31T08:45:00.000Z',
//   timestamp: 1496220300,
//   day_of_week: 2,
//   day_of_month: 31,
//   month_of_year: 5,
//   time_of_day: 0.75,
//   timezone: '-08:00'
// }

Retrieve the current time with the local UTC offset:

const now = new craftai.Time();

Retrieve the current time with a given UTC offset:

const nowP5 = new craftai.Time(undefined, '+05:00');

Advanced configuration

The following advanced configuration parameters can be set in specific cases. They are optional. Usually you would not need them.

  • operations_as_events is a boolean, either true or false. The default value is false. If it is set to true, all context operations are treated as events, as opposed to context updates. This is appropriate if the data for an agent is made of events that have no duration, and if many events are more significant than a few. If operations_as_events is true, learning_period and the advanced parameter tree_max_operations must be set as well. In that case, time_quantum is ignored because events have no duration, as opposed to the evolution of an agent's context over time.
  • tree_max_operations is a positive integer. It can and must be set only if operations_as_events is true. It defines the maximum number of events on which a single decision tree can be based. It is complementary to learning_period, which limits the maximum age of events on which a decision tree is based.
  • tree_max_depth is a positive integer. It defines the maximum depth of decision trees, which is the maximum distance between the root node and a leaf (terminal) node. A depth of 0 means that the tree is made of a single root node. By default, tree_max_depth is set to 6 if the output is categorical (e.g. enum), or to 4 if the output is numerical (e.g. continuous).

These advanced configuration parameters are optional, and will appear in the agent information returned by craft ai only if you set them to something other than their default value. If you intend to use them in a production environment, please get in touch with us.



Create a new agent, and define its configuration.

The agent's identifier is a case sensitive string between 1 and 36 characters long. It only accepts letters, digits, hyphen-minuses and underscores (i.e. the regular expression /[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,36}/).

  { // The configuration
    context: {
      peopleCount: {
        type: 'continuous'
      timeOfDay: {
        type: 'time_of_day'
      timezone: {
        type: 'timezone'
      lightbulbState: {
        type: 'enum'
    output: [ 'lightbulbState' ],
    time_quantum: 100,
    learning_period: 108000
  'impervious_kraken' // id for the agent, if undefined a random id is generated
.then(function(agent) {
  // Work on the agent here
  // agent = {
  //   "_version": <version>
  //   "id": <agent_id>,
  //   "configuration": {
  //     "context": {
  //       "peopleCount": {
  //         "type": "continuous"
  //       },
  //       "timeOfDay": {
  //         "type": "time_of_day"
  //       },
  //       "timezone": {
  //         "type": "timezone"
  //       },
  //       "lightbulbState": {
  //         "type": "enum"
  //       }
  //     },
  //     "output": [ "lightbulbState" ],
  //     "time_quantum": 100,
  //     "learning_period": 108000
  //   }
  // }
.catch(function(error) {
  // Catch errors here


  'impervious_kraken' // The agent id
.then(function() {
  // The agent was successfully deleted
.catch(function(error) {
  // Catch errors here


  'impervious_kraken' // The agent id
.then(function(agent) {
  // Agent details
.catch(function(error) {
  // Catch errors here


.then(function(agentIds) {
  // list of agent ids, eg. ['impervious_kraken', 'impervious_kraken']
.catch(function(error) {
  // Catch errors here

Create and retrieve shared url

Create and get a shareable url to view an agent tree. Only one url can be created at a time.

  'impervious_kraken', // The agent id.
  1464600256 // optional, the timestamp for which you want to inspect the tree.
.then(function(url) {
  // Url to the agent's inspector
.catch(function(error) {
  // Catch errors here

Delete shared url

Delete a shareable url. The previous url cannot access the agent tree anymore.

  'impervious_kraken' // The agent id.
.then(function() {
  // return nothing
.catch(function(error) {
  // Catch errors here


The craft ai API lets you generate decision trees built on data from one or several agents by creating a generator. It is useful to:

  • test several hyper-parameters and features sets without reloading all the data for each try
  • gather data from different agents to make new models on top of them, enhancing the possible data combinations and allowing you to inspect the global behavior across your agents

We define the data stream(s) used by a generator by specifying a list of agents as a filter in its configuration. Other than the filter, the configuration of a generator is similar to an agent's configuration. It has to verify some additional properties:

  • Every feature defined in the context configuration of the generator must be present in all the agent that match the filter, with the same context types.
  • The parameters operations_as_events must be set to true.
  • It follows that the parameters tree_max_operations and learning_period must be set with valid integers.
  • The agent names provided in the list must be valid agent identifiers.


Create a new generator, and define its configuration.

The generator's identifier is a case sensitive string between 1 and 36 characters long. It only accepts letters, digits, hyphen-minuses and underscores (i.e. the regular expression /[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,36}/).

const GENERATOR_FILTER = ['smarthome'];
const GENERATOR_NAME = 'smarthome_gen';

  "context": {
      "light": {
          "type": "enum"
      "tz": {
          "type": "timezone"
      "movement": {
          "type": "continuous"
      "time": {
          "type": "time_of_day",
          "is_generated": true
  "output": [
  "learning_period": 1500000,
  "tree_max_operations": 15000,
  "operations_as_events": true,

  .then(function(generator) {
    console.log('Generator ' + generator.generatorId + ' successfully created!');
  .catch(function(error) {
    console.error('Error!', error);


const GENERATOR_NAME = 'smarthome_gen'

  .then(function() {
  // The generator was successfully deleted
  .catch(function(error) {
    // Catch errors here


const GENERATOR_NAME = 'smarthome_gen'

  .then(function(generator) {
    // Generator's details
  .catch(function(error) {
    // Catch errors here

Retrieve generators list

  'smarthome_gen', // The generator id
  1478894153, // Optional, the **start** timestamp from which the
              // operations are retrieved (inclusive bound)
  1478895266, // Optional, the **end** timestamp up to which the
              /// operations are retrieved (inclusive bound)
.then(function(operations) {
  // Work on operations
.catch(function(error) {
  // Catch errors here
const GENERATOR_NAME = 'smarthome_gen'

  .then(function(generatorsList) {
    // The list of generators in the project
  .catch(function(error) {
    // Catch errors here

List operations in the generator

Retrieve the context operations of agents matching the generator's filter. Each operation also contains the identifier of the agent for which it was added, in the agent_id property.

  'smarthome_gen', // The generator id
  1478894153, // Optional, the **start** timestamp from which the
              // operations are retrieved (inclusive bound)
  1478895266, // Optional, the **end** timestamp up to which the
              /// operations are retrieved (inclusive bound)
.then(function(operations) {
  // Work on operations
.catch(function(error) {
  // Catch errors here

Get decision tree

const DECISION_TREE_TIMESTAMP = 1469473600;
const GENERATOR_NAME = 'smarthome_gen';
  GENERATOR_NAME, // The generator id
  DECISION_TREE_TIMESTAMP // The timestamp at which the decision tree is retrieved
  .then(function(tree) {
    // Works with the given tree
    /* Outputted tree is the following
    "_version": "2.0.0",
    "trees": {
        "light": {
            "children": [
                    "predicted_value": "OFF",
                    "confidence": 0.9966583847999572,
                    "decision_rule": {
                        "operand": [
                        "operator": "[in[",
                        "property": "time"
                    "predicted_value": "ON",
                    "confidence": 0.9266583847999572,
                    "decision_rule": {
                        "operand": [
                        "operator": "[in[",
                        "property": "time"
    "configuration": {
        "operations_as_events": true,
        "learning_period": 1500000,
        "tree_max_operations": 15000,
        "context": {
            "light": {
                "type": "enum"
            "tz": {
                "type": "timezone"
            "movement": {
                "type": "continuous"
            "time": {
                "type": "time_of_day",
                "is_generated": true
        "output": [
        "filter": [
  .catch(function(error) {
    if (error instanceof craftai.errors.CraftAiLongRequestTimeOutError) {
     // Handle timeout errors here
    else {
      // Handle other errors here

Get decision

const CONTEXT_OPS = {
  "tz": "+02:00",
  "movement": 2,
  "time": 7.5
const DECISION_TREE_TIMESTAMP = 1469473600;
const GENERATOR_NAME = 'smarthome_gen';

  GENERATOR_NAME, // The name of the generator
  DECISION_TREE_TIMESTAMP, //The timestamp at which the decision tree is retrieved
  CONTEXT_OPS // A valid context operation according to the generator configuration
  .then(function(decision) => {
    console.log(decision) // The decision taken by the decision tree
      "_version": "2.0.0",
      "context": {
          "tz": "+02:00",
          "movement": 2,
          "time": 7.5
      "output": {
          "light": {
              "predicted_value": "OFF",
              "confidence": 0.8386044502258301,
              "decision_rules": [
                      "operand": [
                      "operator": "[in[",
                      "property": "time"
                      "operand": [
                      "operator": "[in[",
                      "property": "time"
                      "operand": [
                      "operator": "[in[",
                      "property": "time"
                      "operand": [
                      "operator": "[in[",
                      "property": "time"
              "nb_samples": 442,
              "decision_path": "0-0-0-0-1",
              "distribution": [


Add operations

  'impervious_kraken', // The agent id
  [ // The list of operations
      timestamp: 1469410200, // Operation timestamp
      context: {
        timezone: '+02:00',
        peopleCount: 0,
        lightbulbState: 'OFF'
      timestamp: 1469415720,
      context: {
        peopleCount: 1,
        lightbulbState: 'ON'
      timestamp: 1469416500,
      context: {
        peopleCount: 2
      timestamp: 1469417460,
      context: {
        lightbulbState: 'OFF'
      timestamp: 1469419920,
      context: {
        peopleCount: 0
      timestamp: 1469460180,
      context: {
        peopleCount: 2
      timestamp: 1469471700,
      context: {
        lightbulbState: 'ON'
      timestamp: 1469473560,
      context: {
        peopleCount: 0
.then(function() {
  // The operations where successfully added to agent context on the server side
.catch(function(error) {
  // Catch errors here
Missing Values

If the value of a base type property is missing, you can send a null value. craft ai will take into account as much information as possible from this incomplete context.

A context operation with a missing value looks like:

    "timestamp": 1469415720,
    "context": {
      "peopleCount": "OFF",
      "lightbulbState": null
Optional Values

If the value of an optional property is not filled at some point—as should be expected from an optional value—send the empty JSON Object {} to craft ai:

A context with an optional value looks like:

    "timestamp": 1469415720,
    "context": {
      "timezone": "+02:00",
      "temperature": {},
      "lightbulbState": "OFF"

List operations

  'impervious_kraken', // The agent id
  1478894153, // Optional, the **start** timestamp from which the
              // operations are retrieved (inclusive bound)
  1478895266, // Optional, the **end** timestamp up to which the
              /// operations are retrieved (inclusive bound)
.then(function(operations) {
  // Work on operations
.catch(function(error) {
  // Catch errors here

This call can generate multiple requests to the craft ai API as results are paginated.

Retrieve state

  'impervious_kraken', // The agent id
  1469473600 // The timestamp at which the context state is retrieved
.then(function(context) {
  // Work on context
.catch(function(error) {
  // Catch errors here

Retrieve state history

  'impervious_kraken', // The agent id
  1478894153, // Optional, the **start** timestamp from which the
              // operations are retrieved (inclusive bound)
  1478895266, // Optional, the **end** timestamp up to which the
              /// operations are retrieved (inclusive bound)
.then(function(stateHistory) {
  // Work on states history
.catch(function(error) {
  // Catch errors here

Decision tree

Decision trees are computed at specific timestamps, directly by craft ai which learns from the context operations added throughout time.

When you compute a decision tree, craft ai returns an object containing:

  • the API version

  • the agent's configuration as specified during the agent's creation

  • the tree itself as a JSON object:

    • Internal nodes are represented by a "decision_rule" object and a "children" array. The first one, contains the "property, and the "property"'s value, to decide which child matches a context.
    • Leaves have a "predicted_value", "confidence" and "decision_rule" object for this value, instead of a "children" array. "predicted_value" is an estimation of the output in the contexts matching the node. "confidence" is a number between 0 and 1 that indicates how confident craft ai is that the output is a reliable prediction. When the output is a numerical type, leaves also have a "standard_deviation" that indicates a margin of error around the "predicted_value".
    • The root only contains a "children" array.


  'impervious_kraken', // The agent id
  1469473600 // The timestamp at which the decision tree is retrieved
.then(function(tree) {
  // Works with the given tree
  /* Outputted tree is the following
        "output_values":["OFF", "ON"],
                  "distribution":[0.8, 0.2],
                  "nb_samples": 5
                  "distribution":[0.1, 0.9],
                  "nb_samples": 10
                  "distribution":[1.0, 0.0],
                  "nb_samples": 10
                      "distribution":[0.95, 0.05],
                      "nb_samples": 10
                      "distribution":[0.2, 0.8],
                      "nb_samples": 15
.catch(function(error) {
  if (error instanceof craftai.errors.CraftAiLongRequestTimeOutError) {
    // Handle timeout errors here
  else {
    // Handle other errors here

Take decision

ℹ️ To take a decision, first compute the decision tree then use the offline interpreter.


The craft ai API includes a bulk route which provides a programmatic option to perform asynchronous operations on agents. It allows the user to create, delete, add operations and compute decision trees for several agents at once.

⚠️ the bulk API is a quite advanced feature. It comes on top of the basic routes to create, delete, add context operations and compute decision tree. If messages are not self-explanatory, please refer to the basic routes that does the same operation for a single agent.

Bulk - Create

To create several agents at once, use the method createAgentBulk as the following:

const agent_ID_1 = 'my_first_agent';
const agent_ID_2 = 'my_second_agent';

const configuration_1 = {
    context: {
      peopleCount: {
        type: 'continuous'
      timeOfDay: {
        type: 'time_of_day'
      timezone: {
        type: 'timezone'
      lightbulbState: {
        type: 'enum'
    output: [ 'lightbulbState' ]
const configuration_2 = { /* ... */ };

const createBulkPayload = [
  {id: agent_ID_1, configuration: configuration_1},
  {id: agent_ID_2, configuration: configuration_2}

  .then(function(agents) {
  .catch(function(error) {
    console.error('Error!', error);

The variable agents is an array of responses. If an agent has been successfully created, the corresponding response is an object similar to the classic createAgent() response. When there are mixed results, agents should looks like:

  { id: 'my_first_agent',   // creation failed
    status: 400,
    error: 'errorId',
    message: 'error-message' },
  { configuration:          // creation succeed
    { time_quantum: 100,
      learning_period: 1500000,
      context: [Object],
      output: [Object] },
    id: 'my_second_agent',
    _version: '2.0.0' }

Bulk - Delete

const agent_ID_1 = 'my_first_agent';
const agent_ID_2 = 'my_second_agent';

const deleteBulkPayload = [
  { id: agent_ID_1 },
  { id: agent_ID_2 }

.then(function(deletedAgents) {
.catch(function(error) {
  console.error('Error!', error);

The variable deletedAgents is an array of responses. If an agent has been successfully deleted, the corresponding response is an object similar to the classic deleteAgent() response. When there are mixed results, deletedAgents should looks like:

  { id: 'my_first_agent',       // deletion succeed
     { time_quantum: 100,
       learning_period: 1500000,
       context: [Object],
       output: [Object] },
    creationDate: 1557492944277,
    lastContextUpdate: 1557492944277,
    lastTreeUpdate: 1557492944277,
    _version: '2.0.0' },
  { id: 'my_unknown_agent' },   // deletion succeed
  { id: 'my_second_agent',      // deletion failed
    status: 400,
    error: 'errorId',
    message: 'error-message' }

Bulk - Add context Operations

const agent_ID_1 = 'my_first_agent';
const agent_ID_2 = 'my_second_agent';

const operations_agent_1 = [{
        timestamp: 1469410200,
        context: {
          timezone: '+02:00',
          peopleCount: 0,
          lightbulbState: 'OFF'
        timestamp: 1469415720,
        context: {
          peopleCount: 1,
          lightbulbState: 'ON'
        timestamp: 1469416500,
        context: {
          peopleCount: 2
        timestamp: 1469417460,
        context: {
          lightbulbState: 'OFF'
const operations_agent_2 = [ /* ... */ ];

const contextOperationBulkPayload = [
  { id: agent_ID_1, operations: operations_agent_1},
  { id: agent_ID_2, operations: operations_agent_2}

.then(function(agents) {
.catch(function(error) {
  console.error('Error!', error);

The variable agents is an array of responses. If an agent has successfully received operations, the corresponding response is an object similar to the classic addAgentContextOperations() response. When there are mixed results, agents should looks like:

  { id: 'my_first_agent',     // add operations failed
    status: 500,
    error: 'errorId',
    message: 'error-message' },
  { id: 'my_second_agent',      // add operations succeed
    message: 'Successfully added XX operation(s) to the agent "{owner}/{project}/my_second_agent" context.',
    status: 201 }

Bulk - Compute decision trees

const agent_ID_1 = 'my_first_agent';
const agent_ID_2 = 'my_second_agent';

const decisionTreePayload =  [
  { id: agent_ID_1 },
  { id: agent_ID_2 }

.then(function(trees) {
.catch(function(error) {
  console.error('Error!', error);

The variable trees is an array of responses. If an agent's model has successfully been created, the corresponding response is an object similar to the classic getAgentDecisionTree() response. When there are mixed results, trees should looks like:

  { id: 'my_first_agent',       // computation failed
    status: 400,
    error: 'errorId',
    message: 'error-message' },
  { id: 'my_second_agent',        // computation succeed
    timestamp: 1464601500,
    tree: { _version: '1.1.0', trees: [Object], configuration: [Object] } }

Advanced client configuration

The simple configuration to create the client is just the token. For special needs, additional advanced configuration can be provided.

Amount of operations sent in one chunk

client.addAgentContextOperations splits the provided operations into chunks in order to limit the size of the http requests to the craft ai API. In the client configuration, operationsChunksSize can be increased in order to limit the number of request, or decreased when large http requests cause errors.

const client = craftai({
  // Mandatory, the token
  token: '{token}',
  // Optional, default value is 500
  operationsChunksSize: {max_number_of_operations_sent_at_once}

Timeout duration for decision trees retrieval

It is possible to increase or decrease the timeout duration of client.getAgentDecisionTree, for exemple to account for especially long computations.

const client = craftai({
  // Mandatory, the token
  token: '{token}',
  // Optional, default value is 5 minutes (300000)
  decisionTreeRetrievalTimeout: {timeout_duration_for_decision_trees_retrieval}


ℹ️ This setting can only be set in Node.js environements. In a browser environement the settings of the browser will be used automatically.

It is possible to provide proxy configuration in the proxy property of the client configuration. It will be used to call the craft ai API (through HTTPS). The expected format is a host name or IP and port, optionally preceded by credentials such as http://user:pass@

const client = craftai({
  // Mandatory, the token
  token: '{token}',
  // Optional, no default value
  proxy: 'http://{user}:{password}@{host_or_ip}:{port}'


The decision tree interpreter can be used offline from decisions tree computed through the API.

Take decision

// `tree` is the decision tree as retrieved through the craft ai REST API
const tree = { ... };
// Compute the decision with specifying every context field
const decision = craftai.interpreter.decide(
    timezone: '+02:00',
    timeOfDay: 7.5,
    peopleCount: 3

// Or Compute the decision on a context created from the given one and filling the
// `day_of_week`, `time_of_day` and `timezone` properties from the given `Time`
const decision = craftai.interpreter.decide(
    timezone: '+02:00',
    peopleCount: 3
  new craftai.Time('2010-01-01T07:30:30'));

Any number of partial contexts and/or craftai.Time instances can be provided to decide, it follows the same semantics as Object.assign(...): the later arguments overriding the properties value from the previous ones)

A computed decision on an enum type would look like:

  context: { // In which context the decision was taken
    timezone: '+02:00',
    timeOfDay: 7.5,
    peopleCount: 3
  output: { // The decision itself
    lightbulbState: {
      predicted_value: 'ON',
      confidence: 0.9937745256361138, // The confidence in the decision
      decision_rules: [ // The ordered list of decision_rules that were validated to reach this decision
          property: 'timeOfDay',
          operator: '>=',
          operand: 6
          property: 'peopleCount',
          operator: '>=',
          operand: 2
      nb_samples: 25,
      distribution: [0.05, 0.95],
      decision_path: '0-1-1'

A decision for a numerical output type would look like:

  output: {
    lightbulbState: {
      predicted_value: "OFF",
      confidence: ...,
      distribution: [ ... ],
      nb_samples: 25,
      decision_rules: [ ... ],
      decision_path: ...

A decision for a categorical output type would look like:

  output: {
    lightbulbIntensity: {
      predicted_value: 10.5,
      standard_deviation: 1.25,
      confidence: ...,
      min: 8.0,
      max: 11,
      nb_samples: 25,
      decision_rules: [ ... ],
      decision_path: ...

A decision in a case where the tree cannot make a prediction:

  decision: {
    lightbulbState: {
      predicted_value: null, // No decision
      distribution : [ ... ], // Distribution of the output classes normalized by the number of samples in the reached node.
      confidence: 0, // Zero confidence if the decision is null
      nb_samples: 25,
      decision_rules: [ ... ],
      decision_path: ...

Take multiple decisions

From the tree previously retrieved, ask for multiple decisions.

// `tree` is the decision tree as retrieved through the craft ai REST API
const tree = { ... };
// Pass an array containing each context on which you want to take a decision
const decisions = craftai.interpreter.decideFromContextsArray(tree, [
    timezone: '+02:00',
    peopleCount: 3,
    timeOfDay: 7.5
    timezone: '+02:00',
    peopleCount: 4,
    timeOfDay: 7.5
    timezone: '+02:00',
    peopleCount: 0,
    timeOfDay: 4.5

Results for craftai.interpreter.decideFromContextsArray would look like:

    context: { // In which context the decision was taken
      timezone: '+02:00',
      timeOfDay: 7.5,
      peopleCount: 3
    output: { // The decision itself
      lightbulbState: {
        predicted_value: 'ON',
        distribution: [0.0, 1.0],
        nb_samples: 20,
        confidence: 0.9937745256361138, // The confidence in the decision
        decision_path: '0-1-1',
        decision_rules: [ // The ordered list of decision_rules that were validated to reach this decision
            property: 'timeOfDay',
            operator: '>=',
            operand: 6
            property: 'peopleCount',
            operator: '>=',
            operand: 2
    context: {
      timezone: '+02:00',
      timeOfDay: 7.5,
      peopleCount: 4
    output: {
      lightbulbState: {
        predicted_value: 'ON',
        distribution: [0.0, 1.0],
        nb_samples: 20,
        confidence: 0.9937745256361138,
        decision_path: '0-1-1',
        decision_rules: [
            property: 'timeOfDay',
            operator: '>=',
            operand: 6
            property: 'peopleCount',
            operator: '>=',
            operand: 2
    context: {
      timezone: '+02:00',
      timeOfDay: 4.5,
      peopleCount: 0
    output: {
      lightbulbState: {
        predicted_value: 'OFF',
        distribution: [0.95, 0.05],
        nb_samples: 12,
        confidence: 0.9545537233352661,
        decision_path: '0-0-0',
        decision_rules: [ // The ordered list of decision_rules that were validated to reach this decision
            property: 'timeOfDay',
            operator: '<',
            operand: 5.666666507720947
            property: 'peopleCount',
            operator: '<',
            operand: 1

Reduce decision rules

From a list of decision rules, as retrieved when taking a decision, when taking a decision compute an equivalent & minimal list of rules.

// `decision` is the decision tree as retrieved from taking a decision
const decision = craftai.interpreter.decide( ... );

// `decisionRules` is the decision rules that led to decision for the `lightBulbState` value
const decisionRules = decision.output.lightBulbState.decision_rules;

// `minimalDecisionRules` has the mininum list of rules strictly equivalent to `decisionRules`
const minimalDecisionRules = craftai.interpreter.reduceDecisionRules(decisionRules)

Format decision rules

From a list of decision rules, compute a human readable version of these rules, in english.

// `decision` is the decision tree as retrieved from taking a decision
const decision = craftai.interpreter.decide( ... );

// `decisionRules` is the decision rules that led to decision for the `lightBulbState` value
const decisionRules = decision.output.lightBulbState.decision_rules;

// `decisionRulesStr` is a human readable string representation of the rules.
const decisionRulesStr = craftai.interpreter.reduceDecisionRules.formatDecisionRules(decisionRules);

Get decision rules properties

Retrieve the context properties that matters to a previously computed tree.

// `tree` is the decision tree as retrieved through the craft ai REST API
const tree = { ... };

const decisionRules = craftai.interpreter.getDecisionRulesProperties(tree)

Results for craftai.interpreter.getDecisionRulesProperties would look like:

    property: 'timeOfDay',
    is_generated: true,
    type: 'time_of_day'


The craft ai client is using visionmedia/debug under the namespace 'craft-ai:client:*', please refer to their documentation for further information.