
A set of Authentication interceptors for Frest

rest, client, browser, fetch, whatwg-fetch, frest, auth, interceptor, fetch-api, rest-client, typescript, xhr
npm install frest-auth@0.12.1




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Browser REST client wrapper of Fetch API with XHR fallback and interceptor support


  • HTTP methods shortcut and CRUD aliases
  • XMLHttpRequest fallback, for file download/upload (with progress event) and when Fetch API is not available
  • Interceptors to manipulate request/response/error:
    • Before request, add additional config for all/some operation before firing the request
    • After response, transform response before returning for all/some operation
    • Error, catch all error / request retry possibility
  • Include UMD build for direct usage in html script tag
  • Include TypeScript definition


Install the package using npm or yarn

npm install --save frest
# or
yarn add frest

Or include the UMD build directly in a script tag

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Basic examples.

import frest from 'frest';
// in UMD build, frest, Frest and FrestError are included in Window object

// with default instance
// call HTTP method
  // request config will override the default config of Frest instance
  .get('foo', { headers: new Headers({ 'X-Foo': 'foo' }) })
  .then(res => {
    // res is an object containing Fetch's response and the body
    console.log('origin', res.origin);
    // by default, without any interceptors, the body is undefined
    console.log('body', res.body);
    if (res.origin.ok) {
      return res.origin.json();
    Promise.reject('uh oh');
  .then(body => {
    console.log('body', body);
  .catch(err => {
    // err is an instance of FrestError
    console.error('err', err);

// available methods // HTTP POST
api.put(...) // HTTP PUT
api.delete(...) // HTTP DELETE
api.patch(...) // HTTP PATCH
api.option(...) // HTTP OPTION // Download file, support onDownloadProgress event
api.upload(...) // Upload file, support onUploadProgress event

// Use with async-await style
async function makeRequest() {
  try {
    const res = await'blah');
    if (res.ok) {
      const body = await res.origin.json();
      console.log('body', body);
  } catch (err) {
    console.error('request failed', err);

// With custom instance
const api = frest.create('');

// config extends Fetch's init option
const api = frest.create({
  base: '',
  headers: new Headers({
    'X-Foo': 'bar',