🎉 Expressed-gen
An Expressed Sequelized generator
Express or simply Express, is a back end web application framework for Node.js, released as free and open-source software under the MIT License. It is designed for building web applications and APIs. It has been called the de facto standard server framework for Node.js.
Sequelize is a promise-based Node.js ORM for Postgres, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite and Microsoft SQL Server. It features solid transaction support, relations, eager and lazy loading, read replication and more.
📝 A Small Note regading the generator
This repository is firstly made for my folder-structer and modules I generally used in my backend development work!
Which is bare minimum and the most common but best practices when building backend in node.
The generator comes with in-built TypeScript supports with Sequelize ORM (Object Relational Mapping) which pre-configued with SQLITE setup, however I am now working on various relational databases like -
- PostgreSQL
- MariaDB
- SQL Server
🎉 Usuage Process
Install Npm module
npm install expressed-gen -g
npx expressed-gen demo-backend
⚡ How to use?
The easiest way to use the generator by first installing the module using npm i expressed-gen -g
and then do the following...
🐱🏍 Bootstrap in a empty project folder
expressed-gen . yarn dev
⚡ If you want to create project with named in CLIexpressed-gen demo-backend yarn dev
This is how it's works...
Pre-bundled Modules
The Generator comes with various and bare minimal modules to work with, which fastifies you development workflow while maintaining the folder configurations and again and again modules configurations, Which stops you from re-invent the wheel.
The support of TypeScript
and corresponding @types
declarations are already back packed.
🦝 Dependencies
- express
- sequelize orm
- bcrypt
- cors
- express-fileupload
- jsonwebtoken
- slugify
- http-errors
- dotenv
- uuid
📌 Dev dependencies
- morgan
- nodemon
- sqlite3
🔥 Releases
Patch v1.0.13 includes
✅ Environment Secrets Token are now pre-generated 64bit
Patch v1.0.9 includes
🙈 Fix Issues spawning up a thread for CLI -
😍 Compatible with macOS - (ENONET SHELL ISSUE SOLVED)
Patch v1.0.7 includes
⚡ Rapid fast backend development. -
💀 improved error handling CLI commands -
🎉 More improved file configurations -
🔥 http-errors
preconfigured for HttpErrors handlings - 🐱🏍 Prefetched RDMS lists for ORM
⚡ Pre-bundled with -express
⭐ For faster development pre-packed withsqlite3
database (Don't need to take hassles with DB_Connections) -
✅ TypeScript Ready.
NPM Module: Expresssed-gen Download