Just write scripts for Node.js environment, then build to use in the browsers

compile, minify, es6, util, builder, compiler, javascript, nodejs, transpiler
npm install gcc-min@1.0.8



Simplify package building process with Rollup. Just write the mudules using ES6 Modules syntax, and let's gcc-min build them to a single file.

NPM CI test



npm install gcc-min

Run command to build:

gccmin --entry entryFile --name moduleName --file fileName --output outputDir --package pathToPackageJSONFile

// or
gccmin -e entryFile -n moduleName -f fileName -o outputDir -p pathToPackageJSONFile

Or Node APIs

const gccmin = require('gcc-min');

gccmin(path entryFile, String moduleName, String fileName, path outputDir, Object config);

In which:

  • entryFile: path to entry file that will be processed by Rollup
  • moduleName: name of module, to be accessible from global scope
  • fileName: name of file will be generated, if not specify, it's the same as moduleName
  • outputDir: location to save generated files to
  • config: a JavaScript object which contain the meta data info to insert into the output files. It may be extracted from package.json file.

The config object must provide the following properties:

  name: String,
  version: String in semver format, e.g: '1.2.3'
  author: String,
  repository: Object {
    type: 'git',
    url: "https://github.com/username/reponame"
  license: String


git clone https://github.com/ndaidong/gcc-min.git
cd gcc-min
npm install
npm test


The MIT License (MIT)