This library allows viewing an ECG file in DICOM format in web view.
This module is distributed via [npm][npm-url] which is bundled with [node][node] and
should be installed as one of your project's dependencies
// To install the newest version
npm install --save ecg-dicom-web-viewer
- Once installed import the project.
// Import
import {
ReadECG, //Optional.
Constants, //Optional.
DicomECGViewer, //Principal.
} from "ecg-dicom-web-viewer";
- Instantiate the new class with the necessary data and create the view.
//Load view:
let viewer = new DicomECGViewer(
byteArray, //Data array ECG (XMLHttpRequest response array or...local open data)
divView, //Div where to draw the view
viewportIndex //View number, since you can have several views.
viewer.loadCanvas(); // Load canvas view.
Currently it works:
- Sop12LeadECGWaveformStorage: '1.2.840.10008.', --> YES
- GeneralECGWaveformStorage: '1.2.840.10008.', --> YES
- AmbulatoryECGWaveformStorage: '1.2.840.10008.', --> YES
- HemodynamicWaveformStorage: '1.2.840.10008.', --> YES
- CardiacElectrophysiologyWaveformStorage: '1.2.840.10008.', --> YES
dataDICOMarrayBuffer DICOM DCM ECG Array Buffer.
idView Draw ID View. Recomended a div.
nameView Identifier of the view you want to put, in case you have several views, default 0.
Main method, draws the canvas and its entire view.
Receives a dataSet data structure and returns a readable array.
optsspeed: 25, amplitude: 10, applyLowPassFilter: true
Read the arraydicombuffer and return legible data.
Read the arraydicombuffer and return information data, example: BPM, Name, Duration ECG...
SOP UID of ECG types and graph measurements.
It is the generic class for the canvas, it contains the values ​​of the number of views, canvas size, rows, columns, grid size...
This class renders the data, both the grid and the view, it also contains the button events.
- Improve canvas scrolling performance.