
Node wrapper around the dropbox upload session API to help concurrently upload files over 150mb to dropbox.

api, concurrent, dropbox, dropbox-api, dropbox-sdk, large-files, node, npm, session-upload, upload, upload-session
npm install dropbox_session_upload@2.2.1


Dropbox Session Upload


Dropbox Session Upload provides a wrapper around the Dropbox Node Package. Session Uploading via the Dropbox API is used for files that are large than 150mb. This section of the API can be complicated and this package hopes to provide a clean wrapper around this complicated API. This wrapper also supports concurrent file uploading out of the box.


  • Node 8.3.0 or greater


npm install dropbox_session_upload


Upload Files Basic

This Example can be found in /examples/simple.js

// import modules
const fs = require("fs")
const {upload} = require("dropbox_session_upload")

// setup files to upload
const files = [
    file: fs.createReadStream("./datafile.txt"),
    saveLocation: "/datafile1.txt"
    file: fs.createReadStream("./datafile.txt"),
    saveLocation: "/datafile2.txt"
    file: fs.createReadStream("./datafile.txt"),
    saveLocation: "/datafile3.txt"

// upload the files
upload(files, process.env.DROPBOXTOKEN, true /* debug mode, defaults to false */)
  .catch(error => console.log(error))
  .then(() => console.log("Done Uploading!"))

Upload with Progress Tracking

This Example can be found in /examples/progressTracking.js

Adding progress tracking is simple, but due to the dropbox api progress will only be updated every 8mb. This is the size of chunks this packages uploads at once. So you will find that progress jumps in 8mb chunks. While annoying it can still be helpful to know where your file is at in the upload process.

// import modules
const fs = require("fs")
const { upload, progress } = require("dropbox_session_upload")

// setup files to upload
const files = [
    file: fs.createReadStream("./datafile.txt"),
    saveLocation: "/datafile1.txt",
    id: "1" // required for progress
    file: fs.createReadStream("./datafile.txt"),
    saveLocation: "/datafile1.txt",
    id: "2" // required for progress
    file: fs.createReadStream("./datafile.txt"),
    saveLocation: "/datafile1.txt",
    id: "3" // required for progress

// upload the files
upload(files, process.env.DROPBOXTOKEN)
  .catch(error => console.log(error))
  .then(() => console.log("Files Done!"))

// listen for updates to the progress
// this will return `id` and `percentage`
progress(data => console.log(data))

Things to note when uploading

  • This library will automatically strip out the following characters from saveLocation * | & ! @ # $ % ^ * ( ) [ ] { } | - _ = + < > ' " < > to comply with dropbox file name requirements.