
Galpop is an content pop-up that can display images, HTML and iframes. It can be controlled with the left and right arrow keys and automatically resizes with your browser.

gallery, pop-up, graphics, images, photos, jquery-plugin, gallery-plugin, jquery, popup
npm install galpop@1.1.0


Galpop Image Gallery

Description: Galpop is an content pop-up that can display images, HTML and iframes. It can be controlled with the left and right arrow keys and automatically resizes with your browser.

Author: Richard Hung

More documentation and examples:


Install it using npm:

$ npm install galpop

Or download as ZIP.

Key Features

  • Resizes with your browser
  • Can use arrow keys for controls
  • Callbacks after every image is loaded
  • Backgrounds and borders can be easily changed with CSS

How to Use

Galpop has a CSS and JS file in addition to the jQuery library.

<link type="text/css" href="css/jquery.galpop.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen" />

<script src=""></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.galpop.min.js"></script>

Create anchors that link to the pop-up image. You should add a "data-galpop-group" attribute to the anchor which will group all your images so you can use next and previous buttons.

<a href="images/image-1-large.jpg" class="galpop" data-galpop-group="gallery" title="first image">
	<img src="images/image-1-tb.jpg" alt="first image thumbnail" />
<a href="images/image-2-large.jpg" class="galpop" data-galpop-group="gallery" title="second image">
	<img src="images/image-2-tb.jpg" alt="second image thumbnail" />
<a href="images/image-3-large.jpg" class="galpop" data-galpop-group="gallery" title="third image">
	<img src="images/image-3-tb.jpg" alt="third image thumbnail" />

Initiate the plugin after the HTML markup.
