
An Ember addon for 3d folding panels

ember-addon, folding, panel, 3d-folding-panels
npm install ember-3d-folding-panel@0.9.1



ember-3d-folding-panel is built and maintained by Ship Shape. Contact us for Ember.js consulting, development, and training for your project.

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Ember-3d-folding-panel is based on 3D Folding Panel by CodyHouse. It aims to make it easily configurable for use with your Ember apps.


ember install ember-3d-folding-panel


  {{#each model as |item|}}
    {{#item-square item=item}}
      <img class="client-image" src="{{item.imageURL}}">

items are defined as an array of objects, these should contain heading and subheading. You can also display extra info inside of the item-square.

The route from the dummy app, which contains an array of items, looks like this:

export default Route.extend({
 model() {
   return [
       heading: 'Client 1',
       subheading: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.',
       panelHeading: 'Client 1',
       panelSubheading: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Esse, laboriosam?',
       imageURL: 'img/logo1.png',
       heading: 'Client 2',
       subheading: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.',
       panelHeading: 'Client 2',
       panelSubheading: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Esse, laboriosam?',
       imageURL: 'img/logo2.png',


Ember-3d-folding-panel uses Sass for styles. The default styles for the panels are stored in an overridable Sass map. This is accomplished by supplying a $ember-3d-folding-panel map with any or all of the keys found in the defaults map below.

// This is the default map, not what you should use. 
// i.e. you want to define $ember-3d-folding-panel, not $ember-3d-folding-panel-defaults
$ember-3d-folding-panel-defaults: (
  'accent-color': #544173, // Mulled Wine
  'color-1': #363558, // Martinique
  'color-2': #544173, // Mulled Wine
  'color-3': #dadcdc, // Iron
  'color-4': #65d29b, // Emerald
  'color-6': #ffffff, // White
  'dark-color': #363558, // Martinique
  'fold-animation': .5s,
  'fold-color': #dadcdc,
  'fold-content-animation': .2s*(3+1)/2, // replace 3 with number of elements that you want to animate
  'light-color': #ffffff, // White
  'overlay-color': #1c1726, // Bastille

Under the hood, the addon will merge the default settings and any settings supplied in an $ember-3d-folding-panel map and use those to style the panels. Very little, other than this map, should be required to get the panels looking the way you want them to.

Example styles usages

If you wanted to supply some different colors for the panels, but keep the same animations, your styles.scss might look something like this:

$ember-3d-folding-panel: (
  'color-1': #ffffff,
  'color-2': #000000,
  'color-3': #ffffff,
  'color-4': #000000

// After you define your overrides, make sure to import the styles from the addon!
@import 'ember-3d-folding-panel';