
Easy Filter is a third-party filter that makes Vue.js more convenient for working with numbers, strings, and arrays.

easy-filter, vue-filter, filter, vue, 过滤器, 格式化, formatting
npm install easy-filter@1.5.8




The simple implementation of some angularjs built-in filters in vue.

This package is very small and it only contains eight functions.

LICENSE 996.icu

New Features (v1.5.x)

Support the typescript.


To check out live examples and docs, visit easy-filter.

Filter list

Get start

# install plugin
npm install easy-filter --save


Import this plugin.

import EasyFilter from "easy-filter";

import Vue from "vue";


// or use only what you need
import {
} from "easy-filter";
Vue.filter('number', number);
Vue.filter('orderBy', orderBy);
const easyFilter = {
Vue.prototype.$easyFilter = Vue.easyFilter = easyFilter;

Direct <script> Include.

<script src="./path/to/easy-filter.min.js"></script>

Use it in a component:



<div>{{ 'Hello' | lowercase }}</div>
<!-- hello -->

Specified range:

<div>{{ 'HELLO' | lowercase(3,4) }}</div>
<!-- HEllO -->

Specify starting position:

<div>{{ 'HELLO' | lowercase(3) }}</div>
<!-- HEllo -->


<div>{{ 'Hello' | uppercase }}</div>
<!-- HELLO -->


<div>{{ 1000 | currency }}</div>
<!-- 1000 => $1,000.00 -->

Use a different symbol:

<div>{{ 1000 | currency('¥') }}</div>
<!-- 1000 => ¥1,000.00 -->

Use a different number decimal places:

<div>{{ 1000 | currency('¥', 0) }}</div>
<!-- 1000 => ¥1,000 -->

Use a different separator:

<div>{{ 1000 | currency('¥', 0, {separator: '.'}) }}</div>
<!-- 1000 => ¥1.000 -->

Hide separator

<div>{{ 1000 | currency('¥', 0, {separator: ''}) }}</div>
<!-- 1000 => ¥1000 -->

Use symbol on right:

<div>{{ 1000 | currency('¥', 0, {symbolOnLeft: false}) }}</div>
<!-- 1000 => 1,000¥ -->

Add space between amound and symbol:

<div>{{ 10.012 | currency('BTC', 8, {addSpace: true}) }}</div>
<!-- 10.012 => BTC 10.01200000 -->

Open round

<div>{{ 1000.999 | currency('¥', 2, {round: true}) }}</div>
<!-- 1000.999 => ¥1,001.00 -->

Close padding

<div>{{ 1000.5 | currency('¥', 2) }}</div>
<!-- 1000.5 => ¥1,000.50 -->
<div>{{ 1000.123 | currency('¥', 2, {pad: false}) }}</div>
<!-- 1000.123 => ¥1,000.12 -->
<div>{{ 1000.5 | currency('¥', 2, {pad: false}) }}</div>
<!-- 1000.5 => ¥1,000.5 -->

Use multiple options:

<div>{{ 1000 | currency('¥', 0, {symbolOnLeft: false, addSpace: true}) }}</div>
<!-- 1000 => 1,000 ¥ -->


<div>{{ 1523169365575 | date('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss EEE', 'cn') }}</div>
<!-- 2018-04-08 14:36:05 星期日 -->

<div>{{ 1523169365575 | date('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss EE', 'cn') }}</div>
<!-- 2018-04-08 14:36:05 周日 -->

<div>{{ 1523169365575 | date('yyyy') }}</div>
<!-- 2018 -->

<div>{{ 1523169365575 | date('yy') }}</div>
<!-- 18 -->

<div>{{ 1523169365575 | date('HH:mm:ss') }}</div>
<!-- 14:36:05 -->

<div>{{ 1523169365575 | date('hh:mm:ss') }}</div>
<!-- 02:36:05 -->

<div>{{ 1523169365575 | date('EEE','en') }}</div>
<!-- Sunday -->

<div>{{ 1523169365575 | date('EE','en') }}</div>
<!-- Sun -->

<!-- yyyy、MM、dd、HH、hh、mm、ss、EEE, can be used alone or in combination. -->

Cooperate with i18n

<div>{{ 1523169365575 | date('EEE', $t('localWeek')}</div>


    "week": [
    "shortWeek": [


      "week": [
      "shortWeek": ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thur", "Fri", "Sat"]


      "week": [
      "shortWeek": [


    <input type="text" v-model="match" />
        v-for="value in filter(personArray, new RegExp(match,'i') )"
        <td v-text="value.name"></td>
        <td v-text="value.age"></td>
        <td v-text="value.sex"></td>

  export default {
    name: "$easyFilter.filter",
    data() {
      return {
        match: "",
        personArray: [
          { name: "Kimi", sex: "male", age: 8, id: 1 },
          { name: "Cindy", sex: "female", age: 4, id: 2 },
          { name: "Angela", sex: "female", age: 6, id: 3 },
          { name: "Shitou", sex: "male", age: 7, id: 4 },
          { name: "Tiantian", sex: "male", age: 5, id: 5 }
    methods: {
      filter(input, match) {
        // You can do this if you don't want some property to participate in filtering
        // const options = {
        //   match,
        //   ignore: ['id'], // ignore property id
        // }
        // match = options

        // Used in js
        return this.$easyFilter.filter(input, match);
        // Use of other filters.
        // this.$easyFilter.lowercase('WORLD')
        // this.$easyFilter.currency(1000,'¥')
        // this.$easyFilter.date(1523169365575,'yy-MM-dd')
        // ...
    // How do you want to improve performance? You can do this.
    computed: {
      usefulData() {
        return this.$easyFilter.filter(this.personArray, new RegExp(this.match));
When you enter 'an' in the input box will show:

name	age	sex
Angela	6	female
Tiantian	5	male

The filter can also filter the range conditions.

  // <div v-for="item in filter(personArray, matchFn)" :key="item.id">{{item}}</div>
  data () {
      return {
        personArray: [
          {name: 'Kimi', sex: 'male', age: 8, id: 1},
          {name: 'Cindy', sex: 'female', age: 4, id: 2},
          {name: 'Angela', sex: 'female', age: 6, id: 3},
          {name: 'Shitou', sex: 'male', age: 7, id: 4},
          {name: 'Tiantian', sex: 'male', age: 5, id: 5}
  methods: {
    matchFn (value) {
    // Select children greater than or equal to 6 years old.
        return value.age >= 6;
    filter (input, matchFn) {
      return this.$easyFilter.filter(input, matchFn);


        <th><button @click="click('name')">name</button></th>
        <th><button @click="click('age')">age</button></th>
        <th><button @click="click('sex')">sex</button></th>
      <tr v-for="value in orderBy(personArray, rule)" :key="value.id">
        <td v-text="value.name"></td>
        <td v-text="value.age"></td>
        <td v-text="value.sex"></td>
  export default {
    name: "$easyFilter.orderBy",
    data() {
      return {
        personArray: [
          { name: "Kimi", sex: "male", age: 8, id: 1 },
          { name: "Cindy", sex: "female", age: 4, id: 2 },
          { name: "Angela", sex: "female", age: 6, id: 3 },
          { name: "Shitou", sex: "male", age: 7, id: 4 },
          { name: "Tiantian", sex: "male", age: 5, id: 5 }
        rule: null
    methods: {
      click(rule) {
        this.rule = rule;
      orderBy(input, rule, reverse) {
        return this.$easyFilter.orderBy(input, rule, reverse);
      // or use custom sort functions
      // orderBy(input, callBack = (v1,v2)=> v1.att > v2.att ? 1 : -1) {
      //   return this.$easyFilter.orderBy(input, callBack)
      // }
When you click on the name.
name	age	sex
Angela	6	female
Cindy	4	female
Kimi	8	male
Shitou	7	male
Tiantian	5	male

When you click age.
name	age	sex
Cindy	4	female
Tiantian	5	male
Angela	6	female
Shitou	7	male
Kimi	8	male

When you click sex.
Cindy	4	female
Angela	6	female
Kimi	8	male
Shitou	7	male
Tiantian	5	male

The above result reverse is undefined.
If reverse is true then the result will be reversed.
You can also add '-' to reverse the results in front of the click parameter.
For example,  <th @click="click('-name')">name</th>.


Creates a new array or string containing only a specified number of elements. The elements are taken from either the beginning of the source array, string or number.

export default {
  methods: {
    limitTo(input, limit, options) {
      return this.$easyFilter.limitTo(input, limit, options);

The first parameter input is the data to be filtered, which can be an array, a number, or a string.

The second parameter is the length you want to limit.

Second Parameter Description Type Default
Limit limit length number Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY

The third parameter is the configuration item, which tells the filter how to filter the data.

The fields of the configuration item are:

Attribute Description Type Default
startWithIndex Calculates the number of elements to limit based on the index number 0
startWith Calculate the number of elements to limit based on the element not number undefined
ignore Ignore matched elements when counting RegExp , object undefined
cut Whether to intercept boolean false


  • Limit the length of a string to no more than 3
<div>{{ 'hello' | limitTo(3) }}</div>
<!-- hel -->
  • Limit the length of a string to no more than 3 characters starting with the second letter
<div>{{ 'hello' | limitTo(3, {startWithIndex:1}) }}</div>
<!-- hell -->
  • If you want to cut the front part you can add cut
<div>{{ 'hello' | limitTo(3, {startWithIndex:1, cut: true}) }}</div>
<!-- ell -->
  • You can also specify the starting position based on the element
<div>{{ 3.1415 | limitTo(2, {startWith:'.'}) }}</div>
<!-- 3.1 -->
  • You can ignore it if you don't want irrelevant elements to affect the count
<div>{{ 3.1415 | limitTo(2, {startWith:'.', ignore: /\./}) }}</div>
<!-- 3.14 -->
  • Displays a number of eight bits of data
<div>{{ 123456789 | limitTo(8, {ignore: /\./}) }}</div>
<!-- 12345678 -->
<div>{{ 3.141592653 | limitTo(8, {ignore: /\./}) }}</div>
<!-- 3.1415926 -->
  • Limit Array
limitTo([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 2);
// [1,2]
limitTo([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 2, { startWith: 3, cut: true });
// [3,4]


Format the number into a string. When you pass in an integer, you will default to one decimal places, and when you enter a decimal, you will get its string. You can also change the exact number of digits by passing in parameters, and set options parameters to determine whether you want to round, and fill in zeros.

@param1 input

@param2 digits

@param3 options {round:false, pad:false}


No parameter

<div>{{ 3.14 | number }}</div>
<!-- 3.14 -->

Displays a maximum of 8 decimal places by default and does not round

<div>{{ 0.123456789 | number }}</div>
<!-- 0.12345678 -->

Limit digits

<div>{{ 3.1415926 | number(4) }}</div>
<!-- 3.1415 -->

Conversion scientific counting

<div>{{ 5.2e-7 | number(8) }}</div>
<!-- 0.00000052 -->

Limit digits & Fill zero

<div>{{ 1 | number(2, {pad:true}) }}</div>
<!-- 1.00 -->

Limit digits & Rounding

<div>{{ 3.1415 | number(3, {round: true}) }}</div>
<!-- 3.142 -->

Display separator

<div>{{ 10000 | number(1, {separator:','}) }}</div>
<!-- 10,000 -->

Display positive sign

<div>{ { 100.123456 | number(5, {round: true, sign: true}) } }</div>
<!-- +100.12346 -->

Limit digits & Fill zero & Rounding

var arr = [

<div v-for="num in arr">{{ num | number(3, {pad: true, round: true} )}}</div>

// 1.000
// 2.200
// 3.330
// 4.444
// 5.556

More than 8 decimal places need to pass in the number of parameters

<div>{{ 3.14e-20 | number(21) }}</div>
<!-- 0.000000000000000000031 -->


Anti-996 License