
Unit test React components using Cypress

react, cypress, cypress-io, test, testing, cypress-component-testing
npm install cypress-react-unit-test@2.5.1


cypress-react-unit-test CircleCI tests renovate-app badge This project is using for visual regression testing.

A little helper to unit test React components in the open source E2E test runner ALPHA


Known problems

  • some DOM events are not working when running all tests at once #4
  • cannot mock server XHR for injected components #5
  • cannot spy on window.alert #6


Requires Node version 8 or above.

npm install --save-dev cypress cypress-react-unit-test

If you need help configuring bundler, see preprocessors info


Include this plugin from cypress/support/index.js

import 'cypress-react-unit-test'

This adds a new command cy.mount that can mount a React component. It also overloads cy.get to accept in addition to selectors React component, returning it. See examples below.


// load Cypress TypeScript definitions for IntelliSense
/// <reference types="cypress" />
// import the component you want to test
import { HelloState } from '../../src/hello-x.jsx'
import React from 'react'
describe('HelloState component', () => {
  it('works', () => {
    // mount the component under test
    cy.mount(<HelloState />)
    // start testing!
    cy.contains('Hello Spider-man!')
    // mounted component can be selected via its name, function, or JSX
    // e.g. '@HelloState', HelloState, or <HelloState />
      .invoke('setState', { name: 'React' })
      .should('deep.equal', { name: 'React' })
    // check if GUI has rerendered
    cy.contains('Hello React!')

Unit testing React components


You can add individual style to the mounted component by passing its text as an option

it('can be passed as an option', () => {
  const style = `
    .component-button {
      display: inline-flex;
      width: 25%;
      flex: 1 0 auto;
    } button {
      background-color: #F5923E;
      color: white;
  cy.mount(<Button name='Orange' orange />, null, { style })
  cy.get('.orange button')
    .should('have.css', 'background-color', 'rgb(245, 146, 62)')

Often your component rely on global CSS style imported from the root index.js or app.js file

// index.js
import './styles.css'
// bootstrap application

You can read the CSS file and pass it as style option yourself

  .then(style => {
    cy.mount(<Button name='Orange' orange />, null, { style })

You can even let Cypress read the file and inject the style

const cssFile = 'cypress/integration/Button.css'
cy.mount(<Button name='Orange' orange />, null, { cssFile })

See cypress/integration/inject-style-spec.js for more examples.


If your React and React DOM libraries are installed in non-standard paths (think monorepo scenario), you can tell this plugin where to find them. In cypress.json specify paths like this:

  "env": {
    "cypress-react-unit-test": {
      "react": "node_modules/react/umd/react.development.js",
      "react-dom": "node_modules/react-dom/umd/react-dom.development.js"


How can we use features that require transpilation? By using @cypress/webpack-preprocessor - see the plugin configuration in cypress/plugins/index.js


All components are in src folder. All tests are in cypress/integration folder.

Large examples


To get started with this repo, compile the plugin's code and the examples code

npm run transpile
npm run build
npm run cy:open
  • run TypeScript compiler in watch mode with npx tsc -w
  • run Cypress with npx cypress open and select the spec you want to work with
  • edit lib/index.ts where all the magic happens

Visual testing

Uses visual diffing service as a GitHub pull request check.

Related tools

Same feature for unit testing components from other frameworks using Cypress