You can extract the function in the source code and use it for testing.
npm i extract-function --save-dev
Using module in source code
var sourceCode = `
* @extract BasicFunc
* */
function basicFunc() {
// OK
function test() {
// OK
var ExtractFunction = require("extract-function");
var ef = new ExtractFunction(sourceCode);
ef.hasAnnotationName("extract"); // -> `true`
ef.getAnnotationnValue("extract"); // -> `BasicFunc`
ef.getComments(); // -> `/**\n * @extract BasicFunc\n * */`
ef.getClosestFunction(); // -> `function basicFuc() {\n // OK\n }`
Using the Command Line
extract-function --src files --out directory --beautify boolean
$ extract-function -s ./src/**.js -o ./test/extractFiles --beatufiy false
-s, --src files A list of files containing annotations to extract.
-o, --out directory The directory where extracted files will be created.
-b, --beautify boolean Apply beautify-js to the extracted files.
--help Display this usage guide.
./node_modules/.bin/extract-function -s ./test/sample.js -o ./result
(() => {
* @extract BasicFunc
* */
function basicFunc() {
// OK
* @extract ArgsTest
* */
function argsTest(a, b, c, d) {
// OK
* @extract FunctionLiteral
* */
var functionLiteral = function () {
// OK
var obj = {
* @extract ObjectInFunction
* */
objInFunction: function () {
// OK
* @extract AnonymousFunction
* */
(function () {
// OK
function outerFunction() {
* @extract InnerFunction
* */
function innerFunction() {
// OK
Output : A list of extracted files.
├── AnonymousFunction.js
├── ArgsTest.js
├── BasicFunc.js
├── FunctionLiteral.js
├── InnerFunction.js
└── ObjectInFunction.js