
A library for calculating interception points of aerial targets based on coordinates (EPSG:4326).

geo, distance, geography, circle, nodejs
npm install geo-hunter@1.2.1


Geo Hunter

Geo Hunter is a Node.js library for calculating the interception point of an aerial target based on its coordinates in the EPSG:4326 format (latitude and longitude). It is designed for geographic and aerodynamic calculations, taking into account parameters such as speed, direction, altitude, and maximum range.


  • Interception Point Calculation: Determines the optimal interception point based on the trajectory of the target and the characteristics of the interceptor.
  • EPSG:4326 Support: Works with geographic coordinates in latitude and longitude format.
  • Altitude Awareness: Considers the vertical distance between the target and the interceptor.
  • Trajectory Analysis: Generates the trajectory of the target based on its direction and speed.
  • Configurable Parameters: Allows customization of interceptor properties, such as speed, operational range, and starting position.
  • Precision Calculations: Uses advanced geographic formulas to ensure accurate results.


To install Geo Hunter, use npm:

npm install geo-hunter


Example: Calculating the Interception Point (JavaScript)

const { makeInterception } = require("geo-hunter");

const target = {
  coord_x: 30.52,   // Longitude of the target
  coord_y: 50.45,   // Latitude of the target
  coord_z: 10000,   // Altitude of the target in meters
  crs_xy: 90,       // Direction of movement (in degrees)
  speed: 900        // Speed of the target (km/h)

const interceptor = {
  lon: 31.0,        // Longitude of the interceptor
  lat: 50.0,        // Latitude of the interceptor
  max_speed: 1200,  // Maximum speed (km/h)
  cruise_speed: 900,// Cruise speed (km/h)
  max_distance: 500 // Operational range (km)

const result = makeInterception(target, interceptor);

if (result.point) {
  console.log(`Interception Point: longitude ${result.point.lon}, latitude ${}`);
  console.log(`Steps to intercept: ${result.steps}`);
  console.log(`Interception Probability: ${result.interceptedPercent}%`);
} else {
  console.log("The target cannot be intercepted under the current conditions.");

Example: Calculating the Interception Point (TypeScript)

import { makeInterception, Target, Interceptor } from "geo-hunter";

const target: Target = {
  coord_x: 30.52,   // Longitude of the target
  coord_y: 50.45,   // Latitude of the target
  coord_z: 10000,   // Altitude of the target in meters
  crs_xy: 90,       // Direction of movement (in degrees)
  speed: 900        // Speed of the target (km/h)

const interceptor: Interceptor = {
  lon: 31.0,        // Longitude of the interceptor
  lat: 50.0,        // Latitude of the interceptor
  max_speed: 1200,  // Maximum speed (km/h)
  cruise_speed: 900,// Cruise speed (km/h)
  max_distance: 500 // Operational range (km)

const result = makeInterception(target, interceptor);

if (result.point) {
  console.log(`Interception Point: longitude ${result.point.lon}, latitude ${}`);
  console.log(`Steps to intercept: ${result.steps}`);
  console.log(`Interception Probability: ${result.interceptedPercent}%`);
} else {
  console.log("The target cannot be intercepted under the current conditions.");

Parameters Table

Parameter Type Description Required
coord_x number Longitude of the target (in degrees, EPSG:4326). Yes
coord_y number Latitude of the target (in degrees, EPSG:4326). Yes
coord_z number Altitude of the target (in meters). Yes
crs_xy number Direction of the target's movement (in degrees, 0-360). Yes
speed number Speed of the target (in km/h). Yes
lon number Longitude of the interceptor (in degrees, EPSG:4326). Yes
lat number Latitude of the interceptor (in degrees, EPSG:4326). Yes
max_speed number Maximum speed of the interceptor (in km/h). Yes
cruise_speed number Cruise speed of the interceptor (in km/h). Yes
max_distance number Operational range of the interceptor (in km). Yes
point object or null Coordinates of the interception point ({ lon: number, lat: number }) or null if not interceptable. No
steps number Number of steps required to reach the interception point. No
interceptedPercent number or undefined Probability of successful interception (percentage). No

Data Types Table

Type Properties Description
Target coord_x: number
coord_y: number
coord_z: number
crs_xy: number
speed: number
Represents the target's coordinates, speed, and movement direction.
Interceptor lon: number
lat: number
max_speed: number
cruise_speed: number
max_distance: number
Represents the interceptor's position, speed, and range.
InterceptionResult `point: { lon: number, lat: number } null<br>steps: number<br>interceptedPercent?: number`