
Analysis and recommendations for app dev

npm install fabric8-stack-analysis-ui@2.1.3


Fabric8 Recommender

build Semantic Release

Fabric8 Recommender is a stack analysis feature.


  • Pre-requisites:

    • node v8.9.1+ (required by anuglar-cli 6+)

    • npm 5.5.1

This angular library is built using angular-cli. The main application is the demo app. The library source is under /projects/fabric8-stack-analysis-ui.

  • Install the dependencies

npm i
  • Build library & demo app

npm run build
  • Run the library tests

npm test
to run the library test in watch mode: npm run test:lib:dev

Running the demo

To work with stack analysis demo, targeting PROD backend services:

$ npm install; npm run build

Then, start the app with:

$ npm start

Open your browser:

    "access_token": "",
    "route_config": {
        "api_url": "https://recommender.api.openshift.io/"

To get OSIO-TOKEN follow below steps :

  1. Login to OSIO

  2. Go to profile view

  3. Edit Profile

  4. Copy token

NOTE : STACK_ID is the ID of any stack analyses in OpenShift.io (can be fetched from network tab).


Semantic release are done via fabric8cd using semantic-release. - merging each PR will result with an automatic build of master - and a release apatch, minor or major version. You should use correct commit message.

To test a distribution package:

npm run package

will generate fabric8-stack-analysis-ui-0.0.1.tgz in dist/fabric8-stack-analysis-ui folder.

npm install fabric8-stack-analysis-ui-0.0.1.tgz

to test your distribution within your app. == Contributing

The development guide is part of the contributors' instructions. Please check it out in order to contribute to this project.