
A power lavalink wrapper for nodeJS made with shoukaku.

lavalink, lavalink weapper, discord, music, discord.js, discordjs, lavalink-client, lavalink-wrapper, lavaplayer, nodejs
npm install ferra-link@0.2.82


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🎶 FerraLink

A Simple but powerful Lavalink Client for your JavaScript Discord Bot!

🔨 Requirements

  • Node.js >= 16.9.0 or Latest.
  • Discord.js >= 14.6.0.

📖 Documentation

📂 Implementation

📦 How to Install FerraLink

Dev: "npm i https://github.com/vkamsingh/Ferralink-Dev.git" //Dev version supports lavalink v4. https://github.com/vkamsingh/Ferralink-Dev#how-to-setup-our-ferralink
Stable: "npm i npm i ferra-link"

How to Setup our FerraLink

Set the Initilizer of Ferralink

Creating in a way like the code example you can import the bot, nodes and shoukakuOptions.

const { Client, GatewayIntentBits } = require("discord.js");
const { FerraLink } = require("ferra-link");
const { Connectors } = require("shoukaku");

const client = new Client({
    intents: [

client.FerraLink = new FerraLink({
    nodes: [{
      name: "Lavalink",
      url: "localhost:2333",
      auth: "youshallpass",
      secure: false
    shoukakuoptions: {
        moveOnDisconnect: false,
        resumable: false,
        resumableTimeout: 60,
        reconnectTries: 10,
        restTimeout: 60000
    spotify: [{
        ClientID: "Your spotify clientId here",
        ClientSecret: "Your spotify clientSecret here"
    defaultSearchEngine: "FerralinkSpotify",
}, new Connectors.DiscordJS(client));


A small example to create play command.

module.exports = {
   name: "play",
   aliases: ["p"],
   run: async (client, message, args) => {
const player = await client.FerraLink.createPlayer({
    guildId: message.guild.id,
    voiceId: message.member.voice.channel.id,
    textId: message.channel.id,
    shardId: message.guild.shardId,
    volume: 100,
    deaf: true,

const resolve = await player.search(args.join(" "));
const { loadType, tracks, playlistInfo } = resolve;

if (loadType === "NO_MATCHES" || !tracks.length) return message.reply({content: "No match songs result found!"});

if (loadType === "PLAYLIST_LOADED") {
    for (const track of tracks) {
        player.queue.add(track, { requester: message.author });
    if (!player.playing && !player.paused) await player.play();
    message.channel.send({ content: `Added ${player.queue.length} tracks from ${playlistInfo.name}` });
} else if (loadType === "SEARCH_RESULT" || loadType === "TRACK_LOADED") {
    player.queue.add(tracks[0], { requester: message.author });
    if (!player.playing && !player.paused) await player.play();
    message.channel.send({ content: `Queued ${tracks[0].info.title}` });
} else return;

Getting the Events (shoukaku)

You can access event with the help of client.FerraLink.shoukaku.on().....

Event Name Elements Description
ready name, resumed Event of the node connection.
error name, error Event of the node error.
close name, code, reason Event of the node close.
disconnect name, players, move Event of the node disconnect.
debug name, reason Event of the node debug.

Getting the Events (FerraLink)

You can access event with the help of client.FerraLink.on().....

Event Name Elements Description
trackStart player, track Event of the track start.
trackEnd player, track Event of the track end.
queueEnd player Event of the queue end.
PlayerClosed player, data Event of the player close.
trackException player, data Event of the track exception.
PlayerUpdate player, data Event of the player update.
trackStuck player, data Event of the track stuck.
trackError player, error Event of the track error.
PlayerResumed player Event of the player resumed.
PlayerDestroy player Event of the player destroyed.
PlayerCreate player Event of the player create.

Donations 🧡🧡

You can donate to us to improve our project!

"Buy Me A Coffee"


Deivu as the owner of Shoukaku.

Vkamsingh, Corgi as the owner of FerraLink.

Prahar as the maintainer of FerraLink Docs.

Inspired by kazagumo, Poru and erela.js.