Simple, scalable vector icon font for websites, apps.

icons, font, web font, icon font, svg, feathericon, css, fontcustom, npm-package, sass, sketch, svg-icons, svg-sprites, vector, vector-icons, webfonts
npm install feathericon@1.0.2




feathericon is simple, scalable vector icon font for websites, apps.


feathericon v1.0.0 is now available - the brand new design icons 🎉🎉
You can also use old version.

Getting Started


  1. Download ZIP folder from here.
  2. Copy the css/ and fonts/ directory to your project.
  3. In the <head> of your html, reference the location to your feathericon.min.css.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/css/feathericon.min.css">
  1. Place feathicon with <i> tag in your html like this. fe class is required to use our icons correctly. Check out our website to start using icons!
<i class="fe fe-heart"></i>

Using SVG sprite

  1. Download ZIP folder from here.
  2. Copy the svg/sprite/sprite.feathericon.svg to your project.
  3. In your html, place like this. You can set specify any width, height, and fill with HTML attributes or CSS. Make sure put the icon name with hash after .svg extension.
<svg width="16px" height="16px" fill="#0099cc" class="icon">
  <use xlink:href="/<path-to-your>/sprite.feathericon.svg#heart"></use>
  .icon {
    width: 16px;
    height: 16px;
    fill: #0099cc;

For developers

Node.js projects

  1. Install via npm or yarn.
$ npm install feathericon --save
$ yarn add feathericon
  1. Copy fonts/ directory to your project.
$ cp -r node_modules/feathericon/build/fonts/ path/to/fonts
  1. You can simply point your Sass (SCSS) include-path at your node_modules/ directory. This case is using gulp-sass.
gulp.task('sass', function () {
  return gulp.src('path/to/*.scss')
      loadPath     : 'node_modules/feathericon/build/scss/',
      outputStyle  : 'compressed'
    }).on('error', $.sass.logError))

Then you can import it in your scss(sass) file.

@import "feathericon";

Ruby on Rails projects

You can install via RubyGems.


Customize feathericon

1. Edit Sketch document

Sketch document

Open the Sketch document in src/feathericons.sketch. Each icon exists as an artboard within the Sketch document. If you’re adding an icon, duplicate one of the artboards and add your shapes to it. Be sure to give your artboard a name that makes sense.

2. Update data.json

If you've added a new icon, you'll need to add a new entry and keywords for it in the data.json.

3. Build icons


  • Node.js
  • npm

You can download from the Node.js download page, or install via package managers. Node.js comes with npm (See more).

  1. Open the feathericon/ directory in Terminal.
  2. Run this command to install dependencies for building icons.
$ npm run setup
  1. Run this command. Running the gulp task will generate the font, css, scss and SVGs, placing them in the build/ directory.
$ npm run webfont


If you want to tweak font settings, edit fontcustom.yml. feathericon is using FontCustom to build fonts, stylesheets such as feathericon.css and _feathericon.scss. If you need more information for FontCustom, visit their GitHub Repository.

Bugs, Ideas, Pull Requests

If you have any ideas or find bugs, please send me Pull Requests or let me know with GitHub Issues :)


MIT (C) 2018 Megumi Hano