Wrapper for the Docker remote API and CLI.

npm install docker-remote@0.0.12



Wrapper for the Docker remote API and CLI.


DockerRemote = require("docker-remote")

var container = {
    name:  "sidekick",
    build: "bin/build",
    run:   "bin/sidekick",
    env:   { ENV: "production" },
    git:   "git@github.com:winton/sidekick.git#release",
    repo:  "quay.io/winton/sidekick"

var args = new DockerRemote.Args(container);
args.cliParams(); // parameters for CLI
args.apiParams(); // parameters for Docker Remote API

var container = new DockerRemote.Container(container);
container.run(); // run container through remote API
container.rm();  // remove container throught remote API

var image = new DockerRemote.Image(container);
image.build();  // build image through CLI
image.create(); // download image through remote API


The container object has the following possible keys:

  • build - The command to run within the Docker container after building the image, before pushing (optional).
  • dockerfile - The directory to discover the Dockerfile (optional).
  • env - Object containing environmental variables (optional).
  • git - A git repository URL string (optional).
  • name - The name of the container (required).
  • ports - An array of port strings in "[host-port]:[container-port]" format (optional).
  • repo - The Docker repository to push to on build (optional).
  • run - The command to run within the Docker container (optional).
  • tags - An array of tags to use when pushing the image (required).
  • volumes - An array of volume strings in "[host-dir]:[container-dir]:[rw|ro]" format (optional).

Dev setup

npm install


node_modules/.bin/codo lib
open doc/index.html