
Express middleware for rendering markdown files

express, markdown, docs, write, edit, save, preview, node.js, express.js, md, editor, render, renderer, documentation
npm install express-markdown-reloaded@0.2.4




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Express middleware for rendering markdown files

It looks for URLs ending in ".md" or ".markdown", example:


  • camel case path routing
  • highlighting (client and/or server side)
  • line numbers
  • marked options
  • templates

Render View with marked.js Editor View of EpicEditor Preview View of EpicEditor


npm install express-markdown-reloaded --save


git clone
cd express-markdown-reloaded
npm install

cd example
npm install
npm start


npm install "git+" --save


var expressmarkdown = require('express-markdown-reloaded');

var highlightjs = require('highlight.js');

// optional
// set view engine
app.set('views', path.join(__dirname, 'views'));
// set .ejs as the default extension
app.set('view engine', 'ejs');

// !!!IMPORTANT: place this before static or similar middleware

    // directory where markdown files are stored
    // required
    directory: path.join(__dirname,'/docs'),

    // case sensitive/ camel case routing, defaults to lower case
    // optional
    // app.get('case sensitive routing') -> use express settings
    caseSensitive: app.get('case sensitive routing'),

    // view to use for rendering markdown files with a view engine
    // e.g with an ejs template -> full html page
    // optional
    // default is undefined, no view -> raw html content
    view: 'markdown',

    // include raw text in hidden div
    includerawtext: true,

    // load epic editor, for use with markdown_epiceditor.ejs
    loadepiceditor: true,

    // options for marked (see [](
    // tip: skip the server side highlighting function and use markdown_advanced.ejs with client
    // side code highlighting and line numbers !!!
    marked: {
        renderer: new marked.Renderer(),
        gfm: true,
        tables: true,
        breaks: false,
        pedantic: false,
        sanitize: true,
        smartLists: true,
        smartypants: false,
        highlight: function (code) {
            return highlightjs.highlightAuto(code).value;

    // variable passed in the context when rendering with a view engine
    // optional
    // e.g a title, js- and css- script may be passed in, and, raw css
    // and/or js can be executed, depending on your template (see markdown.ejs)
    context: {
        stylesheeturl: '',
        styleraw: '',
        title: 'Markdown',
        //script: '',
        jsraw: '',
        jsscripturl: ''


// now the static middleware
app.use('/docs',express.static(path.join(__dirname,'docs'), { maxAge: 0 }));

// optional
// and maybe we want to list the files
app.use('/docs',,'docs'), { icons:true }));

sample ejs template for your view directory (markdown.ejs)

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <title><%= title %></title>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href='<%= stylesheeturl %>'>
            <%- styleraw %>
        <div class="container">
            <%- content %>
    <script defer="defer" type="text/javascript" src='<%= jsscripturl %>'></script>
        <script defer="defer" ><%= jsraw %></script>

Known issues

  • none


if you would like to help improving this module, please:

  • write tests
  • help debugging/ solving the known issues
  • send bug fixes/ pull request
  • if you use this module, provide a link for reference
